Setting Intentions Based on the New Moon

February 21, 2012 – 2:35 p.m. PT
13 degrees and 55 minutes of Pisces

The New Moon is a time of new beginnings and rebirth. It is an opportune time to set intentions for new life directions or the beginning of new projects. This is the best time of the month to plant positive thoughts in the subconscious mind with affirmations, auspicious chants, and visualizations. Inspiration, hope, and support flourish during these next couple of days for those seeking spiritual, emotional, or mental liberation of any kind.

This New Moon is sure to inspire change on a deep soul level because it occurs in the intuitive sign of Pisces and falls in the eighth house of transformation in the lunation horoscope. Accompanied by four other heavenly bodies all traversing the sign of Pisces – Neptune, the Sun, Chiron, and Mercury – it creates a potent pack because this emphasis of Pisces energy is in a challenging aspect to retrograding Mars in Virgo. Therefore, expect revelations as hidden areas of your psyche become active during these next few days and weeks.

Pisces is the watery constellation that seeks to dissolve all separating desires in order to unite with divine. It is through the artistic and soulful expression of Piscean energies that we can each experience the true essence of the all-pervading consciousness that exists within everything. Importantly, Pisces is also the last sign of the zodiac and therefore represents culminations.

Under this important New Moon, it is beneficial to take the time out of your busy schedule to ask yourself a few essential questions: 1) What is separating me from the truest expression of my divine self? 2) What might I need to culminate in my life so I can align to my higher nature?

Once you’ve answered these questions, take time to create intentions that will lead you into a closer relationship with your highest goals. Lastly, Pisces is one of two healing signs of the zodiac (Virgo is the other.) Healing is an important consideration when planets are highlighting one or both of these signs. This New Moon in Pisces can help illuminate any healing work that might need to occur in order for you to connect to your heart’s truest desires. Pisces also represents the dreamtime. Therefore, pay close attention to your dreams and any messages they provide over the upcoming days.

Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye

Love & Abundance – Venus & Jupiter

In Astrology, Venus and Jupiter are the two planets known as the great benefics. They like to bestow their blessings and gifts wherever they are positioned and transiting through our astrological charts.

The goddess Aphrodite and her planet Venus bestow love, physical beauty, the fine arts and wealth into the world. When she is prominently placed in our horoscopes, Cupid shoots his arrow and brings great love into our lives, and all things beautiful seem to flow our way.

The Greek god Zeus, father of philosophy, travel and abundance is tied to the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune who bestows his grace through optimistic thinking, spiritual pursuits, philosophy, travel and large quantities of life’s bounties.

Jupiter moved into Pisces on January 17th and Venus will move into Pisces on February 12th. Pisces is the watery emotional zodiac sign that represents intuition, healing, the arts, addictions, and the ending of a karmic cycle. Venus will be in Pisces through March 7th, and Jupiter through June 5th. Venus is exalted in Pisces and Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces, which simply means, they both perform their best while in the mystical dreamy and boundless sign of Pisces.

Therefore, the next few weeks are an opportunistic time to dream big, play and have fun. That said, expand with caution during this time as Jupiter is fond of optimistic thinking, which can lead us into counting our chickens before they hatch.

If you are a Pisces, you will want to watch your sugar intake because Venus rules sweets and while she is in the sign of Pisces you may find it hard to curve unhealthy cravings. Jupiter expands everything it touches and while he is in the sign of Pisces you may find, much to your dismay, that your physical being is also expanding if you are enjoying a little too much good food and wine.

Astronomically, the two brightest planets in the sky will appear together in mid-February.  Mark your calendars for February 15th & 16th, as the sliver of the crescent moon, Venus and Jupiter are sure to prove a stunning trio.  

January 29th, 2010


Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye


The Regal Leo – Full Moon

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012, 1:53 p.m. PT
19 degrees and 31 minutes

The Moon and her fluctuating phases symbolize the perpetual change that is constant throughout the entire universe. The lunar cycle can be seen as the great medicine wheel of life, death and rebirth so attuning to the various lunar phases allows us to embrace our own personal rebirth and renewal.

Full Moons foster and illuminate the sacred feminine’s gifts of abundant love, growth, nurturing, and bonding, so this is the best time of the month to honor the Great Mother Goddess through rituals such as prayer, raising energy, and life celebrations.

Many shamanic practitioners refer to the Full Moon as Moon Mother because during such times our prayers are amplified and the Moon’s medicinal powers are bestowed upon our planet and all its life forms. As such, we should follow the shaman’s example and give thanks for the abundance received, and ask that abundance be given to all beings on Earth for healing and restoration of balance in the universe.

This month’s Full Moon is in the fiery sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun and represented by the proud and powerful lion. The Sun’s illuminating rays bestow life; sacred wisdom through spiritual practice; and the ability to creatively actualize ourselves. A symbol of divine knowledge in many cultures, the lion is recognized from Europe to Africa as the power of the Shakti– divine energy. The Hindus, for example, believe that the Man-Lion, Vishnu has both the sovereignty and power of dharma (law) to destroy evil and ignorance.

Furthermore, Leo is the sign that represents children and creativity in general; Leos enjoy romance, are gregarious, generous, and playful. Physically, Leo rules the heart and most lions have tender hearts that need personal nurturing and if ignored, their heart may seek attention by developing a physical condition. When balanced and healthy, the lion is a strong leader, courageous, regal, and proud.

During this month’s Full Moon you can manifest your goals by contemplating and integrating these powerful feminine and leonine qualities into your life. For example, you may wish to creatively actualize or cultivate stronger leadership skills; romance and partnerships;spiritual wisdom; or the healing of heart wounds.

Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye

Passionate Action Oriented Mars turns Retrograde in the Sign of Virgo

January 24—April 13, 2012

2012 is a big year for retrograde planets as both Venus and Mars will be retrograding along with Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  Most of the planets retrograde several times a year, but Mars only turns retrograde approximately once every two years, and Venus once every 18 months. I am often asked, “what exactly does it mean when a planet is retrograde?” Retrograding planets appear to move backwards from our point on Earth, as they orbit around the Sun. However, they don’t really move backward, but rather move at an apparent backward speed from our Earth-centered perspective at certain times of the year.

Mars is the planet of passionate outward action and manifestation. Therefore, from an Astrological perspective, retrograde Mars will promote a period of introspection. Because this particular Mars retrograde falls in the sign of Virgo and makes a wonderful aspect to Jupiter in Taurus it will promote analytical introspection, as well as expanded philosophical awareness. This signature will provide an opportunity to examine our egotistic actions and to strive for greater humility. It is an important time of considered response versus impulsive reaction. Because Mercury rules Virgo,and therefore our thought processes, it will be essential to listen to our inner guidance system versus external ego-based desires.

This will also be a great time for evaluating our day-to-day work habits. Is our ego attached to the outcome of our work or are we able to create (work) based on a calling from deep within? With Mars and Jupiter both falling in the Earth signs of Virgo and Taurus we can take advantage of this retrograde introspective period and plan for our future security. Virgo is also associated with the holy trinity of body-mind-spirit. If any one of these three areas is neglected, we can find ourselves in physical, mental or spiritual crisis. Therefore, this is a great period to reorganize our time, so we are balancing the important aspects of our inner versus outer world.

Key Phrases for Mars Retrograde:
Return to my center “core” self.
Examine my ego-based actions.
Develop Virgo humility.
Listen to inner vs. outer based desires.
Create considered response vs. impulsive action.
Find physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

Click here to schedule your personal 2012 Astrological Consultation.

Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye

Aquarius: Sign of The Water Bearer and Freedom Seeker

New Moon – Sunday, January 22
11:39 p.m. PT
Two degrees & 41 minutes of Aquarius

Aquarius is the celestial sign that bestows the universal cosmic waters onto humankind and our planet. Although Aquarius is an air sign, it is known as “The Water Bearer” and this connection through the healing element of water symbolizes an ability to spread its cosmic gifts of giving and restoring life to humanity.

Among many things, Aquarius is the sign associated with futuristic thinking. Aquarians are humanitarian and philanthropic by nature with an intention to make the world a better place. This February New Moon is harmoniously aligned to its ruler—Uranus—the “Great Awakener.” Uranus has a rebellious nature desirous of the freedom to take action and ensure evolutionary progress—change! Therefore, this will be a wonderful time for you to set new goals for freedom and change in your life so you may continue your personal evolutionary journey.

Uranus is currently moving through the zodiac sign of Aries and asking each of us to rebel against anything that does not bring liberation to ourselves and all sentient beings. Individually and collectively, Uranus in Aries can prove a powerful catalyst to dismantle the barriers that keep us stuck and unable to move forward. When Uranus moved into Aries, it kicked off the Cardinal Cross and Uranian types of individual and collective rebellion began occurring all over the globe.

This New Moon is an important time to evaluate your own desires and need for change. Set intentions for the Aquarian winds of change to blow, and for its cosmic healing waters to instill the “wisdom of awareness” into your life.

Click here to learn more about Uranus’ movement through Aries.

Click here to schedule your personal 2012 Astrological Consultation.

Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye

Full “Wolf” Moon

Sunday, Jan. 8th – 11:29 p.m. PT
18 degrees and 25 minutes of Cancer

The first Full Moon of the year is known as the Wolf Moon by the Native people because the wolf packs howled hungrily outside their snow laden villages. Our brothers and sisters of the stars are known by the Native peoples as the Great Star Nation, and Wolves are represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which many Astrologers and ancient cultures believe is the original home of our teachers from ancient times. Sirius was also known to be the home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa.

The Moon is a power ally for the Wolf as its senses are very keen. If you’ve been following my Astro-Grams you already know that the Moon is a symbol for psychic energy, and the unconscious that holds the secrets of all knowledge and wisdom. The Full Moon in January is an auspicious time to access this inner wisdom because it falls in the watery sign of the crab – Cancer. Cancer is the Astrological sign associated with our inner – versus – outer world. Therefore, this is a great time to set New Year intentions to create more balance between your inner and outer life.

When the Moon is in Cancer the Sun is in Capricorn. These two opposite signs are seeking balance between outer-world responsibilities of social, political and career interest and inner-world security of family, home and self. This Cancer Moon will also be highlighting the Cardinal Cross which many of you may remember is initiating unprecedented change for humankind. The 2012 “Shift of the Ages” is prompting us to awaken to new levels of consciousness that generate awareness to the sacred interconnectedness of all life.

The Wolf Moon is a potent reminder to embrace the many powerful and transformational changes this long anticipated year is destined to bring.

Our only security is our ability to change. ~John Lilly

Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye

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