by Linda Kaye | Feb 3, 2023 | 2023, Current Astro News, News
Sunday, February 5, 2023
10:27 a.m. pacific time
16°40′ Leo
If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk.
If you can’t walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
The Moon and her fluctuating phases symbolize the perpetual change that is constant throughout the universe. The lunar cycle is representative of the great medicine wheel of life — reflecting impermanence — death and rebirth. Therefore, when we wholeheartedly embrace these cycles, we become better equipped at navigating our lives.
This month’s Full Moon falls in the fiery courageous sign of Leo represented by the proud regal lion. Ruling the heart, Leos are loyal, creative, passionate, sensitive, yet gregarious and generous, and thrive on romance. Playful, they enjoy and attract children. When balanced and healthy, the lion is a strong leader.
Being ruled by the Sun, a Leo Full-Moon lunation amplifies the Aquarian solar qualities that are associated with the collective, revolutionary change, and futuristic innovations. Furthermore, future-oriented Uranus (currently in the sign of Taurus and the planet that rules the sign of Aquarius) is conjunct the fixed-star Menkar (also in the sign of Taurus), while making a challenging aspect to both the Moon and Sun.
Menkar signifies the forces of the collective unconscious that can influence the individual. Because Uranus and Menkar have joined forces in the earthy security-oriented sign of comfort-seeking Taurus, any unexpected forced or needed change may feel uncomfortable and require a great deal of courage. All that said, mitigating planetary aspects exist during this Full Moon that will help ease the Uranus–Menkar influences.1
This Leo Full Moon is an auspicious lunation to seek the change that is vital for you to align with your deepest values. Following are some Full Moon intentions you can apply during this lunation:
- I embrace my creative power
- I am aligned with my values, which reflect the way I live my life
- My heart is wide open to the unknown
- I am courageous and passionate
- I am willing to be uncomfortable and embrace change in order to align with my destiny
- Mars (11° Gemini) is sextile the Leo Moon (16° Leo) and trine the Sun (16° Aquarius) — positive aspects for appropriate action.
Uranus (15° Taurus) is trine Mercury (22° Capricorn) and sextile Venus (12° Pisces) — positive aspects denoting progressive communication.
Related Article:
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle
© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jan 27, 2023 | 2023, Current Classes and Workshops, Current Classes and Workshops, Events
Did you fall down the astrological rabbit hole? Are you looking for feedback and mentoring from a professional astrologer or wanting to meet like-minded individuals?
The purpose of the group is to provide students (you!) with a deeper understanding and clarity around the technical and esoteric aspects of astrological study.
The study group is a reoccurring monthly event co-hosted by me and my talented daughter, Astrologer Eileen Mello.
Practice makes perfect when it comes to astrological reading, so we always review one anothers’ charts.
Although the event is designed for folks who already have some study under their belts, we welcome all levels from beginners to advanced!
Date: Wednesday, October 25
Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm
Fee: $30 (PayPal, Venmo)
Location: Zoom
NOTE: You may register by clicking the Purchase Now button below.
Please provide your birth date, exact time of birth, city & state, and
notate if you wish to join virtually so we can send you a Zoom invite.
(last Wednesday of the month)
January 25
February 22
March 29
April 26
May 31
June 28
July 26
August 30
September 27
October 25
November 29
December 27
by Linda Kaye | Jan 5, 2023 | 2022, Current Astro News, News
The loving personality seeks not to control,
but to nurture, not to dominate, but to empower.
~ Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul
Friday, January 6, 2023
3:06 p.m. pacific time
16°21′ Cancer
This first Full Moon of 2023 is especially potent because of its alignment with the fixed star, Sirius, aka — the Dog Star! Both Sirius and the Full Moon are located on the zodiac belt in the sign of Cancer at 14° and 16°, respectively.
For millennia, stars have been observed and regarded as having divine qualities and our ancient Wisdom Keepers perceived wolves as the spirit-animals of Sirius. The Moon is a power ally for the wolf, whose keen senses have earned it the status of a wise and capable leader, thriving free in the wilderness. Healing powers have been attributed to the wolf by the Zuni Pueblo peoples. Many Astrologers and ancient cultures believe that Sirius is the original home of our ancestral teachers. In fact, Sirius is referred to as the “home of the gods” by the Egyptians of antiquity and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa.
Astrologically, a Wolf Moon is a wonderful lunation for accessing your own innate wisdom. Become still under this Full Wolf Moon and ask for the guidance needed to fulfil your desires — your destiny. Trust your feelings (Cancer) as they have the power to inform you. With the Moon in this cardinal sign, the impulse to initiate change may create emotional insecurity. If negative emotions or blockages arise, commit to understanding why and if needed, seek the healing that will allow you to embrace your inner-wolf spirit.
During a Full Moon, the energized light of the Sun is reflected onto Earth. In this case, the Sun is in the sign that represents our perception of time — Capricorn. Additional Capricorn themes are governance, maturation, reform, responsibility, discipline, fear, and control dynamics. A Full Moon between Cancer and Capricorn is asking us to seek balance between our outer-world of social, political, and career responsibilities/interests versus our inner-world and the security associated with a physical home, family, and our relationship to self.
Besides Sirius, this Full Moon is also closely aligned with the current retrograding trickster, Mercury — the planet of travel, thought processes, as well as, electronic devices. Mercury strives for clear and precise communication, however, during its retrograde period through January 18, misunderstandings can easily occur.1
Cancer Full Moon Key Words: the crab, ocean tides and bodies of water, tenacity, emotional realms, early childhood, family, women, mother, nurturing, loving, vulnerable, emotional security.
- Click here to learn more about the current Mercury Retrograde.
Schedule your 2023 Astrological Consultation
before January 31 and save $23
© 2023 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Dec 20, 2022 | 2022, Current Astro News, News
December 23–24
Exact on the 23rd at 2:16 a.m. pacific time
1°34′ Capricorn
This last New Moon and lunation of 2022 occurs in the sign of the Goat — Capricorn. With a whopping five planets in Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto) this final New Moon of the year will find us contemplating, and perhaps appreciating, the time-honored fanfare of family tradition.
As an earth sign, Capricorn is associated with security and the material side of life. The goat doesn’t mind climbing the mountain slowly, because once it reaches the summit it can rejoice in all the expertise and excellence it obtained along the way — providing deeper levels of security.
Additionally, Capricorn is a cardinal sign that thrives on movement and change. With this New Moon lunation occurring at the first degree, and with all five planets in Capricorn, this is a potent opportunity to embrace the powerful energies of new beginnings. Therefore, take this opportune time to contemplate what you would like to change in the upcoming year. Where has 2022 taken you and where would you like to find yourself in 2023?
This Capricorn New Moon occurs within days of the Winter Solstice — the shortest day and longest night of the year. As the giver of light and life begins its journey north again, on December 25, the days will grow longer until it reaches its zenith in the Northern Hemisphere on the Summer Solstice (June 21, 2023).
Celebrate the life-giving light of our Sun. Enjoy the internal gifts that the changing of this season brings. Light candles, journal, set intentions, and honor your inner knowing so it can guide you into the light of your future.
Schedule your 2023 Astrological Consultation
before January 31 and save $23
© 2022 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Dec 20, 2022 | 2022, Current Astro News, News
First Day of Winter & the Shortest Day of the Year:
December 21 at 1:49 p.m. (pacific time)
Solstice is derived from two Latin words:
Sol meaning Sun, and sistere — to cause to standstill.
Avatar is the most high tech film in terms of its execution, dealing
with essentially a very low tech subject; which is our relationship with
nature … and in fact the irony is that the film is about our relationship
with nature and how our technological civilization has taken us
several removes away from a truly natural existence and the
consequences of that to us. ~ James Cameron
Annually, at the Winter Solstice, the Sun appears to standstill as it reaches its furthest point in the Southern Hemisphere. It is here that it joins the fixed stars of the Southern Cross for three days: December 22, 23, and 24. Our ancestors referred to these three “standstill” days as the death of the Sun. And, as the Sun began its journey north again, on December 25, it was said to be reborn. Moving north, the days will grow longer until the life-giving Sun reaches its zenith in the Northern Hemisphere on the Summer Solstice (June 21, 2023).
Films have a way of reflecting humanity’s evolutionary journey, and a much-anticipated sequel release of James Cameron’s Avatar 2 premiered on December 16, just days before the 2022 Winter Solstice. Cameron tells us that Avatar became the number one grossing film of all time because, “Avatar is about finding our home, finding our family, finding our clan, and fighting to protect that which we found and earn our place in it.”1
Another awaited 2022 film-sequel has been delayed until 2023. This multi- award-winning film series is titled, Zeitgeist. The producer, Peter Joseph, skillfully explains the captivating astronomical and astrological correlations with the numerous “son gods” of the ancient and modern world. In my opinion, Joseph adeptly simplifies the sociological implications of the zeitgeist2 of our times. His films encourage humanity to uncover the outmoded beliefs that are at the root of our social issues. From an astrological perspective, his films expertly depict the messy transition that humanity currently finds itself as we leave behind the Piscean age and shift into the Aquarian age.
Capricorn is the zodiac sign representing winter, decay, and death. It’s associated with the concept of time — maturation, aging, and mortality. As in the movie, Avatar, Capricorn is one of the three zodiac earth signs that connect us to the cycles of our natural world. Therefore, the winter season is an optimal period to go within and reflect on the natural cycles of transitions in our own life.
The internal process of Capricorn reflection provides us the ability to look to our past with the intention of integrating all that has occurred. Undergoing this process can create an awareness of what needs to be changed for us to grow and evolve. If we embrace this period and take responsibility for our choices, while honoring each step along the way as a great learning, we will access Capricorn’s highest wisdom — personal and collective evolutionary growth, and most importantly, the perfection of the journey.
1. USA Today
Schedule your 2022 Astrological Consultation
before January 31 and save $23
© 2022 by Linda Kaye