Sunday, April 17th, 7:44 p.m. PDT
27 degrees and 44 minutes

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the cardinal sign that represents harmonizing partnerships and the equalizing “scales of balance”—Libra. In Astrology, the Moon is considered to be a luminary lighting the path that allows us to see into the unconscious realms, both personally and collectively.  As you may be aware, a Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic and this month’s Full Moon is most significant because it will also oppose four other planets—all in the cardinal sign of Aries— creating the April Fire Sky that I wrote about earlier this month. These planetary oppositions are an opportune time to focus on finding the commonality that brings about union—Libra—versus the discord that creates separateness—Aries.

Out of the ten planets (including planet Earth) that orbit our Sun, Neptune and Venus are the only two not currently in a cardinal sign.  I continue to point out when planets fall in the caridnal signs because they highlight the Cardinal Cross which indicates the essential need for change within us and on our planet. You may have seen the YouTube video “2012—A Message of Hope” that I posted on my facebook page in which Deepak Chopra so poignantly emphasizes Libra’s balancing qualities. He states, “If the collective mind is turbulent than nature is turbulent. We are not separate from nature and the current earth crises. When we settle down, nature will settle down. Through our unified hearts we may lessen the crises. Meditate every day!”

I feel Deepak Chopra’s message is important for this month’s Full Moon because we are daily witness to an unstable world that is striving to return to a state of equilibrium. Because Libra is the zodiac sign striving for equality within all partnerships, the current Astrological significations are encouraging us to “wake-up” and regain a state of peace and harmony in our personal and collective lives. Therefore, you can use the light of this powerful Full Moon to focus upon and determine where you can be more balanced. If, for example, you feel you are out of balance with either your intimate or professional partnerships and possibly giving more than you are receiving, then you will want to spend time contemplating how you can resolve the imbalance and then take action.

Once you can personally maintain equilibrium in your life, you will find the relationship imbalance resolved. The Libra archetype will often find that it gives far more than it receives so it may be helpful to observe areas of your life where this dynamic is exemplified. When Libra is involved, sometimes the greatest gift we can give another person is to know when not to give, thereby allowing that individual to independently determine their own needs—Aries.

Lastly, during this Full Moon, Saturn—which is also in Libra— is in an exact opposition to Mars in Aries. Mercury is still retrograde and will conjoin Mars on the 18th while also opposing Saturn.  Mercury governs our speech and thought processes; Mars wants action; and Saturn can be ridged and stoic.  Globally, watch for heated political conversations, especially in regard to the Japanese nuclear disaster. Individually, examine your thoughts carefully before speaking these next few days, otherwise you could regret untimely and irrational outbursts.  Most importantly, continue to do your individual healing so you can help restore balance to our beautiful planet by embodying Libra’s peace and harmony.
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

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