Current Retrograding Planets

Passionate, Action-oriented Mars retrogrades through the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio: April 18 – June 28
The Task Master – Saturn –
retrogrades in Sagittarius: March 26 – August 12

Transformational Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn: April 19 – September 25

While on his trek through Sagittarius, the planet Saturn kicked off an impressive cosmic retrograde party shortly after the Equinox on March 26. Following closely behind Saturn and also in the sign of Sagittarius is Mars – the action-oriented planet that turned retrograde on April 18. The cosmic participants of this party list isn’t complete however, because Pluto also turned retrograde on April 19.

You may be wondering, “What exactly does it mean when a planet is retrograde?” From an astronomical perspective, retrograding planets appear to move backwards from our point on Earth, as they orbit around the Sun. However, they don’t really move backward, but rather move at an apparent backward speed from our Earth-centered perspective at certain times of the year.

Astrologically, retrograding planets are powerful and mysterious periods that encourage reflection on our past in order to gain a better understanding of our present life circumstances. As a planet retrogrades or travels backward by degree, it encourages us to contemplate where we’ve been and to notice where we are going.

Since Mars only turns retrograde once every two years, it will be the focal point of this retrograde party, as well as this article. Mars is a planet of passionate, outward action and manifestation. It thrives on adventure and can exude a strong “warrior” quality. Its natural propensities are passion, independence, impulsiveness, and leadership – while its evolutionary purpose is to initiate brand new cycles of adventure and self-discovery. However, during a Mars retrograde cycle, initiating new cycles of becoming may be temporarily put on-hold as this time period (April 18 – June 28) is better spent preparing for new action once Mars turns direct.

Because Mars is currently traveling alongside Saturn – also retrograde in Sagittarius – this will be an important time to evaluate where and how we find meaning in our lives. This can manifest in a couple of different ways: if there is lack of meaning in your life you may feel disheartened, restless, bored, and even blocked from pursuing a course of action. If, however, you are currently inspired by what is transpiring in your life, you can use this period to strategize and plan how you will start new projects once Mars turns direct on June 28.

Mars will retrograde into the sign of Scorpio on May 27. This transition back into Scorpio has the possibility of bringing about very intense experiences and emotions. It can incite a need to uncover the deep hidden mystery of your life. If something has been deeply buried within your psyche it may wish to reveal itself during this retrograde period. It will be important to monitor your feelings and to recognize that any powerful reactions emerging at this time can be indicators of repressed or unresolved past experiences that are now seeking your attention. This will be a powerful time of transformation if you choose to actively participate in healing and or removing anything blocking you from your desired future.

Lastly, while Mars is retrograde it is best to practice considered response versus impulsive reaction to situations and people in our lives. This period will also provide an opportune time to examine our egotistic actions and make appropriate adjustments where necessary.

Key Phrases for Mars Retrograde
Seek to develop deeper levels of meaning.
Question any beliefs that may be limiting my fullest potential.
Monitor intense emotions to identify their origin and need for transformation or healing.
Return to my center or “core” self.
Identify and examine motivations of egoic actions.
Learn to listen more closely to my inner versus external desires.
Create considered response versus acting impulsively.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

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