Mercury Turns Rx: March 31, 2011
and Turns Direct: April 22, at 3:03 a.m. PDT

The first Mercury Retrograde cycle of 2011 will occur in the fire sign of the Ram – Aries.  Along with Mercury, there will be a total of six planets in the sign of Aries during the first few days of April. To learn more about the importance of this super charged heavenly energy please refer to my “April’s Fire Sky” article.

As you may recall,– Aries is a Cardinal sign that is emphasizing the Cardinal Cross energy present at this time.  Cardinal signs want change–and Aries specifically–wants to forge entirely new frontiers. During 2011, each of the three Mercury Retrograde periods will occur in fire signs.  Fire is inspiring, passionate and future oriented. Therefore, this year’s retrograde cycles should light an inspirational fire under each of us to create new paths that can shift us into our desired future.

In fact, Aries represents initiatory action, and if you haven’t already heard,- NASA now has the very first spacecraft circling the planet of Mercury. NASA’s announcement appropriately occurred during Mercury’s journey through Aries. Chief NASA scientist Sean Solomon is quoted as stating, “Mercury is a planet where there are many things going on.”  Indeed!  With Mercury there is always “many things” going on.  Mercury is curious and encourages multi-tasking; gathering of lots of different information while swiftly traveling here and there. On a personal level, if you need more knowledge to embark upon your desired goals then this Mercury retrograde is a great time to seek information through the mind or physical travel.

Mercury Retrograde periods can cause technical problems, delays, frustrations, and mix-ups and is typically not a good time to sign contractual agreements. In the sign of Aries, tempers can be short and our anger fuse ignited far quicker than usual. The best mitigation for the April Aries energy is physical exercise. Don’t sit around and let frustration become pent up! Aries likes action and nature; get up, get out, and move!

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

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