Friday, May 19, 2023
8:53 a.m. pacific time
28°25′ Taurus
You are the soul of the soul of the Universe,
and your name is Love. ― Rumi
Venus, the planet that governs over the sign of Taurus, is rising in the Western United States during this month’s New Moon (see note below). Venus is synonymous with LOVE and when associated with Taurus, she encourages us to foster a loving relationship with self.
The Moon is exalted in the stable peaceful sign of Taurus. When it moves through this sign, we feel the need to relax and enjoy the sensual realms — romance, massages, gourmet food, fine wine, and of course, chocolate. Spiritually, Taurus can instill a deep calling to study the sacred mysteries.
Jupiter joined Mercury, Uranus, the Moon, and the Sun on May 16. That’s five planets currently in Taurus. Both the Sun and Moon will move on to the sign of Gemini in just a couple of days and Mercury will follow in a few weeks. With Jupiter remaining in this sign alongside Uranus through May of 2024, we will be witness to more and more dialogues regarding “value,” especially around earthly goods, such as food, as well as global financial markets, etc.
Because Taurus and Venus are also associated with our personal financial security, it is common to associate our self- worth and value with our growing or diminishing financial status. Therefore, this Taurus New Moon is an excellent time for each of us to ponder and set intentions around the following questions:
- What do I value most and how do I love myself and others based on those values?
- Do I believe my security comes from external resources?
- Is my inner worth based on my possessions and/or financial status?
- Can I appreciate things (and even people) without a need to possess or own them?
- Am I consistently generating self- love and worth?
The significations associated with Venus rising at the time of the New Moon will be felt more intensely for those living or visiting the Western United States during this New Moon.
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye