Saturday, December 18, 2021
8:34 p.m. pacific time
27°28‘ Gemini
… we discovered that education is not something which
the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops
spontaneously in the human being. — Maria Montessori
This last Full Moon of 2021 occurs in the communicative and versatile sign of the twins — Gemini. This ever-youthful sign is driven to discovery through curiosity, diversity, and duality. Its nature is one of restlessness as it abhors monotony. Gemini enjoys learning, gathering, and dispersing information and is associated with our thought processes. A note of caution, however, if those with this sign take in too much information too quickly the result can be mental fluctuation and unrest.
Fittingly, this Full Moon is reflecting the cosmic light of the Sun located at the Galactic Center (27°03′ Sagittarius).1 Astrologically, the sign of Sagittarius and the center of our galaxy represent “wisdom” or “truth consciousness.” The radiant light emanating from the core of our galaxy is intended to transform and imbue each of us with a deep inner knowing — that we are not separate from divine — this is the truth that we will all be called to seek and are each destined to realize.
When belief ends, knowing begins. — Anand Mehrotra
2021 has been an intense year, whereby many of us have reckoned with the fear of unfamiliar terrain and/or the many “truth versus belief” paradigms encapsulating our current-day reality. The reflective rays emitting from the Sun at our Galactic Center are encouraging us to embrace our own highest wisdom and inner knowing.
Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, is making a benefic aspect with this Full Moon. Currently traveling through the sign of Aquarius, Jupiter is highlighting altruistic noble efforts that inspire us to strive for a better world. Friendships, organizations, and the internet (social media) are all emphasized as modes of interactive support for improving our inner and outer world. Jupiter is a philosopher by nature who loves travel and scholarly study, and its main objective is to eliminate restrictive Gemini thought patterns, as well as any outmoded Sagittarian belief systems.
The planet, Venus, will standstill early morning on the day of this Full Moon as she prepares to turn retrograde the following evening. This is important because Venus makes her retrogration only once every 548 days or so. Venus’s contribution to this final Full Moon of the year is in the areas of partnership and love (self and other), as well as a reevaluation of what brings meaning to our life. Are we in alignment with our values or just going through the motions and disconnected from our deepest core values and personal divine truth?
As you can see, this is a powerful and spiritually auspicious Full Moon for the end of 2021. While the Moon is reflecting the rays from our galactic center (December 17, 18, and 19) you will want to spend time in meditation and quiet contemplation and allow the reflective galactic rays to awaken you to your true nature.
1. The Galactic Center is the position of the black hole in our Milky Way Galaxy. The Mayans refer to this location as the “road to awe.” They revere it as the “cosmic womb of the great mother,” and it is the celestial point in space where our solar system just recently completed its 26,000-year cyclic passage. The Mayans have an extraordinary astronomical calendar that predicted this sacred passageway as occurring from 1980 through 2016 (John Major Jenkins: They believe it was during this period that much of humanity experienced an unprecedented spiritual rebirth.
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