New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse
Friday, July 1, 1:53 am PT
Nine degrees twelve minutes of Cancer

WOW! With three eclipses in 30 days the past month has been nothing but extraordinary. This final eclipse of the trio will promote momentous change as it ignites the Astrological Cardinal Cross. You can learn more about the Astrological Cardinal Cross on my website.

If you read my last two Astro-Grams you know that 2011 marks the rare occurrence of six eclipses in one year: four solar and two lunar. The first eclipse—a partial solar eclipse—occurred in January. On June 1, another partial solar eclipse occurred in Gemini, kicking off a trio of eclipses within a month. The second eclipse occurred on Wednesday, June 15 in the sign of Sagittarius and was the first total lunar eclipse of 2011. The final of this noteworthy trio—a partial solar eclipse—occurs in Cancer on July 1. Lastly, the final two eclipses of 2011 will occur in November and December.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon travels between the Sun and the Earth and therefore casts its shadow and blocks the view of the Sun from Earth. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow misses the Earth but passes very close to it. This partial solar eclipse will only be visible off Lutzow-Holm Bay which is on the coast of Antarctica.

As mentioned, this eclipse is especially important because it is kicking off the Cardinal Cross (the last Cardinal Cross occurred during the Great Depression) and ushering in the 2012 Shift of the Ages. Cardinal signs are synonymous with the changing of the seasons and are characterized by the initiation of brand new beginnings, forging new paths and embarking on innovative enterprises. Therefore, our Cardinal brothers and sisters—Aries, Cancers, Libras and Capricorns—are especially affected by this present eclipse and the current revolutionary times we are undergoing. This is also true if your horoscope has planets in any of the cardinal signs. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the energies produced by the shift will affect you even if you don’t have planets in cardinal signs.

Destiny is represented by the “Dragons Tail” –the Nodal Axis of the Moon, and this eclipse reflects our destiny as it is creates stressful relationships with the outer planets that form the Cardinal Cross—Saturn, Uranus and Pluto—which serves an important purpose: to initiate the transformation and renewal of our inner and outer relationships. The Natural Law of Balance and Equality is paramount in reflecting back to each of us—moment by moment—the great disconnect between our species and other life forms. It may be helpful to contemplate the question, “What is wrong with the world and what is right with the world?”  In both cases we find the answer to be “I AM.”*

Under this eclipse you should be cognizant of family, work or other dynamics that can suddenly erupt into power struggles. Evaluate if you are in right relationship with yourself and others. You may feel the powerful buildup of paradoxical energies—similar to a volcano—that can allow you to release your emotional and financial insecurities, while motivating you to root out self-defeating anxieties and irrational fears. In short, this eclipse is asking each of us to search deeply into our own “I AM” and awaken to our planet’s shifting paradigms.

Summary of the current eclipse trio:

  • The 1st eclipse on June 1 dealt with our thought processes and the Sun’s spiritual and enlightening wisdom.
  • The 2nd eclipse on June 15 illuminated awareness of our belief systems which can bring conscious understanding of our personal truths and dogmas.
  • The 3rd eclipse on July 1 culminates with the Cardinal Cross energy inspiring us to be flexible in awakening, healing, transforming and renewing ourselves during this great time of change.

The ancient sages felt that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to universal wisdom.

Special Note: This eclipse is highlighting the U.S. Independence Day chart. Because Cancer rules the housing industry and eclipses often reflect economic dynamics, it is possible that the U.S. housing market will take yet another downturn.

* Tom Shadyac: Documentary, I AM

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Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

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