Saturday, October 15, 2016 – 9:24 p.m. Pacific Time
23 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries

“True change is from within; leave the outside as it is.” ~ The Dalai Lama

As we find ourselves in the midst of the most bizarre political circus ever, it is important to take the time to generate as much inner peace and love as possible. Or, more simply put, breathe deeply! Speaking of the election, I am currently writing this from my hotel room in L.A. where I am attending an Astrological Conference. Last night I attended a panel discussion consisting of several astute international Astrologers. Each presented their prediction of the election outcome and the results were unanimous: Hillary will be the next President of the United States!

Like me, you may be thinking, “it doesn’t take an Astrologer to figure that out!” And, regardless of your preferred candidate, you may also feel that “reality” is not what you previously thought. Living in our current times is surreal to be sure and definitely requires an intention to remember who we are. This brings me to the current Aries Full Moon.

The study of Astrology and the planetary cycles offer an amazing opportunity to realize the evolutionary purpose or spiritual destiny of the individual and the collective. Astrology promotes an ability to see beyond the veil, allowing us to release judgments, opinions, and criticisms of others because we understand – at the deepest level of our being – that everyone around us is on a unique and individual evolutionary journey. The integration of this knowledge frees us to turn the lens inward to focus on our own personal journey. By focusing inward (self) instead of outward (others), we assist our soul’s journey for liberation.

Full Moons occur when the Moon moves into an opposition to and reflects the light of the Sun. In this case, the Full Moon in Aries is reflecting the light of the Sun in Libra – the sign that strives for harmony and equality within relationship. Aries is the sign associated with the self and our deep instinctual need to express our individual uniqueness. The dance of light between these two signs calls our attention to our personal landscape (inner; Aries) thereby illuminating our interpersonal imbalances (outer; Libra).

Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is known for its independent, impulsive, and strategizing warrior nature. It thrives when it is initiating brand new cycles of adventure and self-discovery and can become easily enraged when its unfulfilled desires or innate need for freedom are thwarted.

A futuristic electric charge of change is in the air and freedom is given even more emphasis under this lunation. The Full Moon is in alignment with the electrical, rebellious, and revolutionary planet of change – Uranus (frequently referred to as the Great Awakener), as well as the Asteroid Eris, the Goddess of Discord. Remember that the collective represents the individual. Thus, while this energetic confluence is reflected with particular obviousness in our external world through the current election (outer), the same energies are acting within each of us (inner). We are being presented a ripe opportunity to explore and more easily identify those aspects of ourselves that remain unexpressed or which are manifesting in their negative expression.

As always, the planets are facilitating our individual and collective evolution. The 2016 presidential election is starkly reflecting the truth that individual imbalances lead to collective discord – the only way to restore balance in our political system is by restoring the balance in our own inner and external relationships. If you seize this opportune Astrological moment to determine what discord (Asteroid Eris) exists in your relationship to self and others then you will find an energetic motivation (Aries Full Moon) driving your process of radical transformation (Uranus) and alignment (Libra Sun). Again, in the words of The Dalai Lama, “True change is from within; leave the outside as it is.”

Aries Full Moon Key Words: Initiation, Self-Discovery, Independence, Freedom, Exploration and Adventure, Instinctual Desires, Brand New Cycle, Harmonious Relationships.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

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