What’s Love Got to do With It?
Friday, Nov. 5th, 9:52 p.m. PT

Scorpio is the zodiac sign that symbolizes death and rebirth, so it is no coincidence that the Sun is transiting the sign of the Scorpion during Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, the holidays that recognize and honor dead souls.  This month’s New Moon also falls in the domain of the Scorpion and will highlight personal power dynamics, possessions, other people’s money, sexuality and deep internal transformations.   As a water sign, Scorpio represents our emotional realm, and most specifically our subconscious – the underworld.

If you are finding yourself immersed in an underworld of
internal struggles, or just needing to transform an important
area of your life, this New Moon is the time to ask for
assistance in making the changes you desire.

Scorpio is one of the signs most reflecting karma.  I recently heard karma described as our voice, and that the words we choose to speak create karma.  Words are based on our thought processes; therefore, if you don’t like the words you speak and wish to change your karma, you must begin by changing your thoughts.  Karma is also simply known as the law of cause and effect. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  When Scorpio is active we can find ourselves involved in issues of power struggles.  Therefore, it is especially important to remain conscious of karmic laws while under the influence of Scorpio, particularly this upcoming lunar aspect.

This New Moon is significant because it happens to occur at thirteen degrees of Scorpio, the exact degree Venus turned retrograde on October 8th.   As many of you know, Venus is Aphrodite’s planet, the planet representing what we value, and thus, how we love.  As the New Moon highlights this significant point in the heavens, we are each being called to journey deep within our own psyche to reexamine our individual way of loving based on our personal values.  If you find your values are not in alignment with your deepest truths and are sabotaging how you receive and give love, then this New Moon is an opportune time to set intentions to transform that area of your life.

The cultural transformation from the love of power to the power of love is the drama of our time. – Anodea Judith, Waking the Global Heart.

Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye

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