May 17, 2011 – 4:09 a.m. PT
26 degrees and 13 minutes of Scorpio

This month’s Full Moon is considered to be very auspicious as it kicks off the 2600 year anniversary of Buddha’s enlightenment. The Moon moved into Scorpio at 9:32 a.m. PT on Sunday morning, whereby many of us have since experienced Scorpio’s intensity–externally and internally. This lunation cycle can unexpectedly illuminate secrets and a deep need for transformation. If this is the case for you, draw upon the powerful energy of Scorpio to transmute and transform.

Scorpio is feminine in nature and symbolizes the element of water. Its spiritual essence is symbolized by the divine shakti—energy and power—which is recognized as the many faces of the divine feminine. In the Hindu tradition the divine shakti is known as the divine mother, the universal creator, destroyer of evil and sustainer of all life. Her many faces are acknowledged as Kali, Durga, and the only female companion of Lord Shiva—Parvati. The divine union of Shiva and Parvati is symbolic of the powerful merger of equality between the sacred feminine and masculine.

Scorpio encourages us to embrace the mysteries of death and rebirth. Cycles of darkness eventually awaken us to the wisdom of enlightenment that result from going deep within. You may find yourself stuck in a defeating karmic cycle if you’ve allowed yourself to become disempowered in any area of your life. Therefore, embrace this potent and auspicious Full Moon as a powerful time to shift and heal any self-defeating behavior patterns so you can transfom and give birth to new and self-empowered aspects of YOU!

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

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