Super-Harvest-Total-Lunar-Blood-Eclipse! Yep, all that!

Sunday, September 27 – 7:50 p.m. PT
Four degrees – Forty minutes of Aries

This total Lunar Eclipse will be visible to observers after sunset in North America and will last 72 minutes.

Late Sunday evening will herald the final Eclipse of 2015. This is a very unique and dramatic celestial event. It marks the last of a rare tetrad – four consecutive Total Moon Eclipses – often referred to as Blood Eclipses. The red in color occurs due to the natural spectrum of sunlight emitted during a Total Eclipse. This Eclipse coincides with the Fall Equinox making it a Harvest Moon (the Full Moon closest to the Fall Equinox). And, if that’s not enough, it is also a Super Moon because its elliptical orbit is closest to the Earth’s surface. This will allow the Moon to appear approximately 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than normal. The last Super Moon Eclipse occurred in 1982 and the next won’t occur until 2033.

The recent tetrad have each fallen on Jewish holy days and are believed to signify important turning points for the Jewish community, including the return of their Lord. Study of past tetrads falling on Jewish holy days has indeed proven to be significant turning points for the Jewish people. The next set of tetrad Eclipses will not occur again until 2032–2033.

Historically, Eclipses have been observed by the ancient Astrologers as coinciding with times of great upheaval. Observers have found they often coincide with earth changes, political upheavals and modern stock market fluctuations. With the advent of external events, Eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed change in our personal lives.

When the Moon is in the sign of Aries it is opposite the Sun in Libra and therefore highlights the Aries-Libra axis. This is a powerful Eclipse emphasizing balance within partnership. We are being asked to embrace and support one another and to restore balance within so we can sustain our relationships, especially the relationship with our planet.

Libra is the sign most concerned with harmony, love, and balance within partnership; Aries is most identified with aspects concerning freedom, independence, and self-interest. How do we integrate these two seemingly opposites to find balance?

Integration of the Aries-Libra archetypes requires that we learn when it is appropriate to give and when it is not. Some of us were taught to believe that giving would secure love – Libra. When we give more than we receive, we may sabotage the love we are seeking due to a false belief that receiving is somehow selfish – Aries. The balancing of the Aries and Libra archetypes is a conscious and harmonious dance with self and other.

We are each being called to cultivate supportive, sustainable partnership in new and creative ways. This powerful Harvest Eclipse is reminding us to honor our most primal basic relationship – our relationship with Gaia. The harvesting of our personal bounty cannot occur unless we are in right relationship with the mother that sustains us.

As the moon represents cycles, Lunar Eclipses are a time to look at what is no longer working in our lives to initiate the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This will be true for all of us, but especially for those who have Aries or Libra planets in their horoscope because these are the two zodiacal signs in which the Eclipses occur. You can expect a Lunar Eclipse to maintain an influence in your life for as long as it takes for you to resolve the emotional dynamics that it produced.

Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Libra during this Eclipse. With his help you can expect to have inner revelations showing you where change is needed in the area of love. How do you love yourself and how do you love others? Are these dynamics balanced? This Eclipse may encourage you to make changes that align with your ability to truly love yourself. As the Eclipses create a temporary shadow, you may also find yourself uncovering previously buried emotions that need to be honored so you can express self-love and love towards others in a balanced, healthy, and authentic manner.

Eclipses help you to create shifts in your life and encourage you to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. Eclipses work on three levels: personal, collective, and ultimately, the integration of both. Where there is inner uncertainty, an Eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity. If you are finding yourself immersed in an underworld of internal struggles or just needing to make change in an important area of your life, this Lunar Eclipse is the time to ask for assistance in making the changes you desire. Pay close attention to the revelations occurring during this Eclipse period, as what was previously hidden gives way to the light.

The ancient sages felt that Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between Earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Mercury Retrograde

Sept 17 – Oct 9

Pre-shadow period begins Sept 1 thru Sept 16, 2015
Retrograde begins on Sept 17 (15 degrees of Libra)
Turns direct on Oct 9 (0 degrees of Libra)
Completes post-shadow period from Oct 10 to Oct 24

In general, Mercury is the planet that astrologically represents travel, communication and our thought processes. Known as the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury’s role is to speedily deliver clear and precise information. Retrograding 3-4 times a year, when the planetary trickster strikes, many of our daily activities go haywire.

Mercury also rules electronics and is often blamed for all types of technical mishaps with cell phones, electric devices and computers, warranting an important time to backup your computer files. In general terms, machines of all kinds tend to act strangely and take on a Murphy’s Law theme.

Remain flexible and prepare for delays and miscommunications of all kinds.It is best to avoid signing any contractual agreements as matters begun during Mercury retrograde periods tend to take unexpected twists and turns in the future. During Mercury retrograde periods we often find ourselves revisiting past projects or situations that once again need our attention. It is also a time period, however, when we often hear from or feel compelled to reach out to old friends or lovers whom we haven’t spoken to in some time.

Although Mercury retrograde periods may seem frustrating at times, they provide opportunities to review or finish up old projects, contact old friends or clean out the closet and garage. It’s an opportune time for introspection and deep thought.

Previous 2015 Mercury Retrograde Periods

Jan 22 – Feb 10
Pre-shadow period begins Jan 5 thru Jan 21, 2015
Retrograde begins on Jan 22 (16 degrees Aquarius)
Turns direct on Feb 10 (1 degree Aquarius)
Completes post-shadow period from Feb 11 to Mar 3

May 19 – June 11
Pre-shadow period begins May 4 thru Jun 18, 2015
Retrograde begins on May 19 (13 degrees of Gemini)
Turns direct June 11 (4 degrees of Gemini)
Completes post-shadow period from June 12 to June 27

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Pisces Blue Full Moon

Saturday, August 29, 2015 – 11:35 a.m. Pacific Time
6 degrees and 6 minutes of Pisces

This month’s Super Full Moon is the first of three consecutive Super Full Moons. The second one is a potent Blood Moon Eclipse occurring on September 28 and the third occurs in the sign of Taurus on October 27. Super Moons are known by Astronomers as Perigee Moons and occur when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Because of their close proximity to the Earth, they can appear as much as 14% larger in the sky and 30% brighter to our eyes than normal moons.

Astrologically, the light of a Full Moon illuminates the area of our life symbolized by the zodiac sign in which it falls. Pisces is the mystical sign representing union–the unending quest of humankind to merge with divine. This Piscean search for union can permeate our waking and dreaming reality. When the Moon falls in the sign of Pisces, your waking world can become dreamy and surreal. The veils between the earthly and spirit realms become very thin under a Pisces influence and are an excellent time to seek and merge with the sacredness of your divine nature that exists deep within.

Full Moons always occur when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. The Sun will be in Virgo during this Full Moon emphasizing the Piscean-Virgo theme of healing. Both these signs are sensitive to environmental toxins and promote purification and integration of body-mind-spirit. Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs indicating they are flexible with change. Take advantage of this restorative Full Moon and create new routines that allow for daily meditation and healthier ways of living.

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and can encourage culmination in one or more areas of your life. During this transitional on our planet, each of us is being asked to heal and relinquish patterns associated with old ways of being. Therefore, even the most difficult culminations will serve your highest good as they simultaneously prevent unnecessary crises and suffering when change is resistant. Embrace and honor the wisdom of fluidity that this Full Moon is granting and dream new and exciting visions into your future.

Pisces Full Moon Key Words: Dreamtime, Intuition, Suffering, Healing or Healing Crises, Flexibility, Culmination, Union with Divine.

Join us for our final Summer Outdoor Ceremony!

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Aphrodite’s Planet of Love, Venus, Turns Retrograde

July 26 – Sept 7


Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it. ~Rumi

Venus is the only planet (besides the Sun and Moon) that does not turn retrograde several times a year. Instead, Venus turns retrograde only once every 548 or so days and will be transiting somewhere in your Astrological horoscope. This marks a significant period because it will correlate to a period of time during which you will be inclined to reexamine and reflect on the overall nature of your reality. (more…)

Aquarius Blue Full Moon

Friday, July 31, 2015 – 3:42p.m. Pacific Time
07 degrees and 55 minutes
The sign of The Water Bearer and Freedom Seeker

A Full Moon is deemed blue not because of color, but due to the rarity of occurrence—hence, the popular statement, “once in a blue moon.” They occur approximately every 2.5 years with the last Blue Moon occurring on August 31, 2012. Based on the 29.5 day orbit of the Moon, Blue Moons occur only when there are two Full Moons in the same month. Yes, two full Moons are occurring this month—July 1 and 31—with the second of the two marking the current Blue Moon.

Aquarius is the celestial sign that bestows the universal cosmic waters onto humankind and our planet. Although Aquarius is an air sign, it is known as “The Water Bearer” and this connection through the healing element of water symbolizes an ability to spread its cosmic gifts of giving and restoring life to humanity.

Among many things, Aquarius is the sign associated with futuristic thinking. Aquarians are humanitarian and philanthropic by nature with an intention to make the world a better place. Uranus—the ruling planet of this Full Moon in Aquarius—is often called the great awakener and harbinger of change.

The theme of change is an important one during this Full Moon because it is occurring just days after Venus, the planet of love, turns retrograde. When Venus is retrograde you will find yourself reassessing matters of the heart as well as the management of your resources. This will be an important time period to become clear about what is working and not working in your life.

The reflective light of this Full Moon can bring clarity to the areas in your life needing change. Therefore, set intentions for the changing winds of Aquarius to blow and for its cosmic waters to flow into your life so you can set sail and proceed on your desired course.

Join us in a Sacred Ceremony and
Get Moonstruck Under the Blue Moon!

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Embracing Grace with the Full Moon in Capricorn

July 1, 2015 – 7:20 pm Pacific Time
9 degrees and 55 minutes of Capricor

Full Moons occur when the Sun is in the opposite sign as the Moon and are typically experienced as the most powerful phase of the lunation cycle. We can certainly expect this to be the case under this Full Moon because it conjoins the planet related to intensity and power—Pluto. This penetrating celestial energy will be reflected back to us through the symbolic essence of the Sun in Cancer. Astrologically, the Moon represents our internal emotional nature and the Sun our external passion and direction. Because the Sun is traveling through the Moon’s sign Cancer while conjoining the planet associated with our personal will—Mars, we can intend this Full Moon to transform any buried emotions that are keeping us from our personal power and passion for life.Capricorn is the sign associated with maturity, time, outer world responsibilities, authority, control, fear and emotional repression. Take time to evaluate your own personal understanding of responsibility in your life. Do you take on too much, or avoid responsibility all together? Are you able to be your own authority or do you give your personal authority over to others? Do you trust in a divine plan or do you try to control your surroundings or the behavior and lives of others? And, lastly, do you have faith in the flow of grace in your life or are you fearful and pessimistic? Unconstructive patterns are often masking deeply buried emotions. Ask that any hidden actions be illuminated so they can be acknowledged and a plan put in place to make any necessary changes to be all that you desire.

Cancer is the sign representing emotional maturation and Capricorn the sign associated with time. As the Capricorn goat strives to reach the top of the mountain one step at a time, it often finds its success during critical juncture points of physical and emotional maturation. Under this Full Moon take “time” to evaluate the areas of your life that may need more emotional and physical maturation before they can culminate. Be patient with yourself and enjoy your personal journey knowing that you do not have to reach the top of the mountain in one leap.

This Full Moon is a beautiful time to partake in ceremony and create intentions for work-life balance, emotional and physical security dynamics, and healthy internal feminine-masculine balance. If you are unable to participate in a group ceremony, create one for yourself. Go outside and infuse your being with the Moon’s reflective light. Set your intentions, chant, drum, dance, howl—whatever calls you! Create your intentions for emotional freedom and passion of life. And, most importantly, base them on universal law—eternal well-being for all.

Capricorn Full Moon Themes: taking life one day at a time, emotional and physical maturation, responsibility, work-life balance, personal authority, trusting in the flow of grace and a divine plan.

Click here to join tonight’s Full Moon Ceremony.

Click here to schedule an Astrological Consultation.

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

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