Chiron in Pisces

Chiron in Pisces

The Centaur & Wounded Healer Journeys Through the Sign of Pisces
Feb. 8, 2011 – Feb. 18, 2019

Chiron’s mythology has played a very important role in Astrology and society since its discovery by astronomers in 1977.  Believed to be a comet, Chiron—represented by the centaur— symbolizes alternative forms of healing, psychology, human rights, and mysticism— subjects which have all become increasingly widespread throughout the world since its noted sighting.

Astrologically, Chiron is often referred to as “The Rainbow Bridge” because he links our external world—materialism—to our internal world of personal spirituality and consciousness. Also known as “The Wounded Healer,” or “The Shamanic Healer,” Chiron represents our collective and individual physical, emotional, or spiritual wounds which can be healed using natural, holistic, and alternative forms of medicine. His presence illuminates the area of our life that requires a vigilant awareness and commitment to personal healing. It is this awareness that will allow you to embrace your deepest wounds so you can retrieve the fragmented parts of yourself, and thus be made whole again.

Fittingly, Chiron just left the sign of Aquarius which governs, among other things: the internet; friendships and social groups (noted by the prevalence of social media outlets, smart phones, etc.); and isolation.  It is important to recognize that obsessions to facebook and other new communications, such as texting, can be attributing to a collective societal disconnect from the heart and soul that results in a deeper sense of isolation for many. On a positive note, this new Aquarian technology has created unprecedented and global information sharing that can be used to heal one another and our societal structures.

Chiron last passed through Pisces from 1960–1969 and if you were born during this period you will experience your Chiron Return sometime between now and 2018. Pisces is represented by the separating fish and depicts the separating desires that lead you further and further from a direct heart and soul connection to the divine. Because it is the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents culminations. Pisces is the sign most associated with the healing that occurs as we embark on a journey of connection to the omnipresent consciousness that is accessible within us all.  It is through Pisces that we ultimately find the union we seek—the union with our own heart and soul; the union that leads us back to our divine source.

If your Chiron or Sun is in Pisces, or if you have other Pisces planets in your horoscope, you can look forward to this next decade as a time of spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. Chiron’s presence will encourage you to recognize and embrace the dynamics that keep you from achieving a spiritual connection to the divine so that you can achieve your most meaningful potential in life.

Even without a major planet in Pisces, your horoscope will be affected by the transiting comet because it will pass through one or more of your astrological houses. The symbolism of these houses will represent the specific types of healing you can expect to experience during this time.

Healing yourself requires the courage of the centaur, as well as the Piscean attributes of trust, faith, and surrender. It requires intense focus and deep purification of that which no longer serves you as we move into “The Shift of the Ages”, a momentous era of spiritual evolution that first begins within our own hearts.

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

Uranus in Aries: A Wake-up Call; a Revolution; or Both!

Uranus in Aries: A Wake-up Call; a Revolution; or Both!

Friday, March 11, 2011 – March 6, 2019
Uranus was last in Aries from 1927 to 1935

Astrologically, there sure is a lot happening and I know you are all feeling it. Uranus made its final movement into Aries on March 11, 2011 providing us all with an amazing opportunity to embrace change.

Change is exactly what Uranus in Aries is striving for as it travels through the zodiac sign of Aries. Aries is the sign that seeks unfettered freedom, independence, and brand new beginnings. Combine these qualities with the rebelliousness of Uranus and anything is possible. Uranus represents the brain and lightning speed realizations, stimulating us like a probe to WAKE UP!  Wake up from what? you might ask.

Uranus is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign Aquarius, which represents an altruistic attitude towards humanity that will be covered in more detail in the next paragraph. Aquarius also represents the “water bearer” who pours his divine wisdom from the heavens down onto humankind. According to Greek mythology, Gaia – Mother Earth – was without a mate and yet gave birth to Uranus – Father Sky – who then became her husband. (It is written that Gaia herself was born from Chaos, the great void of the emptiness within the universe.) Gaia and Uranus birthed many offspring who Uranus feared because of their great power. To protect her children from her husband, Gaia hid them all within herself and experienced great pain. Therefore, she asked her son Cronus – Saturn – to castrate Uranus, thus severing the union of Earth and Sky.

This portion of the Uranus-Gaia myth is very important because it depicts the separation of god and goddess, or the divine mother-Gaia and father-sky. When we WAKE UP, we recognize this separation represents the trauma (symbolic of Uranus energy) and the distortion that occurs when we are forced to hide essential aspects of ourselves, eventually causing a schism within our psyches. The Mayans and other indigenous peoples are reminding us that the survival of our planet is dependent upon consciously waking up: we must balance the male and female aspects that exist within each of us; we must recognize the spiritual beings – gods and goddesses – within us all, and we must reunite our heavenly and earthly realms, literally and symbolically.

Uranus in Aries is ultimately asking each of us to rebel against anything that does not bring liberation to ourselves and all sentient beings. Our spiritual leaders are insistent that to heal the planet we must each individually make the changes necessary to heal ourselves. In short: it is up to us to cultivate and nurture our spiritual essence — both individually and collectively, Uranus in Aries can prove a powerful catalyst to dismantle the barriers that keep us stuck and unable to move forward. Many of us dislike change and this potent energy is certainly bound to feel uncomfortable at times. For this reason, it can be helpful to remember that Uranus is futuristic in nature and brings with it the light of awareness, thereby expanding our own personal future and the future of our planet.  Embrace this Uranus cycle as an important opportunity to create the change necessary for yourself and the children who will inherit our beautiful planet.

Following is a message by the Hopi Elders that poignantly captures the critical nature of our current Astrological themes:

You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour. Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour! And there are things to be considered: Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to yourself and do not look outside of yourself for a leader. This could be a good time! There is a river flowing very fast. It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid. They will hold on to the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly. Know that the river has its destination. The elders say that we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time we are to take nothing personally, least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.  We are the ones that we have been waiting for.     ~ The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

Re-posted November 8, 2016

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

Super Full Moon in Gemini

Super Full Moon in Gemini

22 degrees and 25 minutes
Tuesday, December 13, 4:06 p.m. PT

“Knowledge of reality is limited by our pre-existing beliefs, assumptions and expectations.”  ~ Cynthia Sue Larson

The study of Astrology and the planetary cycles offers an amazing opportunity to understand the evolutionary and spiritual purpose of each zodiac sign. This understanding provides a capacity to see beyond the veil and to release judgments, opinions, and criticisms of others. When we truly understand that everyone around us is on a unique individual evolutionary journey and we focus on our own individual spiritual journey we become liberated.

The last Full Moon of 2016 is the final of three consecutive Full Super Moons and occurs in the communicative and versatile sign of duality — Gemini. Gemini is the sign driven to discovery through curiosity. It enjoys gathering and dispersing information and is associated with our thought processes. If it takes in too much information too quickly, it can experience mental fluctuations and unrest. It is flexible and ever youthful.

A Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic. Because this is a Full Super Moon you can expect the reflected energies of the Sun to be more heightened than a regular Full Moon. This month the Sun is in the fire sign of Sagittarius, conjunct the planet Saturn. (Both the Sun and Saturn are opposing the Full Moon in Gemini.) Sagittarius is the Astrological zodiac sign associated with the quest that takes us in search of our individual cosmic truth. Before we can see the truth of who we truly are we must eliminate any limiting Gemini thought patterns and longstanding Sagittarian belief systems that are no longer serving us.

Additionally, Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and is currently in its shadow period before beginning its retrograde cycle on December 19 in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury will begin its retrograde cycle just before the Winter Solstice occurring on December 21 when the Sun also makes its journey into Capricorn, signifying the official start of winter. Capricorn is the sign associated with responsibility, control, authority, fear, work-life balance, reflection, and time-space reality. With this Full Moon occurring during a Mercury retrograde cycle we can expect any outmoded beliefs around these matters to get our attention.

Therefore, this thought provoking Full Moon in Gemini with its emphasis on Sagittarius—truth versus belief — is an excellent time for each of us to contemplate the following:

– What are my individual beliefs at this moment in time?
– What stories and thoughts am I currently creating about my reality?
– Are these beliefs and thoughts reflecting my individual desires and destiny—my truth?
– If not, what is needed for me to allow a revolutionary transformation in my own life?

“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” ~Tony Robbins

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Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

Auspicious New Moon in Sagittarius

Auspicious New Moon in Sagittarius

November 29, 2015
5:19 a.m. Pacific Time

07 degrees and 42 minutes Sagittarius

This New Moon is occurring in Sagittarius which is the zodiac sign associated with the center of our galaxy — the position of the black hole. This location is referred to by the Mayans as the “road to awe.” They revered it as the “cosmic womb of the great mother” and it is the celestial point in space where our solar system is currently making its 26,000-year cyclic passage. As you likely know, the Mayans have an extraordinary astronomical calendar that predicts the occurrence of this sacred passageway of our solar system from 1980 through 2016. [1] They believe it is during this time period that humanity will undergo an unprecedented spiritual rebirth.

Sagittarius and the center of our galaxy represent “wisdom” or “truth consciousness.” The cosmic light emanating from the center of our galaxy is intended to transform and purify each of us into an unprecedented awakening! This awakening is the truth consciousness that we are not separate from divine. It is this truth we will each ultimately seek and are destined to realize.

As a fiery and freedom oriented sign, Sagittarius is also associated with travel, abundance, learning, inspiration, optimism, joy, nature, and most importantly, that which provides purpose and meaning in our lives. If you are seeking a new direction this auspicious lunation is a powerful time to intend and follow through on goals that will support you.

Because New Moons represent new beginnings and Sagittarius highlights freedom, this is an opportune time to contemplate the areas of your life where you feel trapped or prevented from manifesting your truest desires. Embrace this powerful New Moon with the intention to find meaning, optimism and joy for your future, and gratitude for the life you are living. Then, set a course of action to create the freedom needed to embark on your envisioned future.

Lastly, be kind, gentle, and loving with yourself, especially during the busy holiday season.

2017 New Year Consultation
Saturn in Sagittarius


1. The Galactic Alignment zone is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980–2016. Precession is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis and shits the position of the equinoxes and solstices one degree every 71.5 years. Because the Sun is one-half a degree wide 36 years is the suggested time window for the Sun to precess (journey) through the galactic equator. John Major Jenkins:

Rare Super Full Moon in Taurus

Rare Super Full Moon in Taurus

November 14, 2016
5:52 a.m. PST
22 degrees and 37 minutes of Taurus

“The condition of your personal relationships is a direct reflection of your degree of self-love.”  ~ Carolyn Myss

A Super Moon is known by Astronomers as a Perigee Moon the point where its elliptical orbit is closest to the Earth’s surface which will allow the Moon to appear approximately 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than normal. Nasa is indicating that this rare Super Moon “… will be especially “super” because it’s the closest Full Moon to Earth since 1948. We won’t see another Super Moon like this until 2034.”

A Full Moon occurs when the Moon moves into an opposition to and reflects the light of the Sun. In this case, the Full Moon in Taurus is reflecting the light of the Sun in Scorpio – the sign associated with the underworld. Taurus is an earth sign and its overall desire is security. It wants to sustain the status quo and not rock the boat. Scorpio, however, is all about shaking things up through deep change – otherwise known as transformation!

This Super Full Moon is occurring during a Scorpionic aftermath of the most tumultuous election the United States has yet to experience and it has left many in shock and disbelief. Those who have “the power” versus those who do not, is the Scorpionic theme reverberating throughout our country. A large percentage of the population fears that their deeply held values (representing survival) will be threatened.

A very bright spotlight on the dual nature of these two signs (Taurus-Scorpio); the dual nature of our country; and the dual nature that exists within each of us is exposing this wide schism at its core. In light of current events, I re-posted the following article that I wrote in 2011 titled, A Wake-up Call; a Revolution; or Both! — Uranus Moves into Aries.  The time is now! We are living during a unprecedented cosmic planetary shift that is requiring each of us to wake-up: We must balance the male and female aspects that exist within each of us; we must recognize the spiritual beings – gods and goddesses – within us all, and we must reunite our heavenly and earthly realms — literally and symbolically.

Expect this Full Moon to bring awareness and inner revelations regarding how you love yourself and therefore, love others. And, most importantly, focus on creating self-love and inner security, as this Super Full Moon is sure to prove a potent test for those who believe that their security comes from external resources. During this powerful Full Moon it is an excellent time to contemplate and initiate new intentions for the following:

  • To appreciate beauty and the finer things in life without a need to possess or own.
  • To display self-worth that radiates inner security regardless of my financial status.
  • To honor and nurture my individual gifts and values.
  • To love myself unconditionally.

“Self-esteem is a spiritual process of empowerment.” ~ Carolyn Myss

Power, Love and the New Moon in Scorpio

Power, Love and the New Moon in Scorpio

Sunday, October 30, 2016
10:39 a.m. PDT

7 degrees and 43 minutes of Scorpio

The cultural transformation from the love of power to the power of love is the drama of our time.  ~ Anodea Judith, Waking the Global Heart.


Scorpio is the zodiac sign that symbolizes death and rebirth, so it is no coincidence that the Sun is transiting the sign of the Scorpion during Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, the holidays that recognize and honor dead souls. This month’s New Moon also falls in the domain of the Scorpion and will highlight personal power dynamics, possessions, other people’s money, love and sexuality, and deep internal transformations.  As a water sign, Scorpio represents our emotional realm, and most specifically our subconscious – the underworld.

If you are finding yourself immersed in an underworld of internal struggles, or just needing to transform an important area of your life, this New Moon is the time to ask for assistance in making the changes you desire.

Scorpio is one of the signs most reflecting karma and Mercury the planet associated with communication and thought processes is closely aligned to this New Moon. I recently heard karma described as our voice, and that the words we choose to speak create karma. Words are based on our thought processes; therefore, if you don’t like the words you speak and wish to change your karma, you must begin by changing your thoughts. Karma is also simply known as the law of cause and effect. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When Scorpio is active we can sometimes find ourselves involved in issues of power struggles. Therefore, it is especially important to remain conscious of karmic laws while under the influence of Scorpio.

This month’s New Moon in Scorpio also ushers in an annual and auspicious celestial event known by the Hindus as Diwali or The Festival of the Lights. It is a time of celebration and lighting of lamps to honor the light of consciousness that exists within. Diwali also marks the beginning of a new financial year. Households and businesses begin new accounting ledgers dedicated to the Divine Mother and Lakshmi—the Goddess of Fortune—who is specifically honored during Diwali.

This New Moon is a favorable time to rejoice in your meditations and request that the many Goddesses of Grace and Good Fortune, (Venus, Aphrodite, and Lakshmi,) bestow their gifts of inner awareness and abundance into your life through love, peace, and harmony.

Scorpio Full Moon Key Words: Transformation, Secrets, Illumination, Power Dynamics, Love and Sexuality, Possessions, Death & Rebirth

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

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