November 07 – November 25
4 degrees Sagittarius – 18 degrees Scorpio
This is sure to be a powerful Mercury Retrograde period as it is beginning the day after the presidential election, and emphasizes next Tuesday’s potent Scorpio Solar Eclipse and the busy Thanksgiving travel weekend.
Mercury will be turning retrograde for the third and final time this year at 3:03 PST on November 7, in the auspicious and freedom loving sign of the archer—Sagittarius. Because it begins its backward motion in the sign (Sagittarius) that rules futuristic thinking, wisdom, and truth consciousness, it will encourage you to seek a higher visionary perspective. If you have found yourself stuck in defeating negative thought patterns and outmoded belief systems, now will be the time to seek a different viewpoint. As Mercury continues its retrograde movement into Scorpio it will promote deep internal metamorphosis. Scorpio’s domain is one of secrets, deep transformation, sexuality and power. Therefore, you can expect to awaken to many profound realizations during this Mercury retrograde period.
Mercury Retrograde periods encourage you to clean up any lingering loose ends that are in need of your attention. They also signify various technical and electronic glitches with cell phones, computers, and electric devices. Remain flexible, and prepare for delays and mix-ups of all kinds. Additionally, this is not a good time to enter into new partnerships and the signing of contractual agreements. It is a time period, however, when we often hear from or feel compelled to reach out to old friends or lovers whom we haven’t spoken to in some time.
Mercury rules communication and thought patterns. While retrograding in the fiery sign of Sagittarius and the Watery sign of Scorpio, you can be sure to experience a mixture of deep passion and intense emotion. Passion can be utilized in positive or negative ways. Use your passion during this Mercury period to embrace the truth and change the way you think and look at things so you can envision and create a happier future for yourself and those around you.
Would you like more freedom, travel or joy in your life? Do your belief systems and spiritual practice need uplifting? Are you longing for a deep transformational metamorphosis? If so, embrace this Mercury retrograde period with optimism and happily complete any projects and loose ends that may be keeping you from doing just that!
Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye
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