by Linda Kaye | Jul 8, 2021 | 2021, Current Astro News, News
Friday, July 9, 2021
6:15 p.m. pacific time
18°01′ Cancer
June’s “ring of fire” eclipse and Mercury’s retrograde shenanigans sure did give us a good dose of galactic energy. Hopefully, you were able to navigate these celestial currents and are ready for this month’s cosmic journey, which includes the fixed-star Sirius’s conjunction to our Sun (July 5), the New Moon in Cancer (July 9), and the conjunction between the cosmic-lovers, Venus and Mars (July 13).
The watery sign of the crab (Cancer) is ruled by the Moon herself and is associated with security, family, and our need for balance between our inner versus outer world. The Sun’s movement into Cancer (the Summer Solstice) marks the first days of summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, initiating a desire for outdoor activities with family and friends, preferably near or in large bodies of water. Since the fiery Sun purifies and water cleanses, we can embrace these warm summer months as a time of purification for our emotional, mental, and physical bodies. Therefore, make it a point to welcome the healing rays of the Sun and immerse yourself in water whenever you can to wash away any stagnant or pent-up energy caused by working too much or by prolonged periods indoors.
It is during the Sun’s movement through the zodiac signs of Cancer and Leo that we experience the “Dog Days of Summer.” This term was coined because of the corresponding hot-sweltering days that the ancients observed when the brightest star in the heavens — Sirius — rose and set alongside our Sun. Sirius obtained its status of “Dog Star” because it happens to be the main star residing in the constellation of Alpha Canis Major. Also, Sirius is so large that it is considered twice the size of our Sun and 25 times its luminosity. 1 Following is a quote from a first century Astrologer–Poet regarding Sirius:
Hardly is it inferior to the Sun, save that its abode is far away
and the beams it launches from its sea-blue face are cold.
In splendour it surpasses all other constellations, and no
brighter star is bathed in ocean or returns to heaven
from the waves. — Marcus Manilius, first century CE2
For millennia, stars have been observed by our ancestors and regarded as having divine qualities. Native peoples deemed Sirius the “Great Star Nation” and considered it the home (Cancer) of our star brothers and sisters. Many believe that Sirius is the origin of our teachers from ancient times. Additionally, Sirius was considered to be the birthplace of “the gods” by the early Egyptians and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa.
The Sun will make its exact conjunction with Sirius (14°21′ Cancer) on July 5 at 9:43 p.m. pacific time.2 However, the entire Dog-Days-of-Summer cycle occurs several days before and after the exact conjunction. Believed to have the ability to make the mundane sacred, Sirius is often described as our Spiritual Sun. Astrologically, our Solar Sun rules the sign of Leo, which is associated with the heart. For eons, this annual celestial union between our Sun and Sirius has been revered for its heavenly combustion of energy and its ability to heighten Sirius’s transmission of highly-charged divine energy into our Solar system. Pay close attention to what is occurring in your life during this period and feel (Cancer) into your heart (Leo) and let this infusion of solar-spiritual energy awaken you to your divine potential.
Two things inspire me to awe — the starry heavens above
and the moral universe within. — Albert Einstein
Ruled by the Moon, Cancer cultivates maternal and nurturing instincts with an emphasis on emotions, home, family, heritage, and country. In general, the Moon governs large crowds, the public, women, liquids, ocean tides and bodies of water. Since Cancer is associated with the crab, it symbolizes Cancer’s hard-outer shell that is protective of both — self and others. Its sensitive interior is the nurturing, loving, and vulnerable aspects of Cancer.
Occurring annually, this year’s Cancer New Moon horoscope highlights the realm of contractual partnerships. Since New Moon’s are a great opportunity for initiating something new in our lives, you may want to contemplate your inner- versus outer-relationship status. Would you like to begin a new partnership? Or, if you are already in a committed partnership, you may want to do some self-inquiry around whether or not your needs are being met. Either way, if you are wanting a change, make a plan, set your intentions, and take the first step.
Last but not least! The sky is dark during a New Moon so the heavens will offer a perfect opportunity to view this month’s cosmic dance between the planetary lovers’ Venus and Mars. These two planets will join one another on July 13 in the west-northwest early evening sky. This conjunction is providing a fantastic opportunity to further strengthen and super-charge your intentions.
Key Cancer New Moon Themes: emotional security, early conditioning, family and domestic priorities, intuitive, nurturing, protective of others, moody (crabby), tenacious, enjoys the water
1. What we actually see here from our view on Earth is the combination of light from both Sirius A and Sirius B — a blue giant star and a faint white dwarf, respectively.
2. Marcus Manilius, Astronomica, first century CE, book 1, Edited and translated by G.P. Goold, p. 37.
3. Each year this occurs at a different time due to the precession of the equinoxes, whereby the celestial poles move and all the fixed stars shift slightly from one year to the next, moving roughly 1° approximately every 72 years.
© 2021 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jun 22, 2021 | 2021, Current Astro News, News
Thursday, June 24, 2021
11:39 a.m. pacific time
3°27′ Capricorn
Realize deeply that the present moment
is all you ever have. — Eckhart Tolle
A Super Full Moon occurs when the Moon has reached its closest approach to the Earth and its exact opposition to the Sun. Since a Super Full Moon is nearer to the Earth it can be felt more intensely than normal. Astrologically, the Moon represents our internal emotional nature and the Sun our external passion and direction. Because the Sun is traveling through the Moon’s sign — Cancer — we can anticipate this powerful Super Full Moon to illuminate any emotions that might be hindering our freedom and enthusiasm to pursue life.
Among other things, Capricorn is the sign associated with our perception of time–space reality. Impatience with the timing of and/or the maturation of our goals can keep us from enjoying the moment within time — the present. Most of us still view time from a Newtonian mindset, whereby we feel as if time has “control” over us. As we awaken to our creative power within the quantum realm we begin to realize that we are time itself. We start to recognize that we always have a choice to use time with decisive and meaningful purpose — or not!
Our creative capabilities are not imbued by past and future, but rather our ability to wholeheartedly devote ourselves to the present moment. Embracing “what is” reminds us that we are on a sacred evolutionary quest leading to the awareness of our divinity as eternal beings. So welcome each new moment and observe whether a higher order of time is rearranging itself in remarkable ways to reveal your destiny.
Capricorn is also related to the significant themes of maturation, responsibility, authority, work-life balance, reflection, emotional repression, control dynamics, fear and pessimism. Therefore, this is an opportune Full Moon to contemplatively ask ourselves the following Capricorn related questions:
- Am I consciously aware of time and the creative power within the now?
- Can I embrace the maturation process with grace, and if not, why?
- Do I take on too much responsibility or avoid responsibility all together?
- Am I able to be my own authority or do I give my personal authority over to others?
- Do I have hobbies that I enjoy? Is family and my home life a part of my daily routine?
- Am I able to reflect on my life or do I ignore and repress my emotions and the inner promptings of my psyche?
- Do I trust in a divine plan or do I try to control my surroundings or even the behavior and lives of others?
- Can I accept the impermanence of life or am I resistant to change, pessimistic, and fearful?
If you’ve noticed that you can relate to any of the above more challenging aspects of Capricorn, it may be that these behaviors are masking more deeply buried emotions. Ask that the root of any hidden patterns be illuminated. Once revealed, embark on a plan for healing and resolution — make a different choice in your “now” so you can live a more fulfilled authentic you!
Lastly, go outside under the Full Moon and infuse your being with its reflective light. This Full Moon is a beautiful time to step into the quantum field and own your creation of time. Chant, drum, dance, howl — whatever calls you! Create your intentions for emotional freedom and passion for all of life! And, most importantly, base them on the eternal wellbeing for all sentient beings, including Gaia, our Mother Earth.
Capricorn Full Moon Themes:
time, work-life balance, emotional and physical security, maturation, self-responsibility, personal authority, letting go of control, trusting in the grace of divine timing
© 2021 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jun 1, 2021 | 2021, Current Astro News, News
visible in North America lasting 3 minutes 51 seconds
Eclipses always occur in pairs: The first — a Super Blood Total Lunar Eclipse occurs on May 26 in Sagittarius.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
3:52 a.m. pacific time
19°47′ Gemini
If we can change our thoughts, we can change the world. ~ H.M. Tomlinson
A Solar Eclipse occurs a couple of times a year (during a New Moon) when the Moon travels between the Sun and the Earth and temporarily blocks the view of the Sun from Earth. Although a Solar Eclipse only occurs during a New Moon, not all New Moons are Solar Eclipses. During an Eclipse, the Sun and Moon align with the Nodes of the Moon, which astrologers often characterize as the “points of Destiny” as they relate to our individual and collective growth.
This first Solar Eclipse of 2021 is an Annular (Ring of Fire) Eclipse. During an Annular Solar Eclipse the Moon’s shadow blocks part of the Sun’s light creating a ring of fiery brilliant sunlight that blazes around the Moon’s circumference. In fact, the Latin word annulus means “little ring.” At its peak, this eclipse will block out approximately 99% of the Sun’s light —almost a Total Solar Eclipse!
Astrologically, Solar Eclipses in particular, provide opportunities for transformation — the ending of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. At an Eclipse, you can initiate a profound period of regeneration by aligning with your destiny and embracing any necessary changes that arise.
This eclipse falls in the versatile and mutable sign of duality — Gemini, which is driven to discovery through curiosity and enjoys gathering and dispersing information. However, if Gemini takes in too much information, too quickly, it can experience mental fluctuations and unrest. In this sign, the focus is on youthfulness, flexibility, communication, and our thought processes. Therefore, the thought-provoking energy surrounding this New Moon Eclipse is encouraging each of us to contemplate whether our moment-to-moment thoughts are supporting us and the world around us?
The Messenger of the Gods — Mercury, is the ruling planet of Gemini. Not only is Mercury currently retrograde, it’s also conjoined this Eclipse, as well as, the fixed star Bellatrix — the Female Warrior or Amazon Star! These are potent combinations for communication from or amongst women. Therefore, expect revelations from powerful women in both the media and your personal sphere to bring something previously hidden out into the light.
Under an eclipse you will want to remain flexible, communicate with mindfulness, use discernment, and seek clarity in all matters. Since breath and breathing are also Mercury’s domain, this is an excellent period to bring awareness to your breath. Are you breathing effectively or are you taking short shallow breaths? As James Nestor reminds us in his book, Breath “No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or strong you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly.”
The Sun symbolizes creativity, wisdom, strength, and outward expression. It is the energy that gives us the confidence to plan for our future. During a Solar Eclipse the Moon blocks the light from the Sun and casts a shadow on Earth. Therefore, during the month of June, if the shadows of the mind and ego have created darkness, this stimulating Solar Eclipse can find us searching for our own light. Fortunately, if this occurs, it’s only temporary, as we are spiritual beings destined to awaken to our true nature and own inner light.
Related Article: Super Blood Total Eclipse
© 2021 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jun 1, 2021 | 2021, Current Astro News, News
The First Day of Summer & the Longest Day of the Year
Solstice is derived from two Latin words:
Sol meaning Sun, and sistere to cause to stand still.
0° Cancer
Sunday, June 20 at 8:32 p.m. PDT
2021 ushers in the beginning of summer on the evening of June 20th.(1) The June Solstice marks the Sun’s movement into the sign of Cancer and the longest day of the year — the beginning of summer.(2) Annually, on this day, the Sun appears to stand still as it reaches its furthest point in the Northern Hemisphere. Now, until the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21), the days will continue to grow shorter as the Sun heads south and enters Capricorn where it simultaneously joins the Southern Cross for three days to be reborn so it can resume its annual journey North, yet again.
Celebrated throughout the world, the changing of the seasons are a mystical astronomical occurrence. The movement of the Sun during the Equinoxes and Solstices, and many other celestial events, have been recorded for millennium at countless ancient sacred sites. One powerful Solstice example is that of the Sun’s perfect astronomical alignment with Stonehenge (as depicted above). This event is so captivating that people flock from all over the world to experience it. As with our ancestors, experiencing and aligning to the mysteries of the heavens can provide us a special glimpse into the greatness of our universe and the unseen forces behind it.
Cancer — the watery sign of the crab is ruled by the Moon and associated with security, family, and balancing our inner versus outer world. With the Cancer Sun’s initiation of summer, we can find ourselves wanting to get outdoors to play and spend time with family and friends, often near or in water. Since the fiery Sun purifies and water cleanses, we can embrace these warm summer months as a time to purify and cleanse our spirit. Immerse yourself in large bodies of water and let the liquid light of the Sun wash away any stagnant pent-up energy caused by working too much or spending too much time indoors.
This Solstice also marks the celebration of Father’s day, as well as, Jupiter’s retrogration at 8:04 a.m. pacific time. Astrologically, the Sun is creative, masculine, and authoritative. It represents the father (and/or the responsible parent) in our horoscope. Jupiter is the planet that is associated with fairness, wisdom, and guidance — all of which a child needs from a parent. In this case, the Sun and Jupiter, along with the Moon in Scorpio, are in a harmonious alignment — providing an opportunity for each of us to recognize when we can offer our creative wisdom to children — especially, our own inner-child.
The Solstice is a time to celebrate and honor the life-giving light of the Sun! Therefore, summer is the season to get outside and play. Through honoring this season of creation, we energetically set in motion a period of renewed awakening in our consciousness. Get outdoors, celebrate this Solstice season with family and friends! Share and rejoice in the ever-giving gift of warmth and inspiration that the Sun bestows to each of us during this season.
1. The Summer Solstice typically occurs on the 20th or 21st and occasionally (albeit rarely) on the 22nd.
2. In the Southern Hemisphere June 20 is the shortest day of the year and December 21 is the longest.
© 2021 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | May 24, 2021 | 2021, Current Astro News, News
visible before dawn in western North America and Hawaii with the full eclipse lasting 14 minutes
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
4:13 a.m. pacific time
5°25′ Sagittarius
Beliefs are choices. First you choose your beliefs.
Then your beliefs affect your choices. ~ Roy T. Bennett
What exactly is a Super Blood Total Lunar Eclipse, you might be asking? A Super Moon occurs when a Full Moon has reached its closest approach to the Earth. In this case, the Full Moon will appear approximately 7% larger and 15% brighter than a typical Full Moon. The next and last visible Super Full Moon of 2021 will occur on June 24 in the sign of Capricorn.
Blood Moons are rare and only occur during a Total Lunar Eclipse, with the last one happening in January 2020 and the next in May of 2022. The red in color occurs due to the natural spectrum of sunlight emitted during a Total Eclipse. A Blood Moon can take on many shades of red, depending on the Earth’s atmospheric conditions. Therefore, a Blood Moon is named for the reddish hue caused by the Earth’s shadow.
Lunar Eclipses occur two or three times a year as the Sun, Moon, and Earth align themselves in a straight line. Lunar Eclipses only occur during a Full Moon when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and the Moon enters the Earth’s shadow. That said, not all Full Moon’s are Lunar Eclipses because during an Eclipse the Sun and Moon align with the nodes of the Moon, which astrologers often characterize as the “points of Destiny” as they relate to our individual and collective growth.
The darkening that occurs during an Eclipse has symbolically and historically been linked to the unveiling of something deeply hidden, an ominous secret, or the potential revelation of a great mystery. Astrologers have studied eclipses and their effects since the Babylonian Era and have found that they often coincide with Earth changes, political upheavals, and even modern stock-market fluctuations. With the advent of external events, eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed change in our personal lives.
As the Moon represents cycles, Lunar Eclipses are a great time to look at what is no longer working in our lives, so we can complete the ending of a cycle in order to initiate a brand-new chapter of evolution during the New Moon Solar Eclipse. This will be true for all of us, but especially those who have Sagittarius or Gemini planets in their horoscope because these are the two zodiacal signs in which this first eclipse pair of 2021 are highlighting. In general, you can expect a lunar eclipse to maintain an influence in your life for as long as it takes for you to resolve the emotional (lunar) dynamics that it produced.
Jupiter in Pisces, the ruling planet of this current eclipse, is making a close square aspect to both the lights (Sun and Moon). Square aspects can bring about unforeseen experiences and/or realizations. Jupiter in the sign of Pisces signifies the search for self-knowledge through cosmic awareness — truth consciousness — the awakening to the essence of the divine that exists within each of us. Sagittarius is a benefic sign that, among many things, is abound with optimism and a love for the quest — a freedom seeker of adventure, wisdom, and “the truth.” Due to its inquisitive nature, Gemini is generally skilled at communication and consuming large amounts of information from books, media sources, gossip, etc.
These two signs (Sagittarius and Gemini) are seeking to balance the need to know intellectually with an internal knowing. When Sagittarius is out of balance, it ceases to explore an inner authentic truth and becomes a dogmatic know-it-all; Gemini can find itself out of balance — confused, and fragmented — by trying to assimilate too much data. If our external quest for knowledge or information has become habitual or is distracting us from our inner calling, then Jupiter’s influence can help. Jupiter in Pisces has the ability to inspire us to rise above any outmoded belief systems (Sagittarius) and thought patterns (Gemini) that are keeping us from our dreams, our true desires, and the connection to our purest essence (Pisces) — our authentic divine self.
Follow your bliss and the universe
will open doors for you … ~ Joseph Campbell
Therefore, this Lunar Eclipse may unexpectedly expose inner dynamics related to our personal and collective quest for knowledge. The Moon represents our emotional nature and eclipses create a temporary shadow that eventually give way to the light. Astrologically, eclipses are cosmic-timing mechanisms. They are celestial markers that help to create the shifts in our life that encourage us to continue on our individual and collective destiny. Where there is inner uncertainty, an eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity. This eclipse is an opportunity to become an explorer of your own consciousness and pay close attention to the revelations occurring during this period, as what was previously hidden gives way to the light.
Sagittarius Eclipse Contemplation:
- Am I in balance with my need to find answers from external sources versus internal inquiry?
- Is my quest for knowledge or information creating peace or discourse in my life?
- Is my authenticity and inner knowing sabotaged by an egoic informed persona?
- Do I actually know what “the truth” or “my truth” is?
- Is there an optimistic sense of adventure in my life?
- Am I following my dreams or someone else’s dreams?
The energies of an eclipse can be felt a few days before and after an eclipse. The ancient sages felt that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of our life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between the Earth and Heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
Eclipses always occur in pairs: The second — a Solar Annular Ring of Fire Eclipse — will occur on June 10 at 19° of Gemini on the New Moon.
© 2021 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | May 9, 2021 | 2021, Current Astro News
Tuesday, May 11
11:58 a.m. pacific time
21°17′ Taurus
Your net worth can fluctuate,
but your self-worth should only appreciate. ~ Chris Gardner
The Moon will be in the sign of Taurus all day on Monday and Tuesday, however, it begins its New Moon phase around noon on Tuesday. Taurus is the sign that governs the inner side of Venus, making this new lunar cycle an auspicious time to turn inward and focus on one’s connection with self and the divine spark within. Venus is synonymous with LOVE and when associated with Taurus she is asking us to cultivate a loving relationship with our inner-self.
Astrologically, Taurus is an earth sign and represents the physical earthly domain. From a material perspective, Taurus is the sign that correlates with security with survival – that which provides our security, or allows us to feel secure – will correlate to our values and promote our survival.
When the Moon is in Taurus we will find ourselves wanting to relax and to enjoy the sensual realms, i.e., romance, massages, gourmet food, fine wine, and chocolate. Spiritually, Taurus can represent a deepening desire for divine knowledge into the sacred mysteries.
Because Taurus is associated with security and our values, it is connected Astrologically to our personal financial security. It is common within the Western World to associate our personal value and self-worth with our growing or diminishing financial status. Therefore, this is an excellent time for each of us to ponder the following:
- Do I honor, value, and nurture my unique talents?
- What do I value most and how do I love others based on my values?
- Do I believe my security comes from external resources?
- Is my inner worth based on my possessions and/or financial status?
- Can I appreciate things (and even people) without a need to possess or own them?
- Do I love myself unconditionally.
© 2021 by Linda Kaye