by Linda Kaye | Apr 17, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
The first eclipse of 2023 is a rare Hybrid1 Solar Eclipse (New Moon) with visibility in Australia and parts of Africa and Indonesia.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
9:12 p.m. PT
29°50′ Aries
The way must be in you; the destination also must be
in you and not somewhere else in space or time. If that kind
of self-transformation is being realized in you, you will arrive.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Eclipses typically occur in pairs, within two weeks of one another, and each pair generally takes place twice a year. The second eclipse of this pair occurs on May 5 — a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. The second pair of eclipses will occur in October: a Solar Eclipse on the 14th in the sign of Libra and a Lunar Eclipse on the 28th in the sign of Taurus.
Astrologically, Solar Eclipses provide opportunities for transformation — the ending of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. All eclipses are powerful, but this one is especially so because:
1) The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries.
2) It occurs at 29° Aries — a degree that’s super-charged with possibility.
3) This is a rare consecutive New Moon in Aries (the first was on March 21).
4) The planet Pluto is in close aspect.
Eclipses occur on the Astrological Destiny Points (the nodal-axis of the Moon). As they revolve around our horoscopes, they bring about inner and outer revelations that support our soul’s intentions and evolutionary growth. Eclipses provide profound periods of regeneration when we align to our destiny and embrace needed change.
During last month’s New Moon in Aries Pluto was in the sign of Capricorn (29°) and this month it’s in Aquarius (0°) making very close aspects to both New Moons. You may recall from my last newsletter, which highlighted Pluto’s movement into Aquarius, that Pluto will be moving back and forth between these two signs until November of 2024.* This is important because each time it shifts from one sign to the other it will bring about further reorganization and the potential collapse of archaic patriarchal global systems.
Powerful psychic energies give birth to new information as the light of the luminaries darken during an eclipse. Just like the phoenix rising from the ashes anew and purified (Pluto), after an eclipse, we are presented with opportunities of rebirth — to get clear about the areas of our lives that are outmoded and in need of transformation.
Pay close attention to the revelations occurring in your life during this eclipse period as they are intended to guide and move you into your future. Set intentions that harness Pluto’s intense power and focus on the Aries themes of courage, exploration, and adventure so you can blaze brand-new trails of self-discovery and regeneration.
The ancient sages felt that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning — a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
Hybrid Solar Eclipses look like either an Annular or Total Eclipse, depending on the viewers location. They are considered rare because of their infrequency: The last one was in 2013 and the next one won’t occur until 2031.
*Dates for Pluto’s movement back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn:
Aquarius: March 23 – June 11, 2023
Capricorn: June 11, 2023 – January 20, 2024
Aquarius: January 20 – September 1, 2024
Capricorn: September 1 – November 19, 2024
Aquarius: November 19, 2024 – January 19, 2044
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Apr 3, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
16°07′ Libra
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
9:34 p.m. pacific time
Love may be all around us, but it won’t matter unless we can receive it.
— Marisa Franco Ph.D.
This month’s Full Moon occurs in the Venus–ruled sign that represents harmonious loving relationships and the equalizing scales of balance — Libra. Astrologically, the Moon is considered the luminary that lights up our unconscious, bringing attention to those dynamics that are connected to the zodiac sign that it’s passing through.
A Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic. This month, the Sun falls in the desire-oriented sign of Aries. The opposing energies of this Full-Moon Lunation is highlighting the need for integration between the Sun in Aries (self) and the Moon in Libra (others).
The Libra archetype is associated with maintaining balance within relationships through giving and receiving. Are we able to give and receive love? Do we feel we give more than we receive? Are we able to know when not to give, thereby allowing others to independently determine their own needs — Aries.
The Sun in Aries denotes freedom, independence, and action. During this Full Moon, both the Sun and Moon are in aspect with Chiron and Jupiter, also in the sign of Aries. These planetary combinations instill the qualities of healing (Chiron) any imbalances associated with our individual autonomy (Aries). It also speaks to our desire to seek the truth (Jupiter). Since Full Moons represent balance and integration, it’s equally important that we recognize and honor these needs in others.
Libra is the sign of beauty, grace, and diplomacy. Ruled by Aphrodite’s planet, Venus, Libra thrives in healthy, balanced, and loving relationships. Therefore, this Full Moon is supporting the unveiling, understanding, and healing of any potential relationship imbalances: giving/receiving, equality/inequality, independence/dependence, harmony/conflict, truth/untruth, love/hate.
Lastly, from a health perspective Libra is the sign associated with the kidneys and blood-sugar balances. Therefore, this is a great Full Moon to commit to consuming less sugar, foods high in carbohydrates, and alcohol. Look for healthy alternatives that support your overall wellbeing.
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Mar 18, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
Everything begins at the beginning, and quite often the beginning
begins when you shift your mind in a new direction. — Louie Herron
The movement of the Sun into Aries marks the beginning of the seasonal and Astrological New Year — Spring! Aries, as the first sign of the zodiac, is a powerful force. As the Sun makes its grand entrance into Aries on March 20 at 2:24 p.m. pacific time it will enter the “Aries Zero Point” (0° Aries) where it will become highly activated.
Within hours of the Equinox, on March 21 at 10:33 a.m. the Moon will join the Sun at the Aries Zero Point and kick off the New Moon lunation cycle at 0°49′ Aries.(1) That’s a lot of Aries fire! But what does it all mean? First off, Aries represents new beginnings. When the 0° is activated in any sign it emphasizes a new dynamic at play in our lives but at the 0° Aires Zero Point we are summoned to embrace a brand-new evolutionary cycle.
But that’s not all! Both the Sun and the Moon with all that Aires fire are acting as sentinel emissaries for Pluto as it prepares to make its way into Aquarius on March 23 for the first time in over 225 years. And don’t forget, Saturn just entered Pisces on March 7, which it hasn’t visited since 1996.
The impact of these planetary shifts is being felt by all of us. We each know and sense that more change is on its way. During this important Equinox–Full Moon lunation you’ll want to prioritize time to set intentions for how you can best align with these important shifts. Consider what needs to be released in your life so something new can be born. Brand new evolutionary cycles require trust in our intuitive faculties, listening to what’s being called forward, and having the strength and courage to act on those callings.
Equinox: equal balance between night and day — dark and light
The changing of the seasons are magical astronomical events celebrated the world over. The picture above captures Easter Island’s mysterious head statues as they gaze at the exact point of the setting Sun during the Spring and Fall Equinox. How did our ancestors obtain the tools and skills for such precise astronomical accuracy? What were they honoring? Could they have been marking the cycles of life? Rebirth and renewal? Balance and stability? Or was it something more?!
Astronomically, in the Northern Hemisphere both the Spring and the Fall Equinox mark the only two days that the Earth’s axis is not titled toward or away from the Sun, resulting in equal day and night throughout the world. Symbolically, equal dark and light mark a period of balance. With the New Moon occurring so close to this Equinox it is an opportune time to set new goals that create greater inner stability, equilibrium, and balance in your own life.
New Moon in Aries
As the courageous warrior archetype, an out-of-balance Aries can become ruthless, concerned only with its personal wants and desires, incapable of considering others’ needs. When balanced, however, Aries follows its instincts and garners unlimited potential while creating the capacity to become a great leader and visionary.
Aries enjoys blazing new trails and is forever forging and initiating new beginnings. Therefore, setting New Moon intentions, which are followed up with sincere effort and action during such a potent Aries season can create real change in your life. Be careful what you wish for though, you just might get it!
Happy Spring & New Moon in Aries intention setting!
Astrology Trivia: Did you know that Easter occurs the first Sunday following the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox? The next Full Moon will occur on Wednesday, April 5. Easter, therefore, falls on April 9.
1. Mercury, Chiron, and Jupiter are also in Aries during this New Moon.
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Mar 4, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
Tuesday, March 7
4:40 a.m. pacific time
16°40′ Virgo
Just like a sunbeam can’t separate itself from the sun, and a wave can’t
separate itself from the ocean, we can’t separate ourselves from one
another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.
― Marianne Williamson
This month’s Full Moon occurs just 55 minutes before Saturn changes signs. This is important because Saturn only changes signs approximately every 2-1/2 to 3 years and the last time he was in Pisces was during the early nineties. Currently, there are three other planets swimming through this vast water sign: Mercury, the Sun, and Neptune. It’s almost as if the threesome is gently beckoning Saturn to join them in the Piscean ocean. You can learn more about Saturn’s important transit through Pisces and how to navigate this three-year period here.
With each Full Moon we receive new opportunities for manifestation, reflection, and realization. Every Full Moon brings a special gift of energetic wisdom based on the zodiac sign that it occurs. Alignment with one’s body, mind, and spirit is Virgo’s most important purpose.
We each have Virgo somewhere in our horoscopes. Therefore, when a lunation occurs in the sign of Virgo (2x annually: New & Full Moon), that area of our life becomes highlighted and it’s easier to integrate these energies into our lives.
Additional Virgoan significations (see below key words for more) include purity and sacred devotion — often depicted as the seeker striving for perfection. Additionally, Virgo is ruled by Mercury (the mind) and is — in Virgo’s case — related to analytical critical thinking (to get to the pure essence of the issue).
Neglecting the purification and healing of the Virgoan elements of body, mind, spirit can sometimes precipitate an inner and/or external crises. If a crisis is interpreted as something happening to us, it can lead to confusion and feelings of victimization — another key Virgo theme. However, once we integrate our spiritual essence with our body–mind we realize our wholeness as powerful divine beings.
This Full Moon makes a benefic aspect to the planet Uranus. As you may recall, Uranus is associated with liberation and unprecedented and often unexpected change. Do you need to liberate yourself by making an internal and/or external change in your life? Are you in need of transforming and deepening your devotional practice? Is there a healing opportunity that has recently come to your attention?
Take time during this Full Moon (March 6–8) to feel into where you would like to regenerate your life. Reevaluate the areas needing your attention. Pay special attention to your nutritional requirements, thought processes, and spiritual needs. Try not to belabor details, overanalyze, or become too critical — be gentle, kind, and loving to yourself and others.
Virgo Key Words: Analyze, Discriminate, Perfect, Vocation, Guilt, Atonement, Purification, Alignment of body–mind–spirit, Innocence, Victimization, Giving and Assisting, Humility, Mental Constructs, Spirituality. Body: intestines, nervous system, hands and feet
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Feb 18, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
Sunday, February 19
11:04 p.m. pacific time
1°21′ Pisces
Stop acting so small.
You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
― Rumi, Sufi mystic
New Moons represent a time of new beginnings and rebirth. They are excellent opportunities to set intentions for new life directions or simply to start new projects. This is the best time of the month to plant positive thoughts in the subconscious mind with affirmations, auspicious chants, and visualizations. Inspiration, hope, and support all flourish for those seeking spiritual, emotional, or mental liberation of any kind.
Under this New Moon you can anticipate spiritual insight that is intended to feed your soul and not your ego. Pisces is the mystical sign that is associated with the eternal cosmic union that is our ultimate destiny. Pisces naturally gravitates to, and feels most comfortable in, “cosmic” versus “linear” time. It prefers to exist (and often gets lost) in the moment. This can be frustrating when we fail to understand the real soul desires and intentions of Pisces.
This final sign of the zodiac represents the culmination of all separating desires emanating from the soul. Once earthly longings dissolve, the soul is liberated and free to return to pure source energy. During this process, however, it is common to experience periods of disillusionment and loss of meaning. These moments intend to awaken us to the deep knowing that true and long-lasting meaning only occurs when we are connected to the divine.
This year’s New Moon in Pisces is closely aligned with Saturn, the planet that represents the very antithesis of Pisces. Pisces naturally ebbs and flows and abhors boundaries. It dreams of creating an ideal world, one where all are connected and committed to the welfare of the whole. Saturn seeks to solidify with authoritative boundaries — structure, control, rules, and laws. His most crucial role is that of the responsible, mature, and moral individual or government who consistently assesses standing constructs with an intent to revitalize and reform for wholistic function.
When outmoded structures are maintained with agendas that control and restrict, the whole becomes corrupt. Therefore, with this New Moon–Saturn combination we’re each given an opportunity to evaluate our ideals and dreams to ensure we are in alignment with and for the good of the whole. On a personal level, is there an area in your own life that needs self-governance and restructuring for better function? If yes, this New Moon is the time to set intentions to do just that.
In closing, Pisces represents the dreamtime. Pay close attention to your dreams and any messages you may receive over the next couple of days as the veil is thinner during a Pisces lunation.
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© 2023 by Linda Kaye