Monday, April 10, 11:08 p.m. PDT
21 degrees and 32 minutes of Libra

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the sign that represents harmonizing partnerships and the equalizing “scales of balance” — Libra. In Astrology, the Moon is considered to be a luminary, which means that it has the potential to light up the unconscious realms, both personally and collectively. As you may be aware, a Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic; with this month’s Full Moon conjoining the planet of expansive vision—Jupiter, we can expect to find ourselves contemplating the need for more balance in our life.

This is an especially important Full Moon because Venus — the ruling planet of Libra — is currently retrograde.  Venus retrograde periods only occur approximately every 550 days. Venus is the planet associated with what we value and how we love. Therefore, this lunation is encouraging us to contemplate how we embody the commonality that brings about cooperation and harmoniously balanced relationships (Libra) versus the discord of self-interest that creates separateness (Aries). Or more simply put, how do we love ourselves and others.

Mercury turned retrograde on April 9in the other sign of love – Taurus. Ultimately, Taurus represents self-love. As you may know, retrograding planets provide a suitable time for introspection on where we’ve been and where we are going. Mercury retrogrades can create periods of deep thought in the area signified by the sign that it is retrograding. With Mercury retrograde in the sign of Taurus we have a twofold opportunity to revisit and contemplate how we love ourselves and others.

Because Libra is the zodiac sign striving for equality within all partnerships, the current Astrological significations are encouraging us to “wake-up” and regain a state of peace and harmony in our personal and collective lives. Therefore, you can use the light of this powerful Full Moon to focus upon and determine where you need more balance. For example, if you feel you are out of balance with either your intimate or professional partnerships, and possibly giving more than you are receiving, then you will want to spend time contemplating how you might resolve this imbalance.

The Libra archetype often becomes aware that it can give far more than it receives. Therefore, it may be helpful to observe areas of your life where this dynamic is exemplified. When Libra is involved, sometimes the greatest gift we can give another person is to know when not to give, thereby allowing that individual to independently determine their own needs—Aries. Once you can personally maintain equilibrium in your life, you will find that the imbalances automatically resolve themselves.

Lastly, Libra is the sign associated with the kidneys and blood sugar balances. Therefore, this will be a great Full Moon to commit to consuming less sugar, foods high in carbohydrates, and alcohol. Look for healthy alternatives that support your overall well-being.

For the night sky watchers: as mentioned above, that planet next to the Moon for the next couple of days is Jupiter!

Click here to learn more about Venus Retrograde.
Click here to learn more about Mercury Retrograde.

Copyright 2017 by Linda Kaye

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