Wednesday, July 31, 2019
8:10 p.m. pacific time
7°15′ Leo

This month’s New Moon falls in the royal sign of Leo. A New Moon occurs at the beginning of every 28-day lunar cycle when the Moon joins the Sun in one of the twelve zodiacal signs. As the start of a new cycle, the New Moon is always a symbolic time to evaluate your goals and set new intentions in the areas of your life associated with the zodiacal sign in which the New Moon is occurring.

The fiery sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun and represented by the proud and powerful lion. The Sun’s illuminating rays bestow life; sacred wisdom through spiritual practice; and the ability to creatively actualize ourselves. A symbol of divine knowledge in many cultures, the lion is recognized from Europe to Africa as the power of the Shakti– divine energy. Hindus, for example, believe that the Man-Lion, Vishnu has both the sovereignty and power of dharma (law) to destroy evil and ignorance.

The zodiacal sign of Leo is the sign that encourages creative self-expression and heart consciousness. The fire of the leonine Sun ignites passion, inspiration, and the ability to single-mindedly focus on one’s goals. Leo also represents children and romance, marking a time to evaluate whether you are nurturing your inner child, and creating romantic moments of honoring and loving the self.

As the heart is ruled by Leo it is important during this New Moon to set intentions that honor your heart’s desires. This is important for all of us, but especially important for Leos, who can develop physical heart ailments when they do not follow their hearts. The essence of your creative light and the ability to love yourself and others exists within the center of your heart. Find the center of your heart during this New Moon and honor your unique and special gifts. This Leo New Moon is reminding us of the many spiritual teachings emphasizing the need to move away from fear and into loving relationship with self, others, and our planet.

Leo New Moon Key Words: Solar Light, Creative Actualization, Playfulness and the Inner Child, Heart Consciousness and Self Love.

Copyright 2019 by Linda Kaye

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