Wednesday, June 15th 1:13 pm PT
Twenty-four degrees & twenty-three minutes of Sagittarius

If you read my last Astro-Gram you know that 2011 marks the rare occurrence of six eclipses in one year: four solar and two lunar. The first eclipse—a partial solar eclipse—occurred in January. On June 1, another partial solar eclipse occurred in Gemini kicking off a trio of eclipses within a month. The second eclipse of this trio will occur on Wednesday, June 15 in the sign of Sagittarius and is the first total lunar eclipse of 2011. The final of this noteworthy trio—a partial solar eclipse—occurs in Cancer on July 1. Be sure and watch for important upcoming communication on this third eclipse and its significance as it ignites the Astrological Cardinal Cross. Lastly, the final two eclipses of 2011 will occur in November and December.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon is completely immersed within the Earth’s shadow. During this eclipse, totality will last just over 100 minutes—longer than any total lunar eclipse since July 16, 2000. This eclipse will be visible over Africa and Central Asia, but will not be seen in North America. This is a relatively rare eclipse where the moon passes through the center line of the Earth’s shadow. The last lunar eclipse that occurred close to the center of the Earth’s shadow took place on July 16, 2000 and the next will occur on July 27, 2018.

Astrological and astronomical correlations throughout history have shown that eclipses have significant connections to the rise and fall of civilizations, and geologic and climate anomalies. With the advent of external events, eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed change in our personal lives. Lunar energies govern domestic matters, the feminine principal, and the water element. These energies encourage us to examine our emotions, and create and hold intentions for change in our lives.

Mercury— the planet representing communication— is combust the Sun in this eclipse, and therefore, will not be able to act effectively until a couple of days after the eclipse.  Prepare to be as clear as possible, and take responsibility with all your communication, especially in the work place, because Mercury is highlighting the career sector of this eclipse chart. Please refer to my June 1 solar eclipse for more information on destiny and Mercury’s influence under these two eclipses. 

Full Moons occur when the Moon is opposite the Sun, and during this eclipse the Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius opposite the Sun in Gemini. The Sagittarius Moon’s ruling planet is Jupiter which just moved into Taurus on June 4, paving the way for increased awareness of what it truly means to feel secure. As the eclipses create a temporary shadow, you too, may find yourself uncovering previously buried emotions around your personal security that need to be acknowledged. This is an intense eclipse that may have you questioning your long-held beliefs—Moon in Sagittarius—around what security means for you. Spend time under this full Moon eclipse to seek the Sagittarian wisdom that can only come through your personal truth.

As the Moon represents cycles, lunar eclipses are a time to look at what is no longer working in your life, and initiate the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. Each of us will experience the effects of this eclipse trio where the eclipse falls in our own charts. Those with planets in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, and especially the Sun if you were born late in the sign,) will feel this eclipse most intensely. You can expect a lunar eclipse to maintain an influence in your life for as long as it takes for you to resolve the emotional dynamics that it produced.

The ancient sages felt that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

Click here to schedule an Astrological Consultation and learn more about how this eclipse trio is effecting you.

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

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