Wednesday, March 2
9:34 a.m. pacific time
12°06′ Pisces


In the most basic of ways, the world [life] is formed from the inside out.
— Jane Roberts channeling Seth

This month’s New Moon is super-charged by the two planets Jupiter and Neptune. As you likely know, New Moons represent a time of new beginnings and rebirth. And as I’ll explain in more detail below, this New Moon in Pisces is also an auspicious time to connect to the unified field of pure consciousness — source energy.

It’s up to each of us to consciously align with
what we want to amplify in our lives.

Because this New Moon is in a rare alignment with the two gas giants that rule Pisces — Neptune (its modern ruler) and Jupiter (its ancient ruler) — it will amplify all things associated with this mystical sign. This is important because Jupiter and Neptune will not conjoin in the sign of Pisces again until the year 2189 — 164 years from now!1

Our ultimate longing as expressed through Pisces is to return to our divine nature that, for most of us, has been forgotten in our current third-dimensional reality. Additional Pisces significations are trust and faith, inspiration, hope, compassion and caring, love, sensitivity and intuition, the dreamtime, escapism (through any mode necessary), beauty, suffering and sacrifice, forgiveness, healing or healing crises, adaptability, karmic completions.

Most importantly, however, Pisces encourages us to reunite with source energy, which is analogous to the wave returning to the ocean — the quantum field. As the last water–sign of the zodiac, Pisces seeks to dissolve all the separating egoic desires that keep us from returning to source energy. Once earthly desires no longer satisfy us, we often experience disillusionment. When a loss of meaning does occur, its purpose is to help us awaken to the fact that the only desire that will bring true and long-lasting meaning (and liberation) is our connection to the divine (Pisces).

Putin’s power-mongering insanity has exasperated the seemingly endless chaos on our planet. This is where our supercharged lunation can provide support if we embrace the heightened Pisces influence through prayer, meditation, and healing by connecting with the unified field of divine consciousness.

A highly respected science, quantum physics tells us that individual and collective consciousness creates our life experiences. Most of us would agree that our individual state of consciousness definitely influences our day-to-day reality. The familiar quote by Mahatma Gandhi, you must be the change you wish to see in the world, states this pervasive truth as well.

If only it were that simple.

The inside job of being the change we wish to see in the world is our true spiritual practice. And that’s where Pisces comes in. Pisces represents the inner conscious realization that we are always and forever divine souls having a human experience — we are that which we seek outside ourselves — we are all that we need! Once we individually and collectively integrate this inner awareness and gain an all-permeating (Pisces) knowing that we are divine consciousness expressing itself through our humanness, our lives peacefully change.  

This supercharged New Moon is an auspicious time to contemplate the following:

  • What is separating me from the true nature of my divine self?
  • What needs my awareness and commitment to healing?
  • What desires does my soul wish to experience?
  • What experiences are no longer providing meaning in my life and need to be culminated so I can align to my higher nature?
  • How can I more fully integrate with the divine?

Once you’ve answered these questions, set intentions that will lead you into a closer relationship with your highest goals.

1. Jupiter and Neptune form an exact conjunction on April 12, 2022, at 23°59′ Pisces. Jupiter joins Neptune every 12–13 years and the next conjunction occurs on March 24, 2035, in Aries. However, the next conjunction in Pisces isn’t going to happen for another 164 years.

© 2022 by Linda Kaye



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