My Journey with the Crows and Ravens

Not only do corvids tend to thrive in human-made environments,
but they have also penetrated our psyches.
— Paul Ehrlich1

This beautiful corvid was perched right next to my car as the Sun was setting.
It remained as
I approached, allowing me to pay homage and capture several magical shots.
7:45 p.m.,
July 2, 2023, Newport Beach, CA — during a Super Full Moon

Among many of their attributes, Crows have a long history in many cultures as the foretellers of omens. This was certainly my experience, as I’ll explain below in a brief summation of my personal journey with this very clever bird.

Note: The only difference between the Crow and the Raven is their size. Ravens are bigger and darker in color but both belong to the Crow (corvus) family. Therefore, I will refer hereafter to both as Crows.

It was during the mid-1990s that the Crows made their ominous entrance into my life by showing up in droves! Flocks would blanket my front yard in the early morning and stay the entire day.

While driving, they would divebomb my car and fly across my windshield.

They would perch themselves upon posts, cawing loudly at me as I entered or exited a building.

They definitely got my attention! But what did it all mean? I didn’t know.

I can honestly admit that the Crows’ dramatic appearance in my life was initially a daunting and overwhelming experience. I’d only ever associated Crows with the Alfred Hitchcock horror-thriller film, The Birds — and quite frankly — death!

Well, as it turned out (in retrospect of course), my life at that time did die. To clarify, there were no physical deaths in my direct sphere, but rather, I personally went through a complete metamorphosis.2

Seeking to understand the meaning of the Crows and their ongoing presence in my life led me on an unprecedented personal quest. I spoke with spiritual teachers and psychics and sought out Native-American lore to make sense of this strange-bird phenomenon. I now know a great deal about Crows.

What I’ve come to hold most dear to my heart is that these spirit–birds served as guardians and protectors for myself and my family during a time of great upheaval.

Ultimately, I learned that Crows are linked with wisdom and secret knowledge, as well as creation.3 Curiously, during their initial visits, I was just beginning what would lead to an extensive study of modern and ancient Astrology. At the time, though, I didn’t make a connection.

It wasn’t until a few years later, whilst studying Vedic Astrology and obtaining my Bachelor of Arts in Astrology, that I came to understand how this mystical bird has, for thousands of years, been associated with Astrology by Jyotishis (Vedic Astrologers). Coincidence?!

Once again, I found myself in contemplative awe.

To this day, when meaningful knowledge presents itself, the Crows appear, and I take notice! However, they don’t need to come in flocks any longer to get my attention.

As I write this, there’s an entire family (three babies and two adults) outside my window. Despite their deep-black color, Crows have become a beacon of light and enchantment in my life.

Over the years, I’ve read or heard many negative connotations regarding these mystical birds, but this has not been my personal experience. I never take them for granted and rather eagerly anticipate their appearance and foretelling of future omens. Their presence continues to inspire me, and I consider them wise guardians.

From my very first Astrological business card to my current marketing materials, I’ve paid homage to them. I honor them as protectors, foretellers of omens, and bringers of the ancient wisdom that ignited my predestined vocation as an Astrologer.

I hope that my story has also instilled in you a newfound fascination and respect for this wise corvid.

1. From the forward, by John M. Marzluff and Tony Angell, “In the Company of Crows and Ravens,” Yale University, 2005, p. ix.

2. Crow is considered a Shapeshifter whose presence will help you to transform your life or being.

3. Strong creative-life force to work with spiritual laws in the physical plane. Assisting with the ability to take that which is unformed and give it your desired form.

© 2021 by Linda Kaye


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