December 17, 2020 — March 8, 2023

Note: During 2020 Saturn moved into Aquarius for three+ months
(March 21 – July 1) before retrograding back into Capricorn until Dec. 16.

Saturn is often referred to as “The Lord of Karma” or “The Great Malefic” and even “The Task Master,” all of which can provoke feelings of pessimism and negativity. Rarely are Saturn’s countless hidden gifts emphasized upon first contemplating this great planet’s Astrological significations.

It is is the planet that represents structure, social-political systems and authority, as well as the awareness of time and karma. He is the harbinger of the blatant recognition that our long-standing way of life may no longer be serving us. With Saturn’s ingress into Aquarius, we will each find ourselves investing energy to restructure the area of our lives reflected by the zodiacal sign of Aquarius.

Comfortable in the sign of Aquarius — both the planet and sign essentially represent similar ideals and goals. As you read through the below examples of Saturn’s influence through Aquarius, think about how both — the balanced and / imbalanced expressions — may relate to you personally:

  • The hard-cold reality of the here and now; facing what needs to be done and taking action (or) / defiance, denial, and lack of action
  • Unexpected surprising events and insights that are meant to inform and inspire / feeling overwhelmed, fragmented, and unable to integrate — trauma and post traumatic stress (PTS)
  • Studying and acknowledging our past so we can make wise decisions that evolve us into a better future / ignorance (don’t know what we don’t know) — refusing or unable to learn from our history
  • Futuristic innovation that leads to revitalization / maintaining the status quo at our own peril
  • Responsibility and right action; justice and equality for all / recklessness and self-serving interest; intolerance and division
  • Methodical and virtuous diligence that seeks to uplift / ill-informed impulsive action that creates mayhem and confusion
  • Moral and ethical use of intelligence / seeking to manipulate knowledge (what’s the truth!?!) for self-seeking goals and power
  • Leadership that strives to elevate and unite the whole / guiding with extremist ideals that weaken and alienate
  • Receiving rewards equivalent to our effort, and so forth

These Saturn in Aquarius themes speak to our current times. It may all sound like Saturnian drudgery, but when we focus and commit to the positive qualities mentioned, the rewards can be astounding. Individually, an arduous Saturn period can be analogous to the development of the “diamond soul,” which was so aptly referred to in ancient Buddhist teachings and is the result of a life lived authentically and honorably!

Within the United States, Saturn’s movement into Aquarius (Dec. 17, 2020) coincided with social-political unrest, discontent, and polarization. Our spiritual teachers remind us that the ancient Yin-Yang symbol or hermetic axiom “as above, so below” are to help guide us on our evolutionary path — to remain alert to any polarity that pulls us out of balance. With the intent of returning to balance as quickly as possible. We are asked to remember that everything happening outside of us is but a reflection of that which resides within — both individually and collectively. How often are we consciously walking in balance, peace, and love?

During this Saturn in Aquarius period, we will find that our personal and collective ideals can unexpectedly change and evolve. Many of our external transformations will manifest through reform or scandals in our governing systems. We can expect the general populace to hold our leaders accountable for corrupt and intolerable behaviors of negligence, irresponsibility, sheer recklessness, and the like, as Saturn demands that each of us take responsibility and demonstrate integrity.

Also important, is that both Saturn and Jupiter move into the air sign of Aquarius within days of one another conjoining at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 — the Winter Solstice — marking what is being referred to as the 2020 “Christmas Star” and/or “A New Aira.”1 This spectacular planetary duo may also be emphasizing the actual dawning of the “Age of Aquarius.” The implications of this “New Aira” aspect have many significations, the least of which is a brand new 20-, 200-, and 800-year planetary cycle. Of which all point to new societal movements and changes.

A powerful planetary combination, these potent new cycles are emphasizing new beginnings in areas of life as mentioned in the above bulleted Saturnian themes, while simultaneously galvanizing these themes due to Jupiter’s expansive influence. Jupiter in Aquarius increases the individual and collective quests for social justice and law reform; futuristic revelations and inventions — including beneficial environmental constructs; interplanetary discoveries; freedom and liberation from oppression; transformed systems of knowledge and/or accessible education for all through web-based platforms; radical new communal living arrangements.

On a more personal level you will feel inspired to expand your understanding of governance, develop your vocational skills, and possibly seek a new career path. Responsible actions and hard work will be rewarded. Make the most of this period by setting your sights on a path with intentional and attainable goals. This is especially true for Aquarians because Saturn will transit directly over your Sun. If you are between the ages of 28–30 or 56–59 you are experiencing or about to experience your Saturn Return, a major maturation and turning point in your life.

Mindful awareness is required at the onset of a significant Saturn transit and we are encouraged to use integrity in all our dealings throughout its duration. The Saturnian journey often leads us into solemn periods of reflection where we may find ourselves feeling dejected or disillusioned. We may also feel thwarted in our efforts to move into the future we desire because Saturn rejects any attempt that is not in alignment with our highest purpose. Thus, we may also find relationships ending or being reorganized. Although we may experience resistance to such events, it behooves us to remember that Saturn is always acting in our best interest and only those people and things that are no longer beneficial to our lives will be eliminated. For this reason, Saturn can simultaneously promote new career heights, responsibilities, and leadership recognition. If we consciously embrace Saturn’s wise teachings we can emerge with unexpected treasures and celebrate a more dynamic and productive life.

Saturnian transits and aspects bring us to a crossroads and provide opportunities to hasten our evolution. They usher in a profound time period, which if embraced, can ultimately bring great wisdom and a deeper meaning of life. Awareness of self, including maturation, humility, and freedom— by releasing that which no longer serves you—are also characteristic of Saturn’s influence.

1. The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR):

Related Article:
The Saturn Return in Aquarius

Copyright 2021 by Linda Kaye

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