“When wolf shows up, it is time to breathe new life into your life rituals.
Find a new path, take a new journey, take control of your life. You are the governor of your life.
You create it and direct it. Do so with harmony and discipline, and then you will know
 the true spirit of freedom.” 
— Ted Andrews, Animal-Speak

Thursday, January 25, 2024
9:54 a.m. pacific time
5°14′ Leo

It was during the first Full Moon of the year that the “Wolf Moon” attained its status by native peoples as wolf packs howled hungrily outside their snow-laden villages. Moreover, ancient wisdom keepers viewed wolves as spirit animals of the Dog Star, Sirius. Many Astrologers and ancient cultures also credit Sirius as the original home of our ancestral teachers. In fact, Sirius is referred to as the “home of the gods” by the Egyptians of antiquity and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa.

Marking an auspicious time to access your inner passion, this first Full Moon of 2024 occurs in the courageous sign of the lion — Leo. Ruling over our hearts, Leo emphasizes action that aligns with our true heart’s desires. It represents the “I AM” consciousness of creative actualization, which encourages greater levels of confidence and self-love.  Connections with our inner child, play, and romance are also themes of Leo’s fiery domain.

Additionally, potency and power dynamics are dominant during this lunation because the reflective light of the Sun onto Earth is increased by the close alignment of the planet Pluto in the sign of Aquarius. These powerful Aquarian–Plutonian energies will encourage us to find creative ways to blaze new paths that allow us to transform and liberate ourselves and others from the status quo.

The Leo–Aquarian themes of this Full Moon can provoke radical new ways of thinking. We can feel inspired to dismantle outmoded barriers that have kept us from our true dharma — our earthly purpose and soul’s destiny. A Full Moon in Leo only occurs once a year so tune in and be aware of what’s arising within your beingness and remember, the common Aquarian axiom “expect the unexpected” will be in the air.

Leo Full Moon Key Words: I Am, creative actualization, passion, purpose, leadership, romance and love affairs, generosity, playfulness and the inner child, heart consciousness, pride, self-love.

Related Articles:
Pluto in Aquarius: The Awakening
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle

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© 2024 by Linda Kaye

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