In the Creative and Passionate Sign of Leo
July 15 – August 9
12 degrees – 1 degree Leo
Has it been a little chaotic or intense for you as of late? Are you finding there are suddenly a lot of loose ends needing cleaned up? Do your relationships need more joy, passion and playfulness? Does your spiritual practice need uplifting? If so, Mercury— the “Comic Trickster”— might be able to help.
Mercury will be turning retrograde for the second time this year at 7:16 PDT this evening in the passionate creative loving sign of Leo and the Astrological 7th house of partnership and contractual agreements. Leo is the sign that rules the heart and your ability to creatively actualize passion in your life. The 7th house emphasizes peace, harmony and most importantly—balance between the feminine and masculine, and our ability to give and receive love.
Mercury Retrograde periods can cause technical problems with cell phones and computers; delays, frustrations, and mix-ups of all kinds and is typically not a good time to sign contractual agreements. It is also the time during the year when old friends or lovers reach out to us in some way. Mercury rules communication and while retrograding in the fiery sign of Leo, romance and passion may be the topic of conversation. Passion can be utilized in positive or negative ways. Use your passion during this Mercury period to creatively actualize your hearts desires. Be conscious of the quality of the relationships you are creating and your ability to give and receive love.
Leo also rules the Sun in Astrology and our Sun is currently experiencing an unprecedented metamorphosis. It is expanding and becoming hotter than ever, as the intensity of increased solar flare activity is confirming. Spiritual teachings worship the Sun as the planet that bestows awakening—enlightenment. The changes occurring with our central star are a mere reflection of the spiritual changes occurring within each of us as all life forms on our planet are rapidly shifting to new levels of consciousness during this important year—2012. Stay focused during this Mercury retrograde on your heart and be a conscious, awakened messenger for peace, love and harmony.
Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye
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