Aquarius New Moon
Tuesday, January 20th – 5:31 a.m. PT
0 degrees & 08 minutes
The sign of The Water Bearer and Freedom Seeker

Aquarius is the celestial sign that bestows the universal cosmic waters
onto humankind and our planet. Although Aquarius is an air sign, it is known
as “The Water Bearer” and this connection through the healing element of water symbolizes an ability to spread its cosmic gifts of giving and restoring life to humanity. Aquarius is also associated with futuristic thinking. Aquarians are humanitarian and philanthropic by nature with an intention to make the world a better place.

Aquarius is ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus and both are making harmonious aspects to this New Moon. Saturn is interested in maintaining the status quo, whereas Uranus wants unprecedented and sometimes radical change. Although these two are seemingly at odds with one another, they are the cosmic energies that ensure change, and therefore evolution. Their message reveals the need for embracing change, because if we resist, we may very likely find ourselves in the midst of a crisis.

“If you’re gonna make a change, you’re gonna have to
operate from a new belief that says life happens
not to me but for me.”   ~Tony Robbins

Mercury also turns retrograde in Aquarius on the 22nd of January – February 10th. This new Moon combined with Mercury Retrograde is providing an amazing opportunity to continue the evaluation of your own desires and need for change.

Lastly, when a New Moon occurs at 0 degrees of a zodiac sign it emphasizes a brand new beginning. In the sign of Aquarius this new beginning is associated with our hopes, wishes and dreams. Therefore, set goals under these auspicious influences that will support your individual and collective future.

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New Moon Ceremony – January 20, 2015 – 7:00pm

Learn More About:
Uranus’ movement through Aries
Saturn’s movement through Sagittarius
Mercury Retrograde

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

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