by Linda Kaye | Sep 13, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
21°58′ Virgo
Thursday, September 14, 2023
6:39 p.m. pacific time
New Moons occur in the first phase of the 28-day lunation cycle, signifying an ideal time to apply a new focused direction in our life. Each New Moon brings a special gift of energetic wisdom based on the zodiac sign in which it occurs. The holistic unification and purification of our body, mind, and spirit is Virgo’s most important offering. Among other significations, is Virgo’s need for a meaningful vocation, to be in service to others, and health and healing.
Mercury, the ruling planet of this New Moon, is also in Virgo where it is notably at the end of its three-week retrograde cycle. As it standstills and prepares to turn direct on September 15, Mercury is emphasizing the closing of a chapter and, like this New Moon, the beginning of a new one.
Additionally, this lunation is aspecting both transformative Pluto and liberating Uranus. Combine these with Virgo’s need for body-mind-spirit unity and its desire for a meaningful vocation, and a healthy life, we might want to contemplate the following questions:
- Is my attachment to the status quo sabotaging my ability to make needed changes?
- Has my desire to be in service created burnout and/or ill-health?
- Are my thoughts (Mercury) supporting or hindering me?
- How could a deeper connection between my body-mind-spirit create transformative liberation in my life?
Neglecting any one of Virgo’s holy trinity — body-mind-spirit — can lead to inner and/or external crises. If a crisis does occur and is interpreted as something happening to us, it can lead to confusion and feelings of victimization, yet another key Virgo theme.
Take time during the peak days/hours of this New Moon (Sept. 14 –18) to feel into which chapters of your life are now complete and where you would like more movement and freedom to move into a new direction. Set intentions for future growth that can sprout when the Sun’s light is once again reflected at the Full Moon.
A Virgo New Moon is optimal for reevaluating your nutritional requirements, thought processes, and spiritual needs. To be gentle, kind, and loving to yourself and try not to belabor details, overanalyze, or become too critical, especially of yourself.
Virgo Key Words: analyzation, discriminate, perfection, daily work, guilt, atonement, purification of body–mind–spirit, innocence, giving and assisting, humility, mental constructs, victimization, devotion. Body: intestines, nervous system, hands
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Aug 28, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
6:36 p.m. pacific time
7°25′ Pisces
Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great
strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength
to know when to let go and then do it. ― Ann Landers
The rare combination of both a Super and Blue Full Moon occurring simultaneously only occurs every 10–20 years. The last Blue Supermoon occurred in December 2009 and the next one will appear in August 2032.
A Full Moon is deemed blue not because of color, but due to the rarity of occurrence — hence, the popular slogan “once in a blue moon.”1 Taking place every two to three years, the most recent Blue Moon happened in August of 2021.
Out of the current four consecutive Supermoons, this one is the third and closest to Earth.2 Due to their closer proximity, Supermoons are energetically more potent, and I’m sure you’re feeling it! Furthermore, this current Supermoon is closely aligned with the planet, Saturn, also in Pisces.
Astrologically, Saturn is associated with maturation, responsibility, and the cycles of time. Saturn’s gifts are many, but one of the most important is the recognition of the seasons within our lives. This recognition allows us to know when the time has come to surrender and let go (Pisces) of that which is no longer serving us so we can step into a new cycle.
Also intensifying the power of this lunation is Venus retrograde in Leo and Mercury retrograde in Virgo: Venus through September 3 and Mercury through September 15. Venus retrograde in Leo is encouraging us to re-visit our deepest heart-felt values and Mercury’s retrogration in Virgo will offer opportunities for contemplation — especially in regard to our mentality (Mercury) and how it effects our day-to-day reality.
Pisces, the mystical-cosmic sign that this lunation occurs, represents the unending quest of humankind’s desire to merge with divine. This Piscean search for union can permeate our waking and dreaming reality. Additionally, while the Moon is in Pisces, your personal waking world may feel dreamy and surreal. This is because the veils between the earthly and spirit realms become very thin when we are under the divine influence of Pisces, creating an auspicious time to seek and merge with the sacredness of your divine nature.
Lastly, Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and can encourage culmination in one or more areas of your life. The Moon’s alignment with Saturn in Pisces is asking us to heal and relinquish patterns associated with old ways of being. Therefore, even the most difficult culminations will serve your highest good as they simultaneously prevent unnecessary suffering caused by the resistance change. Embrace and honor the wisdom of fluidity that this rare Blue Supermoon is granting and dream exciting new visions into your future.
Pisces & Full Moon Key Words: dreams, mysticism, healing, faith/trust, guilt, mundane cycles of time versus cosmic time, desires, addictions, deception, ideals/idealism, disillusionment, loss of meaning, intuition, suffering, healing, flexibility, culmination of an entire evolutionary cycle, union with divine
1. Based on the 29.5-day orbit of the Moon, monthly Blue Moons occur when there are two Full Moons in the same month. There are also seasonal Blue Moons, which are deemed such when four Full Moons take place in one season. 2023 has two Full Moons in the month of August — the 1st and 30th — with the second of the two marking the current Blue Moon.
2. The technical astronomical term for a Supermoon is perigee Full Moon — with four occurring in 2023: July 3, August 1, August 30, and September 29. Supermoons happen when the Full Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Because of their closer proximity, they can appear as much as 14% larger and 30% brighter to our eyes than normal Full Moons.
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jul 29, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
11:31 a.m. pacific time
9°15 Aquarius
Installing an AI chip in the brain is analogous to trying to enhance the
power of an Electric Car by installing parts from a Ford Model T.
— Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
August is packed full of powerful cosmic events!
Venus Retrograde in Leo: July 22 – September 3
Supermoon in Aquarius: August 1
New Moon in Leo: August 16
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 23 – September 15
Blue Supermoon in Pisces: August 30
As you can see, there’s a lot happening in the celestial sphere during August! Not the least of which are two powerful Supermoons. Supermoons happen when the Full Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Because of their closeness to Earth, they can appear as much as 14% larger and 30% brighter to our eyes than normal Full Moons.
A Full Moon only occurs in the sign of Aquarius once a year. Each month’s New and Full Moons highlight a different zodiac sign, creating energetic opportunities to better understand and integrate that sign’s astrological qualities into our lives. Among many things, Aquarius represents our hopes and dreams, liberation from the status quo, and the manifestation of a better world.
The reflection of light under this Aquarian Supermoon comes from the Sun’s opposition in Leo. So, the integration of both these signs is important. Ruled by heart, the sign of the courageous and regal lion inspires creative actualization in all its many expressions. Leos are loyal, passionate, sensitive, yet gregarious and generous, and thrive on romance.
Altruistic and philanthropic by nature, Aquarians aspire to creating a collective sister/brotherhood. They’re individualists, eccentric, and freedom oriented, longing to liberate themselves and others from the ordinary. As an air sign, Aquarians are futuristic thinkers, interested in radical ideas. Regarded as the brilliant innovators of the zodiac, this revolutionary sign rules technological breakthroughs, as well as artificial intelligence (AI).
Bruce Lipton is a stem cell biologist who dared to be different. Despite unjust opposition from his contemporaries, his paradigm–busting research at Stanford’s University School of Medicine brought us today’s understanding of Epigenetics.1 Like Bruce, under this Supermoon, intend to be different! Embrace your unique capabilities and brilliance (Aquarius) and commit courageously and passionately to your endeavors (Leo).
What would your life be like if you learned that you are more
powerful than you have ever been taught? — Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Remember, Supermoons are potently charged because they are closer to the Earth, and therefore, more energetically heightened than a regular Full Moon. Go outside under this Supermoon’s illuminating rays and celebrate your individuality! Set intentions to honor your unique gifts, to aspire to new radical ways of thinking, and to experience awakening, revitalization, and more creativity and love in your life.
1. Epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits, or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes.
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jul 22, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
July 22 – September 3, 2023
Venus Retrograde Details
Pre-shadow period begins (12°12′ Leo) on June 19 – July 22 PST
Stations Retrograde on July 22, at 6:33 p.m.* (28°36′ Leo)
Turns direct on Sept 3, at 6:20 p.m. (12°12′ Leo)
Post-shadow period from Sept 3 – Oct 7, 2022
Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.
— Aberjhani
The orbit of the planet, Venus, mimics a revered and divine feminine symbol. As the above illustration depicts, Venus’s heavenly dance represents the ancient symbol for the goddess — the pentagram.(1) A sacred-geometry symbol, the pentagram is a five-pointed star, which has a rich history as a celestial symbol for those seeking spiritual clarity and mystical knowledge.
Venus is the only planet (besides the Sun and Moon) that does not turn retrograde several times a year. Instead, Venus turns retrograde only once every 548 (or so) days. This marks a significant period because Venus retrograde periods are an opportune time to reflect on our values, the way we love, the beauty in our life, and the overall nature of our reality.
Self-love, relationships, commitments, and finances will likely be on our radar as we reassess matters of the heart and the meaning of true security in our lives. The intention of this cycle is for each of us to reckon with our values. Anything that is counterproductive to our personal wellbeing, valued purpose, or heartfelt destiny should become clear.
In general, Venus retrograde periods are not ideal for initiating activities associated with one’s appearance: surgery to improve our looks, change in hairstyle, etc. It’s also not generally advised to make major purchases, renovations, and the like or to beautify our home or office until the retrograde period ends. An exception to this rule would be the need to reassess, make changes, or put the finishing touches on a previous renovation or project.
I really like the above quote for this Venus Retrograde in Leo
because love is attributed astrologically to Venus and
gold is associated with the royal sign of Leo.
Intimate relationships may find one or both partners questioning how they feel about the relationship and if their love or commitment is authentic. Because this Venus Retrograde cycle is occurring in the sign of Leo you will feel called to evaluate if your needs for love, adoration, and romance are currently being met (or can be met). Sometimes, when the love we desire seems to be eluding us, there are unconscious blocks either in ourselves and/or our partner that is preventing us from experiencing true intimacy.
Mercury, the planet of communication, is closely aligned with Venus as she begins her retrograde cycle. (2) Additionally, from August 23 to Sept 15, Mercury will be retrograde — providing an opportunity to reexamine how we communicate (Mercury) our values (Venus) and give/receive appreciation (Leo). With Venus in Leo, we can assess if we need more heartfelt passion, romance, play, and joy in our life and relationships.
Additionally, both Venus and Mercury retrograde periods can bring past lovers into our life and/or a new love that we are karmically destined to experience. This is an important time to be clear in all your communications regarding commitments and financial decisions. Those of you with Leo planets in your horoscope are sure to feel the effects of Aphrodite’s planet the most during this Venus Retrograde. However, this period will be important for each of us to reflect on the following:
- What’s working and not working?
- What is needed or not needed?
- What are my deepest authentic values?
- Is there enough play, passion, and romance in my life?
- Where should I commit, recommit, or make necessary changes in personal, social, and business relationships?
- Am I communicating my needs and values within my important relationships?
- Do I love myself without external validation?
* Pacific time used throughout
Note and Reference
1. Illustration credit: Tomruen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
2. Venus will make an exact conjunction to Mercury on July 27 at 8:08 a.m. (28°11′) Leo.
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jul 15, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
Monday, July 17, 2023
11:32 a.m. pacific time
24°56′ Cancer
Let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our
lives and we obey them without realizing it. — Vincent van Gogh
The watery sign of the Cancerian crab is ruled by the Moon herself! Cancer’s association with the crab symbolizes its hard outer shell and its desire to protect both self and others. Its sensitive interior is representative of Cancer’s ability to nurture, love, and be emotionally vulnerable. Some additional highlights of this sensitive sign are the cultivation of maternal and nurturing instincts, with an emphasis on emotional intelligence, inner security, domestic priorities, heritage, and country.
This month’s New Moon lunation is aspecting power-oriented Pluto and the seeker of ideals, Neptune. These aspects highlight dynamics that speak to our inner and outer worlds, our public versus private life, work-life balance, etc. Hence, the following are some contemplative questions that this New Moon may inspire you to seek answers to:
- Should I pursue more empowering and/or meaningful work?
- Can I emotionally deepen my self-awareness and empower myself by living more authentically?
- Are my outer-world responsibilities keeping me from connecting with the people I love and the things that feed my soul?
Cancerian waters cleanse. This New Moon is an excellent time to initiate the purification of our emotional, mental, and physical bodies. Immerse yourself in water and wash away any stagnant or pent-up energy caused by working too much or by prolonged periods indoors.
Key Cancer New Moon Themes: the feminine, motherhood and the womb, emotional intelligence, innner security, early conditioning, family and domestic priorities, intuitive, nurturing, protective of others, emotions, moody (crabby), tenacious, enjoys the water
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye