Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 12:57 p.m. PDT
3 degrees and 3 minutes of Scorpio

This month’s New Moon in Scorpio ushers in an annual and auspicious celestial event known by the Hindus as Diwali or The Festival of the Lights. It is a time of celebration and lighting of lamps to honor the light of consciousness that exists within. Diwali also marks the beginning of a new financial year. Households and businesses begin new accounting ledgers dedicated to the Divine Mother and Lakshmi—the Goddess of Fortune—who is specifically honored during Diwali.

This New Moon is a favorable time to rejoice in your meditations and request that the many Goddesses of Grace and Good Fortune, (Venus, Aphrodite, and Lakshmi,) bestow their gifts of inner awareness and abundance into your life through love, peace, and harmony.

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

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