Friday, September 16 – 12:05 p.m. PT
Twenty-Four degrees – Nineteen minutes of Pisces

This penumbral Lunar Eclipse will be visible to observers in North America, Eastern Asia and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean.

Lasting three hours and 59 minutes in duration, September 16 will mark the end of a very powerful Eclipse season. Eclipses, Equinoxes and Solstices – as well as other significant celestial events – provide an opportunity to consciously embrace powerful universal energies. This Full Moon also happens to be a Harvest Full Moon because it is the Full Moon occurring closest to the Fall Equinox (Sept. 22).

Lunar Eclipses are a time to look at what is no longer working in our lives; to initiate the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This will be true for all of us, but especially for those who have Pisces or Virgo planets in their horoscope as these are the two zodiacal signs in which the September Eclipses occur. You can expect a Lunar Eclipse to maintain an influence in your life for as long as it takes for you to resolve the emotional dynamics occurring during its influence.

Eclipses help you to create shifts in your life and encourage you to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. They work on three levels: personal, collective, and ultimately, the integration of both. Where there is inner uncertainty, an Eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity. Pay close attention to the revelations occurring during this Eclipse month, as what was previously hidden gives way to the light.

Representing union, Pisces is the mystical calling and unending quest to ultimately merge with divine. This Piscean search for union can permeate our dreaming and waking reality. When a Lunar Eclipse falls in the sign of Pisces, your waking world can become dreamy and surreal. The veils between the earthly and spirit realms become very thin during Eclipses and especially so when an Eclipse occurs under Pisces’s influence. This is an auspicious Eclipse to seek and merge with the sacredness of your higher self—the divine that exists within.

This current Eclipse highlights the Pisces-Virgo axis of the zodiac. Both these signs are sensitive to psychic disturbances and environmental pollutants and toxins, which eventually encourage purification and integration of body-mind-spirit. Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs indicating they are flexible with change. Take advantage of this restorative Eclipse and create new routines that allow for daily meditation and healthier ways of living.

As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the culmination of a cycle, endings in one or more areas of your life, or simply letting go of habitual patterns that no longer serve your highest well-being. During this transitional time on our planet, each of us is experiencing changes that require relinquishing comforts associated with old ways of being. Therefore, even the most difficult culminations serve your highest good while simultaneously preventing unnecessary crises and suffering when change is resistant. Embrace and honor the wisdom of fluidity that this powerful Eclipse is granting and dream new and exciting visions into your future.

The ancient sages felt that Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between Earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

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