Chiron’s Journey through Aries

Chiron’s Journey through Aries

Feb. 18, 2019 – April 14, 2027

Our pain is not personal but belongs to every man and woman alive.    
~ Debbie Ford

Chiron’s mythology has played a very important role in Astrology and society since 1977, when it was discovered. Astronomers assert that Chiron is a minor planet, as well as a comet. Chiron’s dual distinction is rather fitting, since Astrologically, Chiron is represented by the Centaur (half horse and half human) — characterizing our dual nature — spiritual beings in a human form. Due to his dualistic form, Chiron was ostracized and alienated, which led to his quest for integration, acceptance, and healing. Through this journey, Chiron himself, became a respected healer. Chiron’s expertise is in  alternative forms of healing — psychology, human rights, and mysticism — subjects that have become increasingly widespread throughout the world since Chiron’s noted sighting.

Astrologically, Chiron is often referred to as “the rainbow bridge” because he links our external world of materialism to our internal world of spirituality and consciousness. Also known as, “The Wounded Healer” or “The Shamanic Healer,” Chiron represents our collective and individual physical, emotional, or spiritual wounds. Because Chiron’s healing wisdom comprises alternate forms of treatment like acupuncture, herbology, psychology, etc., his Astrological influence in our horoscope supports natural, holistic, and alternative forms of medicine. Chiron’s position in our horoscope illuminates the area of life that requires a vigilant awareness and commitment to our well-being. It is through this awareness that you can embrace your deepest wounds and retrieve the fragmented parts of yourself, and thus be made whole again.

Chiron last passed through Aires from 1969–1977. Therefore, if you were born during this period you will experience your Chiron Return sometime between now and 2027. Since it’s the first sign of the zodiac, Aries instinctively seeks to discover a strong sense of self. In order to do this, it can take on a “me first” persona, as in the case of Aries, the desire for freedom and unrestrained action helps to uncover one’s true nature. Through this first zodiac sign, we are led to follow our impulses, and therefore, the evolutionary intentions of our soul. Under a Chiron return we can no longer accept the status quo and are eager to have a deeper sense of meaning in our life. We commit to the healing, and ultimately, the changes that will make our new life possible.

If your Chiron or Sun is in Aries or you have other Aries planets in your horoscope, you can look forward to this next decade as a special time of bridging the material with the non-material. Chiron’s presence will encourage you to recognize and embrace the dynamics that keep you from achieving a deeper connection to your true “self” so that you can achieve your most meaningful potential.

Even without a major planet in Aires, your horoscope will be affected by the transiting planet–comet because it will pass through one or more of your astrological houses. The symbolism of these houses will reflect the specific areas of life needing your attention and healing during this period.

Healing yourself can require the strength of the Centaur, as well as the Aries attributes of  courage, instinct, and freedom. It requires intense focus and the deep desire to leave behind that which no longer serves you.

Click here schedule an Astrological session and learn
more about Chiron’s influence in your horoscope.

© 2021 by Linda Kaye



The Spring Equinox & Aries New Moon

The Spring Equinox & Aries New Moon

Everything begins at the beginning, and quite often the beginning
begins when you shift your mind in a new direction. — Louie Herron

The movement of the Sun into Aries marks the beginning of the seasonal and Astrological New Year — Spring! Aries, as the first sign of the zodiac, is a powerful force. As the Sun makes its grand entrance into Aries on March 20 at 2:24 p.m. pacific time it will enter the “Aries Zero Point” (0° Aries) where it will become highly activated.

Within hours of the Equinox, on March 21 at 10:33 a.m. the Moon will join the Sun at the Aries Zero Point and kick off the New Moon lunation cycle at 0°49′ Aries.(1) That’s a lot of Aries fire! But what does it all mean? First off, Aries represents new beginnings. When the 0° is activated in any sign it emphasizes a new dynamic at play in our lives but at the 0° Aires Zero Point we are summoned to embrace a brand-new evolutionary cycle.

But that’s not all! Both the Sun and the Moon with all that Aires fire are acting as sentinel emissaries for Pluto as it prepares to make its way into Aquarius on March 23 for the first time in over 225 years. And don’t forget, Saturn just entered Pisces on March 7, which it hasn’t visited since 1996.

The impact of these planetary shifts is being felt by all of us. We each know and sense that more change is on its way. During this important Equinox–Full Moon lunation you’ll want to prioritize time to set intentions for how you can best align with these important shifts. Consider what needs to be released in your life so something new can be born. Brand new evolutionary cycles require trust in our intuitive faculties, listening to what’s being called forward, and having the strength and courage to act on those callings.

Equinox: equal balance between night and day — dark and light
The changing of the seasons are magical astronomical events celebrated the world over. The picture above captures Easter Island’s mysterious head statues as they gaze at the exact point of the setting Sun during the Spring and Fall Equinox. How did our ancestors obtain the tools and skills for such precise astronomical accuracy? What were they honoring? Could they have been marking the cycles of life? Rebirth and renewal? Balance and stability? Or was it something more?!

Astronomically, in the Northern Hemisphere both the Spring and the Fall Equinox mark the only two days that the Earth’s axis is not titled toward or away from the Sun, resulting in equal day and night throughout the world. Symbolically, equal dark and light mark a period of balance. With the New Moon occurring so close to this Equinox it is an opportune time to set new goals that create greater inner stability, equilibrium, and balance in your own life.

New Moon in Aries
As the courageous warrior archetype, an out-of-balance Aries can become ruthless, concerned only with its personal wants and desires, incapable of considering others’ needs.  When balanced, however, Aries follows its instincts and garners unlimited potential while creating the capacity to become a great leader and visionary.

Aries enjoys blazing new trails and is forever forging and initiating new beginnings. Therefore, setting New Moon intentions, which are followed up with sincere effort and action during such a potent Aries season can create real change in your life. Be careful what you wish for though, you just might get it!

 Happy Spring & New Moon in Aries intention setting!

Astrology Trivia: Did you know that Easter occurs the first Sunday following the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox? The next Full Moon will occur on Wednesday, April 5. Easter, therefore, falls on April 9.

1. Mercury, Chiron, and Jupiter are also in Aries during this New Moon.

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© 2023 by Linda Kaye

The Rainbow Bridge & Aries New Moon

The Rainbow Bridge & Aries New Moon

11°30′ Aries
Thursday, March 31, 2022
11:24 p.m. pacific time

                                       To catch the rainbows of your dreams, love yourself,
                                                love what you do, and how you do.
― Amit Ray

Because this month’s New Moon coincides with the Astrological New Year (the March 20th Equinox), there are two “initiatory cycles” occurring simultaneously and both feature Aries, the sign that signifies new evolutionary cycles.

Aries is also known for its independent, impulsive, strategizing warrior nature, thriving when initiating new cycles of adventure and self-discovery. Beware, however, as Aries can become easily enraged when it’s thrown off course and its freedom and/or unfulfilled desires are thwarted.

Wholeness and Healing are the vital themes of this lunation due to its close alignment with Chiron (currently in Aries), the half-horse — half-man Centaur. Chiron’s dualistic form is symbolic of our dual nature, specifically related to our higher and lower selves.

In Chiron’s case, he endured deep abandonment and alienation wounds at birth. As he matured, he began the arduous quest of unifying and bridging his higher and lower selves, whereby he ultimately obtained acceptance, wholeness, and healing. In fact, Chiron became a healer himself and appropriately garnered the title “the wounded healer.” 

Spiritually, rainbows are associated with divine guidance because they occur with the presence of light. When referring to Chiron astrologically, the process of integrating our external world of materialism to our internal world of spirituality is known as the rainbow bridge (1) and interestingly, when Chiron is highlighted in our horoscopes, rainbows become prominent in our lives.

During this lunation, the Sun, Moon, Chiron, and Mercury are all in the sign of Aries. Therefore, pay special attention to those areas of your life where you find yourself inspired to initiate and develop a stronger sense of self. The Aries themes of freedom and unrestrained action can help you to uncover your true nature so you can follow the evolutionary intentions of your soul. With the planet Mercury involved you will want to imbue your psyche with positive self-talk and loving ways of thinking about YOU!

It requires intense focus to leave behind that which no longer serves us so we can embark on a new way of being. Becoming whole and integrated in our dual natures can require the strength of the Centaur. Therefore, take advantage of this lunation and its attributes of courage, instinct, and freedom and initiate your very own new cycles of discovery.

Aries New Moon Key Words: initiation, leadership, warrior, self-discovery, independence, freedom, exploration and adventure, instinctual desires, brand new cycle, wholeness & healing, positive self-talk.


  1. The planet Chiron is also referred to as the Rainbow Bridge, because astronomically it resides in-between the orbits of Saturn (the physical realm) and the great awakener, Uranus (the higher realms).

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 Chiron in Aries
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© 2022 by Linda Kaye

Partnership & The Full Moon in Libra

Partnership & The Full Moon in Libra

Sunday, March 28, 11:48 p.m. PDT
8°18′ Libra

Let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds
of the heavens dance between you. 
— Kahil Gibran

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the partnership sign that represents love, peace, harmony, and the equalizing “scales of balance” — Libra. In Astrology, the Moon is considered a luminary, which means that it has the potential to light up the unconscious realms, both personally and collectively. As you may be aware, a Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun (in this case, Aries) on the zodiac ecliptic. This month’s Full Moon in Libra opposes the Sun,  the Centaur planet, Chiron — often referred to as the Wounded Healer — and Venus (Libra’s ruling planet). Due to these aspects, this is definitely a potent Full Moon and therefore, an opportune time to contemplate any relationship imbalances in our lives.

Because Libra is the zodiac sign striving for equality within all our relationships, the current Astrological significations are encouraging us to regain a state of peace and harmony in our personal and collective lives. Hence, you can use the light of this powerful Full Moon to focus upon and determine where you need more balance. For example, if you feel you are out of balance with either your intimate or professional partnerships, and possibly giving more than you are receiving, then you will want to spend time contemplating how you might resolve this imbalance.

The Libra archetype often realizes that it gives far more than it receives so it may be helpful to identify areas of your life where this dynamic of being unable to receive may be occurring. When Libra is involved, sometimes the greatest gift we can give another person is to know when not to give, thereby allowing that individual to independently determine their own needs — Aries. Once you can personally maintain this equilibrium of giving and receiving in your life, you will find that the imbalances automatically resolve themselves. Following, is a quote by singer and song-writer John Lennon that illustrates this beautifully:

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love.
When we are afraid, we pull back from life.
When we are in love, we open to all that life has to
offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.
We need to learn to love ourselves first,
in all our glory and our imperfections.
If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to
our ability to love others or our potential to create.
Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the
fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.

Lastly, Libra is the sign associated with the kidneys and blood sugar balances. Hence, this will be a great Full Moon to commit to consuming less sugar, foods high in carbohydrates, and alcohol. Look for healthy alternatives that support your overall well-being.

For night sky watchers: While the moon is bright, look high in the western sky after dusk for the twin stars of Gemini — Castor and Pollux.

RELATED ARTICLE: Chiron in Aries

© 2021 by Linda Kaye




Supermoon Total Solar Eclipse

Supermoon Total Solar Eclipse

This in the second Solar Eclipse within seven years of which the path of totality is occurring over the United States —beginning in Texas and ending in Maine. It’s also visible in Mexico and Canada. Here in the US (from Dallas, Texas), the Moon will cover the disk of the Sun for 3 minutes and 52 seconds.1

Monday, April 8, 2024
11:20 a.m. PDT
19°24′ Aries

One of the hardest things in life to learn are which bridges to cross and which bridges to burn.
~ Oprah Winfrey

This rare Supermoon Eclipse is garnering lots of attention here in the US! The last coast-to-coast Solar Eclipse to take place over the US was almost seven years ago (August 21, 2017) and the next doesn’t occur until 2045. Another important happening alongside this eclipse is a planetary lineup party — seven planets and a space–guest comet.2

A Supermoon occurs when it’s at its closest proximity to Earth, which will create a celestial awe-inspiring eclipse viewing for those fortunate to be under its path. Also, Venus and Jupiter should be visible with the naked eye during totality. However, viewing the other five planets and comet will be dependent on sky conditions and a good set of binoculars.

Moreover, per Michael Zieler’s astute map depiction below, overlaying the past three eclipse paths reveals two X Marks the Spot locations.3 The energetic power that is forming with these combined eclipses will potently emanate during this final of the three on April 8. Anyone living or visiting along the eclipse path and especially one of the X Marks the Spot locations will experience these frequencies the strongest. Let’s review the astrology.

Astrologically, eclipses are associated with our individual and collective patterning, as well as our future destiny. They offer profound opportunities to revisit the trajectory of our life and make course changes where desired. If there are areas in our life where we’ve felt stuck and unable to create movement then this eclipse in Aries can assist with creating important breakthroughs.

Additionally, the planets Venus, Mercury Retrograde, and Chiron are also in Aries with Chiron4 making an exact conjunction to the Sun and Moon at 19°24. Any planet making an exact conjunction with an eclipse is both rare and important. In this case, Chiron’s exactness will ensure that his mythological wisdom will be emphasized.

The action-oriented, impulsive, and independent nature of the fire-sign Aries is correlated with cycles of desirous adventure and self-discovery. The half-horse — half-man Centaur, Chiron, is associated with wholeness and healing, as well as the rainbow bridge5 linking our external–material world with our inner–spiritual world. Chiron’s dualistic form is symbolic of our dual nature, specifically our higher and lower selves.   

Spiritually, rainbows are associated with divine guidance because they occur with the presence of light. Interestingly, when Chiron is highlighted, rainbows frequently appear. Therefore, keep watch for rainbows of any form during this Supermoon Solar Eclipse! If one does gain your attention, you’ll know Chiron’s magic is calling you to symbolically walk across a bridge (or two).

Due to Mercury’s current retrograde cycle, old acquaintances and situations may revisit our lives. Use discernment and carefully evaluate how much attention you should give to these occurrences. Often, they are meant to remain in our rearview mirror as we decidedly move into the future we were destined to live. Keep an eye out for April 15–16 because retrograding Mercury will pass back over the eclipse degree at 19° Aries and join Chiron in the process. On May 4–5, Mercury — now in direct motion will once again pass over the eclipse degree. These dates may prove important for further reflection and refined action based on what was initiated during the eclipse.

Astrologers have studied Eclipses and their effects since the Babylonian Era and have found that they often coincide with Earth changes, modern stock market fluctuations, and political upheavals. Solar Eclipses have been associated with radical changes in governance, revolutions, and problems associated with the “king” or leader of the country they occur.

Eclipses always occur in pairs — the first, a Lunar Eclipse, occurred on March 25 during the Full Moon in Libra. The next pair of eclipses will occur on September 18 and October 2, 2024. The energies of an eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an eclipse.

The ancient sages believed that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

References and Note:
(All URLs were accessed in March and April 2024.)

  1. The totality of an eclipse depends on where it viewed. For more on locations you can visit ↩︎
  2. To learn more about the planetary lineup and comet 12P/Pons-Brooks you can visit and Star Walk Astronomy News ↩︎
  3. For more on this eclipse phenomena you can visit the Great American Eclipse website. Image credit goes to Michael Zeiler. ↩︎
  4. Learn more about Chiron’s passage through Aries here. ↩︎
  5. The planet Chiron is also referred to as the Rainbow Bridge, because astronomically it resides in-between the orbits of Saturn (the physical realm) and the great awakener, Uranus (the higher realms). ↩︎

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© 2024 by Linda Kaye

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