Leo Lunar Eclipse
Friday, Feb 10 – 4:32 p.m.
22 degrees and 28 minutes of Leo

This prenumbral Lunar Eclipse will be visible to observers in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean.

Lasting four hours and 19 minutes in duration, February 10 will mark the beginning of a very powerful Eclipse year. Eclipses, Equinoxes and Solstices — as well as other significant celestial events — provide an opportunity to consciously embrace powerful universal energies.

This month we are fortunate to have two important Eclipses with energies oriented toward transformation and destiny: The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on February 10 and the New Moon Solar Eclipse on February 26. As you have experienced and know firsthand, Astrology is an effective tool for understanding the soul’s evolutionary journey. It is an amazing modality and when studied closely will provide wise counsel of your destined path. That said, it is always important to point out that the planets or birth chart do not cause events to occur in our lives, rather they reflect  our level of consciousness — or awareness of the stagnant patterns from which we wish to break free.

Awareness to your individual past patterning, as well as your soul’s current destiny, is one of the many gifts Astrology offers. When you feel stuck and not able to create movement in your life, you have likely become too comfortable with the security of past familiarity. Therefore, discomfort will become more intense in order to instigate movement into a new way of interacting in life. During important Eclipse periods such as this one, the universe is encouraging us to awaken to our individual and collective destinies.

Lunar Eclipses are a time to look at what is no longer working in our lives so we can initiate the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This will be true for all of us, but especially powerful for those who have Leo or Pisces planets in their horoscope as these are the two zodiacal signs in which the February Eclipses occur. For each of us, we can expect a Lunar Eclipse to maintain an influence in our life for as long as it takes to resolve the emotional dynamics that surfaced during its unfolding.

“We are not here on earth to change our destiny, but to fulfill it.” ~Guy Finely

Eclipses help you to create shifts in your life and encourage you to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. They work on three levels: personal, collective, and ultimately, the integration of both. Where there is inner uncertainty, an Eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity. Pay close attention to the revelations occurring during this Eclipse month, as what was previously hidden gives way to the light.

Astrologers have studied Eclipses and their effects since the Babylonian Era and have found that they often coincide with earth changes, modern stock market fluctuations and political upheavals. With the advent of external events, Eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed change — collectively as well as individually. As a potent example, the current political unrest within the United States is far from resolved and this discontent is exuding global comradery. As I’ve shared in previous articles over the past months and years, the current Astrological signatures are encouraging us to “awaken from our complacency” and initiate change. These Astrological aspects are being experienced on a global scale and will continue to prove individually and collectively transformative as outmoded systems collapse.

The zodiacal sign this Eclipse falls in is Leo, which is the sign that encourages creative self-expression and heart consciousness. The fire of Leo ignites passion, inspiration and the ability to single-mindedly focus on one’s goals. Leo also represents children and romance, marking a time to evaluate whether or not we are nurturing our inner child, and creating romantic moments of honoring and loving the self.

As the heart is ruled by Leo it is important during this Eclipse to set intentions that honor your heart’s desires. The essence of your creative light and the ability to love yourself and others exists within the center of your heart. Find the center of your heart during this Eclipse and honor your unique and special gifts.

Eclipse Contemplation Themes: Am I following my destiny?; What is being revealed during this Eclipse cycle?; What are my heart’s desires?; Can I release what is no longer serving me?; What new cycle should I initiate? Do I love myself?; Am I creating romance in my life?; Am I honoring my unique gifts?

Eclipses always occur in pairs. The second, a Solar Eclipse, will occur on February 26, during the New Moon in Pisces. The next pair of eclipses will occur in August. The energies of an eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an eclipse. The ancient sages believed that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

Click here to schedule your Astrological Consultation and
discover how the 2017 Eclipses are effecting you.

Copyright 2017 by Linda Kaye

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