Tuesday, July 19 at 3:45 pm PT
27 degrees and 40 minutes of Capricorn

“Newtonian dualism pits us against time … we are deluded into thinking that time is out there, an actual physical entity that can put pressure on us in here.~Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap

Full Moons occur when the Sun is in the opposite sign as the Moon and typically experienced as the most powerful phase of the lunation cycle. Astrologically, the Moon represents our internal emotional nature and the Sun our external passion and direction. Because the Sun is traveling through the Moon’s sign – Cancer –  we can anticipate this Full Moon to illuminate any emotions that might be hindering our freedom and enthusiasm to pursue life. We can certainly expect that to be the case because Pluto, the planet representing intensity, power, and transformation, is also currently residing in the sign of Capricorn.

Among other things, Capricorn is the sign associated with our perception of time-space reality. Impatience with the timing of – or the maturation of our goals – can keep us from enjoying the moment within time that we are currently experiencing. Gay Hendricks, in his amazing book, The Big Leap, reminds us that we are currently operating from a Newtonian mindset, “In this paradigm, we think of time as the master and us as its slave. At the extreme, time becomes our persecutor, and we think of ourselves as its victim.” As we awaken to our creative capacity within the quantum realm we realize that we are time itself – or the lack thereof. This is indeed very powerful knowledge. Hendricks further encourages us to, “Take ownership of time – acknowledge that you are where it comes from – and it will stop owning you. Claim time as yours, and it will release its claim on you.”

Capricorn is also the sign associated with responsibility, authority, work-life balance, control, reflection, fear, and emotional repression. Take time to reflect on your own personal understanding of responsibility in your life. Do you take on too much or avoid responsibility all together? Do you have hobbies that you enjoy outside of work? Are you able to be your own authority or do you give your personal authority over to others?  Do you trust in a divine plan or do you try to control your surroundings or the behavior and lives of others? Do you take time to reflect on your life or do you ignore and repress your emotions and the inner promptings of your psyche? And, lastly, do you have faith in the flow of grace in your life or are you fearful and pessimistic? Non-constructive personal patterns are often masking deeply buried emotions. Ask that any hidden actions be illuminated. Once acknowledged, a plan may be put in place to make the necessary changes to create and be all that you desire.

This Full Moon is a beautiful time to own your creation of “time” and rejoice in your ability to step into “the field” and create all the “time” you need.

Capricorn Full Moon Themes to Focus On:
creation of time, work-life balance, emotional and physical security, maturation, self-responsibility, personal authority, letting go of control, trusting in the grace of divine timing.

Go outside under the Full Moon and infuse your being with its reflective light. Set your intentions, chant, drum, dance, howl – whatever calls you! Create your intentions for emotional freedom and passion of life.  And, most importantly, base them on universal law and the eternal well-being for all life, including Mother Earth.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye


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