Saturday, August 29, 2015 – 11:35 a.m. Pacific Time
6 degrees and 6 minutes of Pisces

This month’s Super Full Moon is the first of three consecutive Super Full Moons. The second one is a potent Blood Moon Eclipse occurring on September 28 and the third occurs in the sign of Taurus on October 27. Super Moons are known by Astronomers as Perigee Moons and occur when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Because of their close proximity to the Earth, they can appear as much as 14% larger in the sky and 30% brighter to our eyes than normal moons.

Astrologically, the light of a Full Moon illuminates the area of our life symbolized by the zodiac sign in which it falls. Pisces is the mystical sign representing union–the unending quest of humankind to merge with divine. This Piscean search for union can permeate our waking and dreaming reality. When the Moon falls in the sign of Pisces, your waking world can become dreamy and surreal. The veils between the earthly and spirit realms become very thin under a Pisces influence and are an excellent time to seek and merge with the sacredness of your divine nature that exists deep within.

Full Moons always occur when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. The Sun will be in Virgo during this Full Moon emphasizing the Piscean-Virgo theme of healing. Both these signs are sensitive to environmental toxins and promote purification and integration of body-mind-spirit. Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs indicating they are flexible with change. Take advantage of this restorative Full Moon and create new routines that allow for daily meditation and healthier ways of living.

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and can encourage culmination in one or more areas of your life. During this transitional on our planet, each of us is being asked to heal and relinquish patterns associated with old ways of being. Therefore, even the most difficult culminations will serve your highest good as they simultaneously prevent unnecessary crises and suffering when change is resistant. Embrace and honor the wisdom of fluidity that this Full Moon is granting and dream new and exciting visions into your future.

Pisces Full Moon Key Words: Dreamtime, Intuition, Suffering, Healing or Healing Crises, Flexibility, Culmination, Union with Divine.

Join us for our final Summer Outdoor Ceremony!

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

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