In the Mystical Sign of Pisces
Feb. 24 – March 16
19 degrees – 5 degrees

On February 24, at 4:05 a.m. PT, Mercury – the cosmic trickster entered into his first retrograde cycle of 2013. Known as the Messenger of the Gods – Mercury’s role is to speedily deliver clear and precise information. While Mercury is in retrograde motion many of our daily activities seem to go haywire. During this Mercury cycle he is traveling through the watery realms of mystical Pisces whereby you may find yourself feeling especially disoriented and unable to focus clearly. This perplexing energy will intensify as Mercury continues its retrograde motion and conjoins Mars, the Sun, Chiron, and Neptune—all of which are also in Pisces.

Mercury Retrograde periods encourage you to clean up any lingering loose ends that are in need of your attention. They also signify various technical and electronic glitches with cell phones, computers, and electric devices. It is helpful to remain flexible, and prepare for delays and mix-ups of all kinds. Additionally, this is not a good time to enter into new partnerships and the signing of contractual agreements. It is a time period, however, when we often hear from or feel compelled to reach out to old friends or lovers whom we haven’t spoken to in some time.

As Mercury travels through the final sign of the zodiac—Pisces—it  is important to remember that it is associated with the spiritual teaching that our world is maya or illusion which veils us from the truth of who we are—individual aspects of divine. Any belief that we are not divinity incarnate causes the delusion of separation or maya. Pisces is therefore concerned with the need to culminate all types of separating desires so it can return to its original oneness with divine. Simultaneously, on a more mundane level, Mercury retrograde periods provide opportunities to complete and therefore culminate circumstances from your past.

Therefore, surrender and enjoy this Mercury mystifying retrograde cycle as it attempts to prompt you to culminate past related conditions that no longer serve your ability to merge with divine.

Copyright 2013 by Linda Kaye

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