Pluto in Aquarius: The Awakening

Pluto in Aquarius: The Awakening

March 23, 2023 — January 19, 2044*

The day the power of love overrules the love of power,
the world will know peace.

— Mahatma Gandhi

The ancient study of Astrology applies observation and correlation to help us understand planetary cycles. Therefore, when contemplating Pluto’s movement into Aquarius, it is helpful to note a couple of important events that occurred when it last completed its journey through this sign over 225 years ago (April 1777 – December 1798). Shortly before Pluto began its last Aquarian passage the 1776 United States Declaration was enacted. It was also during this period that the American Revolutionary War was fought and won (1775 – 1783). Additionally, with the motto, “liberty, equality, and fraternity,” the citizens of France incited the French Revolution, the removal of the ruling class, and the subsequent enactment of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789 – 1799).

Revolutions are an Aquarian theme, and obviously, many things occurred during Pluto’s last movement through Aquarius. However, and based on current global events, the correlations we can derive from the above monumental events are revelatory in terms of what we might expect in the upcoming years. With just these two occurrences, we can ask ourselves … what have we learned about Plutonian power and the Aquarian themes of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the last 225 years and how might we apply this knowledge to Pluto’s current passage through Aquarius?

The dismantling of outmoded ways of being are simultaneously occurring in our personal lives. Pluto encourages deep internal transformation, and Aquarius awakens us to new realities. Things are about to become more and more unfamiliar and in Aquarian speak, “very weird.” From the perspective of innovative Aquarian concepts, this is a good thing.

Pluto’s journey through Aquarius will inspire radical revolutionary ideas, technological breakthroughs, deeper metaphysical/philosophical understandings, and amazing new space discoveries. Aquarius also rules artificial intelligence (AI). This is important to remember from the standpoint of our awakening because we’ll need to empower ourselves with the knowing that our human body has the capacity to be far more intelligent than any AI machine. Therefore, we’ll want to be cognizant of our ability to use AI to assist us and not hand over our sovereignty, whereby it begins to use us to assist it.

From a personal perspective, we will seek liberation from crystalized forms of self-definition as we examine our fixed and rigid ideas about how things “should be.” As a result, many of us will sever attachments that prevent future growth so we can hold new ways of being. This will be the time to honor and learn from our differences and not fear them.

Aquarius represents groups, the collective, the whole. New organizations will arise with new social visions. The actual areas of focus will depend on the ideals that are operating within the whole of the group. The question is, will the vision manifest constructively and elevate humanity, or will it destructively attempt to hang onto power and control? When long-held traditions are deemed too radical, a sense of uncertainty and insecurity may arise. If this occurs, innovations can be rejected as a threat by mainstream society.

Contrary to how it may look and feel, Pluto in Aquarius will aid the human species to awaken to its intrinsic connectedness to the whole of life. As this awakening continues, the creative capacity to develop new models that support environmental changes, transform government corruption, and remedy many social challenges will arise.

The magnitude of change about to occur as we embrace this new Aquarian Era is profound. Past foundations are no longer supporting our evolution, and the future is unknown. The definition of “power” (Pluto) is about to be transformed. This is our evolutionary moment to awaken and empower one another with the intrinsic realization that we are all connected to the whole. To deeply love, connect, support, and operate holistically is the greatest potential manifestation of Pluto’s journey through Aquarius.

May we all awaken to the power of love, cooperation, and
wholeness vs. hatred, misuse of power, and separation.

*This article was updated on November 19, 2024.

Dates for Pluto’s movement back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn before finally settling into Aquarius on November 19, 2024 – January 19, 2044:
March 23 – June 11, 2023
June 11, 2023 – January 20, 2024
January 20 – September 1, 2024
September 1 – November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024 – January 19, 2044

© 2023 by Linda Kaye


Saturn in Pisces: Letting Go

Saturn in Pisces: Letting Go

March 7, 2023 — February 13, 2026*

The beautiful journey of today can only begin when
we learn to let go of yesterday. 
― Steve Maraboli

Saturn is often referred to as “The Lord of Karma” or “The Great Malefic” and even “The Task Master,” all of which can provoke feelings of pessimism, fear, and negativity. Rarely are Saturn’s countless hidden gifts, which I’ll be covering below, emphasized upon first contemplating this great planet’s Astrological significations.

During Saturn’s transit into and through Pisces, we will witness the final dissolution (Pisces) of outmoded structures (Saturn). This will occur in both our personal and collective lives. Signifying the aging process, one of Saturn’s most important significations is the ability to continually evaluate and revitalize the constructs, laws, rules, and concepts that regulate our inner and outer worlds.

Saturn represents authority, maturity, social-political systems, and ethical conduct, as well as the awareness of time and karma. He is the harbinger of the blatant recognition that our long-standing way of life is no longer serving us. With Saturn’s ingress into Pisces, we will each find ourselves seeking to restructure areas of our lives reflected by the zodiacal sign of Pisces.

Saturn is uncomfortable in this mutable sign of fluidity and changeability. In general, both the planet (Saturn) and the sign (Pisces) represent very different ideals and goals. Saturn wants to control, isolate, and contain. Pisces wants to flow, prefers connection, and loathes boundaries. Saturn can become fearful within the unknown and Pisces thrives within the mysterious. As you may have guessed, this combination can be unsettling.

In the sign of Pisces, restructuring can reflect ideals that signify our greatest dreams of a healthy whole and connected world. Or on the other hand, zealous ideals can impose greater controls and isolation. Hence, it will be important during this period for each of us to align, connect, and hold visions for ourselves and the world with the utmost Saturnian integrity.

As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces is associated with the culmination and a complete letting go of an entire evolutionary cycle. At this final stage, Pisces longs to connect to the mystical and sacred. Albeit less tangible, a devotional practice that brings us closer to the divine essence of our true nature will bring the greatest meaning (Pisces) to our material (Saturn) lives. Therefore, with Saturn in Pisces, you could say that we’re all being called to develop disciplined spiritual muscles.

From an individual perspective, this timeframe will encourage you to question authority and ask yourself if you’ve given yours away unconsciously? If yes, now’s the time to take responsibility and reclaim it (Saturn). If your intention is strong but you’re unsure how to proceed, rely on trust and faith to divinely guide you (Pisces).

Below are examples of a few balanced/imbalanced expressions of Saturn’s influence while in the sign of Pisces:

  • trusting in the natural cycles of life / change will result in failure and loss of control
  • feeling deeply connected to the wholeness of life despite ambiguity / the unknown will leave me disconnected and confused
  • striving to elevate and unite the whole / intolerance that weakens, alienates, and divides
  • moral and ethical use of intelligent influence towards a timeless ideal / seeking to align with an ideal (what’s the truth?) for self-serving gratification
  • facing what needs to be done right now and taking action / denial, lack of action, overwhelm
  • rational and compassionate conduct / irrational self-serving behavior
  • trusting that everything is in divine order / disconnected to a higher-guiding influence, trying to control everything through my own effort

During this Saturn in Pisces period, we may find relationships ending or being reorganized. With Piscean overtones, letting go can be very difficult. Although we may experience resistance to such events, it behooves us to remember that Saturn is always acting in our best interest and only those people and things that are no longer beneficial to our lives will be removed.

Mindful awareness is required at the onset of a significant Saturn transit, and we are encouraged to use integrity in all our dealings throughout its duration. The Saturnian journey often leads us into solemn periods of reflection where we may find ourselves feeling dejected or disillusioned. We may also feel thwarted in our efforts to move into the future we desire because Saturn rejects any attempt that is not in alignment with our highest purpose.

Make the most of this period by setting your sights on a path with intentional and attainable goals. This is especially true for Pisces Sun signs because Saturn will transit directly over your Sun. Additionally, for those of you who are between the ages of 28–31 or 56–59 you will be experiencing your Saturn Return, a major maturation and turning point in your life.

Saturnian transits and aspects bring us
 to a crossroads and provide opportunities to hasten our evolution. They usher in a profound time, that if embraced, can bring great wisdom and a deeper meaning to our lives. Awareness of self, maturation, humility, and freedom — by releasing that which no longer serves us —are all characteristic of Saturn’s influence.

*  Saturn will move into Aries for three months in 2025 (May 25 until August 31). On September 1, 2025, Saturn will move back into the sign of Pisces until February 12, 2026. It will then begin its entire journey through Aries (February 13 to April of 2028).

  Related Article:
The Saturn Return in Pisces

Schedule Consultation:
Harness the power of Saturn’s transit through Pisces in your life 
Click here to schedule your Astrological Consultation  

© 2023 by Linda Kaye

Chiron’s Journey through Aries

Chiron’s Journey through Aries

Feb. 18, 2019 – April 14, 2027

Our pain is not personal but belongs to every man and woman alive.    
~ Debbie Ford

Chiron’s mythology has played a very important role in Astrology and society since 1977, when it was discovered. Astronomers assert that Chiron is a minor planet, as well as a comet. Chiron’s dual distinction is rather fitting, since Astrologically, Chiron is represented by the Centaur (half horse and half human) — characterizing our dual nature — spiritual beings in a human form. Due to his dualistic form, Chiron was ostracized and alienated, which led to his quest for integration, acceptance, and healing. Through this journey, Chiron himself, became a respected healer. Chiron’s expertise is in  alternative forms of healing — psychology, human rights, and mysticism — subjects that have become increasingly widespread throughout the world since Chiron’s noted sighting.

Astrologically, Chiron is often referred to as “the rainbow bridge” because he links our external world of materialism to our internal world of spirituality and consciousness. Also known as, “The Wounded Healer” or “The Shamanic Healer,” Chiron represents our collective and individual physical, emotional, or spiritual wounds. Because Chiron’s healing wisdom comprises alternate forms of treatment like acupuncture, herbology, psychology, etc., his Astrological influence in our horoscope supports natural, holistic, and alternative forms of medicine. Chiron’s position in our horoscope illuminates the area of life that requires a vigilant awareness and commitment to our well-being. It is through this awareness that you can embrace your deepest wounds and retrieve the fragmented parts of yourself, and thus be made whole again.

Chiron last passed through Aires from 1969–1977. Therefore, if you were born during this period you will experience your Chiron Return sometime between now and 2027. Since it’s the first sign of the zodiac, Aries instinctively seeks to discover a strong sense of self. In order to do this, it can take on a “me first” persona, as in the case of Aries, the desire for freedom and unrestrained action helps to uncover one’s true nature. Through this first zodiac sign, we are led to follow our impulses, and therefore, the evolutionary intentions of our soul. Under a Chiron return we can no longer accept the status quo and are eager to have a deeper sense of meaning in our life. We commit to the healing, and ultimately, the changes that will make our new life possible.

If your Chiron or Sun is in Aries or you have other Aries planets in your horoscope, you can look forward to this next decade as a special time of bridging the material with the non-material. Chiron’s presence will encourage you to recognize and embrace the dynamics that keep you from achieving a deeper connection to your true “self” so that you can achieve your most meaningful potential.

Even without a major planet in Aires, your horoscope will be affected by the transiting planet–comet because it will pass through one or more of your astrological houses. The symbolism of these houses will reflect the specific areas of life needing your attention and healing during this period.

Healing yourself can require the strength of the Centaur, as well as the Aries attributes of  courage, instinct, and freedom. It requires intense focus and the deep desire to leave behind that which no longer serves you.

Click here schedule an Astrological session and learn
more about Chiron’s influence in your horoscope.

© 2021 by Linda Kaye



The Saturn Return in the Sign of Pisces

The Saturn Return in the Sign of Pisces

March 7, 2023 — February 13, 2026*

 The planet Saturn begins its journey through your Astrological horoscope at the moment of your birth. Its complete cycle through the zodiac and the 12 houses of your Astrological chart takes roughly 29 years.

The Saturn Return occurs when Saturn passes through the sign it was in at the time of your birth and will be in effect for approximately two-and-a-half years. You will likely experience the Saturn Return at least twice in your life, typically around age 28–30 and again at 58–60. If you were born during 1994–96 or 1964–67 you were born with Saturn in Pisces and are currently experiencing your first or second Saturn Return.

When Saturn returns to its natal position in your chart you will undergo one of the most intense maturation periods of your life. In general, Saturn Returns are precursors to strong and sometimes painful yearnings for change. During this period, you will be divinely guided to relinquish anything in your life that does not support your future life goals and purpose. You may find yourself feeling compelled to prioritize your objectives and activities so you can make the best use of your abilities for the next 29.5 years.

This can be a very stressful and trying time because the security of the past is familiar and safe, whereas the future is still unformed and therefore uncertain. Among many things, Saturn represents karma, responsibility, and accountability. This will be a critical period requiring you to act with extreme integrity.

The Saturn Return brings about endings and new beginnings. The universe will unveil unhealthy and incongruent living and working conditions that can no longer be tolerated. This recognition can bring about enormous change, which may at times feel completely out of your control.

If you resist your personal nature and desires during your Saturn Return, the next 29.5 years could cause distress. If you willingly embrace Saturn’s courageous force then the transformation you make during this period can bring long-term stability and future security.

*  Saturn will move into Aries for three months in 2025 (May 25 until August 31). On September 1, 2025, Saturn will move back into the sign of Pisces until February 12, 2026. It will then begin its entire journey through Aries (February 13 to April of 2028). 

Related Article
Saturn in Pisces

Click here to schedule your Saturn Return Astrological Consultation

Copyright 2023 by Linda Kaye


The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle

The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle

      Both the Sun and the Moon infuse our day-to-day world with potent energies. If you follow the ongoing trajectory of these two planets, you already know this.(1) However, for some of us (myself included), it often helps to have a consistent astrological reminder for the occurrence of New and Full Moon lunations — what their symbolic astrological significations are — and how we can consciously apply this language to our individual and collective lives.(2) 

     Although every lunation is symbolically powerful, eclipses are especially so! In the mundane astrological world of countries, politics, etc., these super–intense eclipse lunations can be disruptive to stock markets, political agendas, and cause unexpected earth events.

     Individually, if we follow the celestial dance between the Sun and Moon, we can know when and how to intentionally embark on important creative prospects and align with our soul’s evolutionary intent —  our destiny.

Following is a brief description of all eight (waxing and waning) lunar phases. Please note that each one of these phases also relate to the lunar cycle that you were born under:

  • New Moon: This is the first phase of the lunar cycle and is generally an auspicious time to begin something new. Imbue your psyche with positive ideas, begin new projects, start new relationships, initiate new ways to be free and independent.
  • Waxing Crescent: During this period, you will want to continue to integrate the New Moon energies into your life. Give all your attention to nurturing the dreams that you began under the New Moon phase.
  • First Quarter: The focus now is for self-renewal, self-love, and self-confidence. Attend to your own needs and practice self-care.
  • Waxing Gibbous: A great time to continue with your creative ideas and initiate new artistic interests. Focus on being true to yourself. Relish in your unique authentic expression.
  • Full Moon: Refine your hopes, wishes, dreams, and desires. Focus on attracting love, friendship, and prosperity. Practice gratitude for all you currently have and celebrate your life.
  • Waning Gibbous: Use this time to attune to the needs of others. Altruism and philanthropic endeavors flourish now.
  • Last Quarter: Place your attention on your inner world: go within, meditate, journal, pay attention to your dreams — tap into your inner power!
  • Waning Crescent: Hidden secrets and knowledge are revealed. Past life memories and prophetic visions can arise.

1. Here is a website that tracks the phases of the Moon for your location.
2. For a reminder of the important monthly lunations you can sign up for my newsletter here.

Related Article:
2024 Lunations

© by Linda Kaye

2024 Mercury Retrograde Periods

2024 Mercury Retrograde Periods

November 24 – December 15
(22°35′ to 6°28′ Sagittarius)

Pre-shadow period occurs November 7 – 24
Mercury turns retrograde on November 24 at 6:43 p.m. (22°35′ Sagittarius)
Stations direct on December 16 at 12:57 p.m. (6°28′ Sagittarius)
Post-shadow occurs from December 16, 2024 – January 3, 2025

Note: Times are approximate based on pacific time.


In general, Mercury is the planet that astrologically represents travel, communication, and our thought processes. Known as the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury’s role is to speedily deliver clear and precise information. Retrograding 3–4 times a year, when the planetary trickster strikes, many of our daily activities go haywire.

Mercury rules electronics and is often blamed for all types of technical mishaps with cell phones, electric devices, and computers — warranting an important time to back up your computer files. In general terms, machines of all kinds tend to act strangely and take on a Murphy’s Law theme.

Remain flexible and prepare for delays and miscommunications of all kinds. It is best to avoid signing any contractual agreements as matters begun during Mercury retrograde periods tend to take unexpected twists and turns in the future. During Mercury retrograde periods we often find ourselves revisiting past projects or situations that, once again, need our attention. It is also a time period, however, when we often hear from, or feel compelled to reach out to old friends or lovers whom we haven’t spoken to in some time.

Although Mercury retrograde periods can seem frustrating, they often provide opportunities to review or finish up old projects, contact old friends, or clean out the closet and garage. Mercury retrograde periods are an opportune time for introspection and deep thought, especially a couple of days directly before and after the exact retrograde day occurs.

Note: Planets do not actually move backwards (retrograde). A retrograding planet is the result of an optical illusion per its orbital relative speed from our point of view on Earth.

Previous 2024 Retrograde Periods

April 1 – April 24, 2024
(27°13′ to 15°58′ Aries)

Pre-shadow period occurs March 18 – April 1
Mercury turns Retrograde on April 1 at 3:15 p.m. (27°13′ Aries)
Stations Direct on April 24 at 5:54 a.m. (15°58′ Aries)
Post-shadow occurs from April 24 – May 13, 2024

August 3 – 28
(4°06′ Virgo to 21°24′ Leo)   

Pre-shadow period occurs July 16 – August 3
Mercury Retrogrades on August 3 at 9:56 p.m. (4°06′ Virgo)
Mercury Stations Direct 
on August 28, 2024, at 5:12 a.m. (21°24′ Leo)

Post-shadow occurs from August 28 – September 11

© 2024 by Linda Kaye

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