Desires and the Pisces New Moon

Desires and the Pisces New Moon

March 17, 2018 – 6:11 a.m. PT
26°53′ Pisces

It is through the artistic and soulful expression of Piscean energies that we can each experience the true essence of the all-pervading consciousness that exists within everything.

New Moons represent a time of new beginnings and rebirth. They are excellent opportunities to set intentions for new life directions or simply to start new projects. This is the best time of the month to plant positive thoughts in the subconscious mind with affirmations, auspicious chants, and visualizations. Inspiration, hope, and support all flourish during the next couple of days for those seeking spiritual, emotional, or mental liberation of any kind.

Under this New Moon you can anticipate spiritual insight that is intended to feed your soul and not your ego. Pisces is the mystical sign that is associated with the eternal cosmic union that is each individual’s ultimate destiny. Generally, Pisces energy naturally gravitates to and feels most comfortable in “cosmic” versus “linear” time. It prefers to exist (and often gets lost) in the moment. This can be frustrating when we fail to understand the real soul desires and intentions of this final sign of the zodiac.

Because Pisces is a water sign and the last sign of the zodiac it seeks to dissolve all separating desires in order to unite with divinity and experience unity consciousness — liberation! All desires emanating from the soul must be fulfilled in order for it to return to source energy. Once earthly desires no longer satisfy our soul it is common to experience disillusionment. When a loss of meaning does occur, its purpose is to help us awaken to the fact that the only desire that will bring true and long-lasting meaning is our connection to God/Goddess, the divine, source, etc.

This month’s New Moon is in a very close alignment with Chiron, the planet often associated with “The Rainbow Bridge” because it is the planet that can create the connection from our external world of materialism to our internal world of spirituality and consciousness. Also known as “The Wounded Healer” or “Shamanic Healer,” Chiron represents our collective and individual wounds — physical, emotional, or psycho-spiritual — which can be healed using natural, holistic, and alternative forms of medicine. His presence with this New Moon may light up an area of your life that requires a vigilant awareness and commitment to healing. It is through this awareness and commitment that you can embrace your deepest wounds, retrieve the fragmented and lost parts of yourself, and be made whole again.

Additionally, Pisces is also one of the two signs of the zodiac associated with healing (Virgo is the other). Therefore, this New Moon in Pisces, along with Chiron, is a potent restorative combination and can help illuminate any healing that may need to occur so you can connect to your heart’s truest desires. Pisces also represents the dreamtime. Therefore, pay close attention to your dreams and any messages they provide over the upcoming days.

Under this important New Moon, it is beneficial to take time out of your busy schedule to contemplate a few essential questions:

1) What is separating me from the truest expression of my divine self?
2) What needs my awareness and commitment to healing?
3) What desires does my soul wish to experience?
4) What experiences are no longer providing meaning in my life and need to be culminated so I can align to my higher nature?
5) How can I more fully integrate with the divine?

Once you’ve answered these questions, take time to create intentions that will lead you into a closer relationship with your highest goals.

Copyright 2018 by Linda Kaye

Spring Equinox & the Aries Sun

Spring Equinox & the Aries Sun

Equinox means balance between night and day (dark and light)!
Tuesday, March 20  –  9:15 a.m. PDT

“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke

The movement of the Sun into Aries marks the beginning of the seasonal and Astrological New Year.

Aries is the sign that represents initiations into brand new frontiers. This is the best time of year to set aside time to meditate on the intentions that you would like to create for the manifestation of new beginnings in your life.

Aries carries a powerful force so be careful what you wish for as you just might get it! Intentions set during this period can create real changes in your life as the Sun transitions to the Aries zero point – the potent and critical beginning degree of the Astrological zodiac.

Plant the seeds of your intentions and watch them sprout and grow during the next three months, and eventually bloom during the Summer Solstice. When the Fall Equinox occurs you will have a bountiful harvest and during the winter months you can assess the entire results.

Happy Spring Intention Setting!

Astrology Trivia: Did you know that Easter occurs the first Sunday following the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox? The next Full Moon occurs on Saturday March 31, and therefore, Easter occurs on April 1, this year.

Copyright 2018 by Linda Kaye


Crow Full Moon in Virgo

Crow Full Moon in Virgo

March 1, 2018
4:51 p.m. pacific time
11°23′ Virgo

Hum … what exactly is a Crow Full Moon? It is the name that the Native Peoples gave to the last Full Moon prior to the spring equinox (March 20). It was heralded by the cawing of the crows, alerting them to the end of winter.

This years Crow Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo — emphasizing the purification and integration of body, mind and spirit. Virgo is the Earth sign that holds a special affinity for all things related to our planet and her depiction honors the sacredness of Earth’s bounty as she lifts the wheat staff in her hand. The word Virgo is Latin for virgin. Its true meaning is “whole and pure within oneself.” Therefore, whenever Virgo is highlighted, an increased motivation for improvement and refinement will occur.

“Harness your mind’s power and you can reach the mountaintop. Harness your hearts power and you can reach the stars. Harness your soul’s power and you can reach the edge of the universe.”  — Matshona Dhliwa

Full Moons occur when the Moon moves into an opposition to and reflects the light of the Sun — in this case, Pisces. When Virgo, and or Pisces, is highlighted in your horoscope or in the heavens as they are under this Full Moon, you will want to give special attention to the care of your body, thoughts and spiritual practice. If any one of these areas is ignored, a self-induced crisis might occur in order to get your attention.

Pisces envisions our dreams and desires into reality. With this potent Full Moon opposite Pisces you can intend to identify your imaginative dream-world and integrate it with the down-to-Earth reality of Virgo — unifying spirit and matter. Encourage your Piscean inspirations and dreams! Embrace the Virgo integration of your body, mind and spirit! Celebrate your contribution to the magnificent blossoming and awakening that is occurring during this time in your individual evolution.

Let this Full Moon inspire you to become more organized and meticulous with the details of your life. Use Virgo’s talent for analytical thinking and discrimination to generate new ventures that align with your desires. These qualities are especially helpful if you want to enhance or change your daily work routine. Pay attention to your personal nutritional requirements, thought processes and spiritual needs. If any one of these essential areas is out of balance in your life, now is the time to set goals for improvement.

Virgo Full Moon Key Words: Analyze, Discriminate, Daily Work, Diet, Purification, Health (intestines, nervous system, hands and feet), Mental Constructs, Spirituality

Copyright 2018 by Linda Kaye

New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse

New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse

Thursday, February 15 — 1:05 p.m. pacific time
27°07′ Leo

“The human soul is on its journey from the law to love, from discipline to liberation, from the moral plane to the spiritual.”  – Rabindranath Tagore

2018 marks the occurrence of five Eclipses in one year: two lunar and three solar. The first — a Total Lunar Eclipse — took place on January 31 in the sign of Leo.  A Partial Solar Eclipse will occur in Aquarius on February 15, and the final three Eclipses of 2018 will follow in July and August.

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon travels between the Sun and the Earth and therefore casts its shadow blocking the view of the Sun from Earth. This Eclipse will be visible in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil and Antarctica and will last for approximately two hours.

During an Eclipse the Sun and the Moon align with the nodes of the Moon, which astrologers often characterize as “points of Destiny,” while correlating the nodes with both our individual and collective growth. Solar Eclipses, in particular, provide opportunities for transformation — the ending of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. At an Eclipse, you can initiate a profound period of regeneration by aligning with your destiny and embracing any necessary changes that arise.

The darkening that occurs during an Eclipse has symbolically and historically been linked to the unveiling of something deeply hidden, an ominous secret, or the potential revelation of a great mystery. This current Eclipse falls in the sign of Aquarius and denotes the “water bearer” who pours divine wisdom from the heavens down onto humankind.

Aquarius also indicates having an altruistic attitude towards humanity. It is the inventor and is rebellious by nature; seeking liberation it desires futuristic change. For that reason, this is an auspicious Eclipse for you to set new intentions that encourage forward-thinking in order to reinvent yourself! Expect your intentions to reveal deep mysteries on the individual and collective/political spheres — which bring release, transformation, and rebirth to all sentient beings!

The Sun symbolizes creativity, wisdom, strength and outward expression. It is the energy that gives us the confidence to plan for our future. During a Solar Eclipse the Moon blocks the light from the Sun and casts a shadow on Earth. Therefore, during the next month, while we are energetically under the direct influence of this stimulating Eclipse we can find ourselves searching for our own light if the shadows of the mind and ego have created darkness. Fortunately, if this occurs, it is only temporary, as we are spiritual beings destined to awaken to our true nature.

Because Eclipses can be harbingers of great transformation and change they often coincide with unexpected earth events, stock market fluctuations, and political upheavals. On a personal note, emotions can become intense if they’ve been denied or repressed. New and important experiences or people can suddenly come into your life, and simultaneously, others may be removed. In general, changes are prevalent during Eclipses, so try to remain flexible and try not to judge anything that occurs as good or bad.

The ancient sages felt that the days just before and after Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an Eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

Copyright 2018 by Linda Kaye

Total-Blue-Lunar-Blood-Eclipse! Yep, all that!

Total-Blue-Lunar-Blood-Eclipse! Yep, all that!

Wednesday, January 31 – 5:26 a.m. pacific time
11°37′ Leo

Lasting 1 hour and 16 minutes, this Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible to observers in large parts of the United States, northeastern Europe, Russia, Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific, and Australia.

What? How can there be both a “Blue” and “Blood” Eclipse?  When a Full Moon is deemed blue it is not because of color, but due to the rarity of occurrence — hence, the popular statement, “once in a blue moon.” A Blue Moon will occur approximately every 2.5 years with the last one taking place on July 31, 2015. Based on the 29.5 day orbit of the Moon, Blue Moons occur only when there are two Full Moons in the same month. Yes, the first Full Moon occurred this month on January 1, with this second of the two marking this current Blue Moon.

Blood Moons are also rare and only occur during a total Lunar Eclipse, with the last one happening on September 2015. The red in color occurs due to the natural spectrum of sunlight emitted during a Total Eclipse.  A Blood Moon can take on many shades of red, depending on the Earth’s atmospheric conditions.

Eclipses never occur alone and generally come in pairs. This current Eclipse pair is falling in the same signs as the August 2017 Eclipses — Leo and Aquarius. Therefore, you may find yourself revisiting similar dynamics that were important to you then. If this is the case, embrace this period and consider it another opportunity for deep transformation.

Eclipse periods can feel energetically quite intense as they help you to initiate shifts in your life and encourage you to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. They work on three levels: personal, collective, and ultimately, the integration of both. Where there is inner uncertainty, an Eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity. Pay close attention to the revelations occurring during this Eclipse period, as what was previously hidden gives way to the light.

This Total Lunar Eclipse falls in Leo, which is the zodiacal sign that encourages creative self-expression and heart consciousness. The fire of Leo ignites passion, inspiration and the ability to single-mindedly focus on one’s goals. Leo also represents children and romance, marking a time to evaluate whether or not we are nurturing our inner child, and creating romantic moments of honoring and loving the self.

As the heart is ruled by Leo it is important during this Eclipse to set intentions that honor your heart’s desires. The essence of your creative light and the ability to love yourself and others exists within the center of your heart. Set strong intentions during this Solar Eclipse to always reside in the center of your heart and to honor your unique and special gifts.

Eclipse Contemplation Themes:
Am I participating in my destiny?
Am I “being” the change I wish to see in the world?
What are my heart’s desires?
Can I release what is no longer serving me?
What new cycle should I initiate?
Do I love myself?
Am I creating romance in my life?
Am I honoring my unique gifts?

The energies of an Eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an Eclipse. The ancient sages believed that Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between the Earth and the heavens is thinner during an Eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

Click here to schedule your Astrological Consultation.


Copyright 2018 by Linda Kaye

Uranus in Aries: A Wake-up Call; a Revolution; or Both!

Uranus in Aries: A Wake-up Call; a Revolution; or Both!

Friday, March 11, 2011 – March 6, 2019
Uranus was last in Aries from 1927 to 1935

Astrologically, there sure is a lot happening and I know you are all feeling it. Uranus made its final movement into Aries on March 11, 2011 providing us all with an amazing opportunity to embrace change.

Change is exactly what Uranus in Aries is striving for as it travels through the zodiac sign of Aries. Aries is the sign that seeks unfettered freedom, independence, and brand new beginnings. Combine these qualities with the rebelliousness of Uranus and anything is possible. Uranus represents the brain and lightning speed realizations, stimulating us like a probe to WAKE UP!  Wake up from what? you might ask.

Uranus is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign Aquarius, which represents an altruistic attitude towards humanity that will be covered in more detail in the next paragraph. Aquarius also represents the “water bearer” who pours his divine wisdom from the heavens down onto humankind. According to Greek mythology, Gaia – Mother Earth – was without a mate and yet gave birth to Uranus – Father Sky – who then became her husband. (It is written that Gaia herself was born from Chaos, the great void of the emptiness within the universe.) Gaia and Uranus birthed many offspring who Uranus feared because of their great power. To protect her children from her husband, Gaia hid them all within herself and experienced great pain. Therefore, she asked her son Cronus – Saturn – to castrate Uranus, thus severing the union of Earth and Sky.

This portion of the Uranus-Gaia myth is very important because it depicts the separation of god and goddess, or the divine mother-Gaia and father-sky. When we WAKE UP, we recognize this separation represents the trauma (symbolic of Uranus energy) and the distortion that occurs when we are forced to hide essential aspects of ourselves, eventually causing a schism within our psyches. The Mayans and other indigenous peoples are reminding us that the survival of our planet is dependent upon consciously waking up: we must balance the male and female aspects that exist within each of us; we must recognize the spiritual beings – gods and goddesses – within us all, and we must reunite our heavenly and earthly realms, literally and symbolically.

Uranus in Aries is ultimately asking each of us to rebel against anything that does not bring liberation to ourselves and all sentient beings. Our spiritual leaders are insistent that to heal the planet we must each individually make the changes necessary to heal ourselves. In short: it is up to us to cultivate and nurture our spiritual essence — both individually and collectively, Uranus in Aries can prove a powerful catalyst to dismantle the barriers that keep us stuck and unable to move forward. Many of us dislike change and this potent energy is certainly bound to feel uncomfortable at times. For this reason, it can be helpful to remember that Uranus is futuristic in nature and brings with it the light of awareness, thereby expanding our own personal future and the future of our planet.  Embrace this Uranus cycle as an important opportunity to create the change necessary for yourself and the children who will inherit our beautiful planet.

Following is a message by the Hopi Elders that poignantly captures the critical nature of our current Astrological themes:

You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour. Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour! And there are things to be considered: Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to yourself and do not look outside of yourself for a leader. This could be a good time! There is a river flowing very fast. It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid. They will hold on to the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly. Know that the river has its destination. The elders say that we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time we are to take nothing personally, least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.  We are the ones that we have been waiting for.     ~ The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

Re-posted November 8, 2016

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

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