26°45′ Libra
Saturday, April 16, 2022
11:53 a.m. pacific time

My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad.
The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.
― Ellen DeGeneres

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the Venus-ruled sign that represents harmonious partnerships and the equalizing scales of balance — Libra. Astrologically, the Moon is considered a luminary that has the potential to light up our unconscious and bring to our attention those matters that are associated with the sign that it is traversing.

A Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic. This month, the Libra Full Moon is in opposition to the other luminary — the Sun — in Aries, the sign associated with the individual self. The opposing energies of a Full Moon lunation highlight the need for integration and balance between the zodiac signs involved — in this case, Libra (others) and Aires (self). Additionally, the Moon and Sun in this lunation are in a close square aspect to Pluto — the planet that provides the potential for deep empowering transformation.

What does all this mean? Well, Pluto allows situations and emotions that have long been suppressed to rise from the depths of our individual and collective unconscious. Since Pluto is intensely influencing this Full Moon, we can intend to resolve any imbalances that exist in our relationships, especially where power is involved. When we courageously face any uncomfortable dynamics, we can integrate their learning and find a newfound sense of peace and harmony in life — balance! 

For example, because the Libra archetype is associated with balance within relationships, we may become acutely aware of where we consistently give far more than we receive. During this Full Moon it may be helpful to observe areas of your life where this dynamic is exemplified. When Libra is involved, sometimes the greatest gift we can give another person is to know when not to give, thereby allowing that individual to independently determine their own needs — Aries.

To summarize, this Full Moon supports the unveiling and understanding of imbalances existing in our life and why we are unable to receive that which we desire. With Pluto’s power and assistance, we can resolve to heal that which arises so we can fulfil the state of harmony and balance that we desire. 

Lastly, Libra is the sign associated with the kidneys and blood-sugar balances. Therefore, this is a great Full Moon to commit to consuming less sugar, foods high in carbohydrates, and alcohol. Look for healthy alternatives that support your overall wellbeing.

Related Article
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle

© 2022 by Linda Kaye

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