16°07′ Libra
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
9:34 p.m. pacific time

Love may be all around us, but it won’t matter unless we can receive it.
— Marisa Franco Ph.D.

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the Venus–ruled sign that represents harmonious loving relationships and the equalizing scales of balance — Libra. Astrologically, the Moon is considered the luminary that lights up our unconscious, bringing attention to those dynamics that are connected to the zodiac sign that it’s passing through.

A Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic. This month, the Sun falls in the desire-oriented sign of Aries. The opposing energies of this Full-Moon Lunation is highlighting the need for integration between the Sun in Aries (self) and the Moon in Libra (others).

The Libra archetype is associated with maintaining balance within relationships through giving and receiving. Are we able to give and receive love? Do we feel we give more than we receive? Are we able to know when not to give, thereby allowing others to independently determine their own needs — Aries.

The Sun in Aries denotes freedom, independence, and action. During this Full Moon, both the Sun and Moon are in aspect with Chiron and Jupiter, also in the sign of Aries. These planetary combinations instill the qualities of healing (Chiron) any imbalances associated with our individual autonomy (Aries). It also speaks to our desire to seek the truth (Jupiter). Since Full Moons represent balance and integration, it’s equally important that we recognize and honor these needs in others.

Libra is the sign of beauty, grace, and diplomacy. Ruled by Aphrodite’s planet, Venus, Libra thrives in healthy, balanced, and loving relationships. Therefore, this Full Moon is supporting the unveiling, understanding, and healing of any potential relationship imbalances: giving/receiving, equality/inequality, independence/dependence, harmony/conflict, truth/untruth, love/hate.

Lastly, from a health perspective Libra is the sign associated with the kidneys and blood-sugar balances. Therefore, this is a great Full Moon to commit to consuming less sugar, foods high in carbohydrates, and alcohol. Look for healthy alternatives that support your overall wellbeing.

Related Articles:
Relationships and Compatibility Sessions
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle
2023 Lunations

© 2023 by Linda Kaye

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