February 27, 2021
12:17 a.m. pacific time
8°57′ Virgo

What exactly is a Full “Crow” Moon, you might be wondering? The Native Peoples gave it this name to denote the last Full Moon prior to the Spring Equinox (March 20), as the cawing of the crows alerted them to the end of winter. Interestingly, in many cultures still today, the crow is associated with omens, protection, birth, magic, secretiveness, and sacrifice — all of which are symbolic of crow’s deep black color. Believed to be a messenger between realms, crows have great importance in Vedic Astrology.

This Full “Crow” Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo —  purification and integration of body, mind, and spirit. Virgo is also a Earth sign, signifying a special affinity for all things related to our planet. She’s often depicted holding a staff of wheat, emphasizing the sacredness of Earth’s bounty. The word Virgo is Latin for virgin, which means “whole and pure within oneself. Therefore, whenever Virgo is highlighted, an increased motivation for improvement and refinement will occur.           

Full Moons occur when the Moon moves into an opposition to and reflects the light of the Sun — in this case, Pisces. When Virgo and/or Pisces is highlighted in your horoscope or in the heavens as they are under this Full Moon, you will want to give special attention to how you’ve been caring for your body, mental constructs, and spiritual practice. If any one of these areas is ignored, an unconscious personal crisis might occur in order to get your attention.

Pisces is the sign that envisions our dreams and desires into reality. With this potent Virgo Full Moon opposite the Sun in Pisces you can intend to identify your imaginative dream world and integrate it with the down-to-Earth reality of Virgo — unifying spirit and matter. Encourage your Piscean inspirations and dreams! Embrace the Virgo integration of your body, mind, and spirit! Celebrate your contribution to the magnificent blossoming and awakening that is occurring during this time in your individual evolution.

Let this Full Moon inspire you to become more organized and meticulous with the details of your life. Use Virgo’s talent for analytical thinking and discrimination to generate new ventures that align with your desires. These qualities are especially helpful if you want to enhance or change your daily work routine. Pay attention to your personal nutritional requirements, thought processes, and spiritual needs. If any one of these essential areas is out of balance in your life, this Full Moon is the time to set goals for improvement.

With their often loud squawking, Crows are constantly reminding
us of the creation and magic that is available everyday. Let them
help you shapeshift your life — call upon crow to assist with
your intentions under this Full Moon and expect magic!

Virgo Key Words: Analyze, Discriminate, Daily Work, Vocation, Diet, Purification, Overall Health, Mental Constructs, Spirituality.
Body: intestines, nervous system, hands and feet.

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© 2021 by Linda Kaye

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