Merging with Divine and the Pisces Full Moon

Monday, September 12, 2011, 2:26 a.m. PT
19 degrees and 17 minutes of Pisces

Astrologically, the light of a Full Moon illuminates the area of our life symbolized by the zodiac sign in which it falls. The watery realms of this Pisces Full Moon will facilitate union with your divine essence.

Pisces is the mystical sign representing union–the unending quest of humankind to merge with divine. This Piscean search for union can permeate our dreaming and waking reality. When the Moon falls in the sign of Pisces, your waking world can become dreamy and surreal. The veils between the earthly and spirit realms become very thin under Pisces influence and are an excellent time to seek and merge with the sacredness of your higher self—the divine that exists within.

Full Moons always occur when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. The Sun will be in Virgo during this Full Moon emphasizing the Piscean-Virgo theme of healing. Both these signs are sensitive to environment pollutants and toxins, which eventually encourage purification and integration of body-mind-spirit. Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs that are most flexible with change. Take advantage of this restorative Full Moon and create new routines that allow for daily meditation, and healthier ways of living.

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and therefore represents culmination in one or more areas of your life. During this transitional time on our planet, each of us is experiencing changes that require relinquishing comforts associated with an old way of being. Therefore, even the most difficult culminations serve your highest wellbeing while simultaneously preventing unnecessary crises and suffering that result when change is resisted. Embrace and honor the wisdom of fluidity that this Full Moon is granting and dream new and exciting visions into your future.

Pisces Full Moon Key Words: Dreamtime, Intuition, Suffering, Healing or Healing Crises, Culmination, Union with Divine, Flexibility

“It is only when you have both divine grace and human endeavor that you can experience bliss, just as you can enjoy the breeze of a fan only when you have both a fan and the electrical energy to operate it.” ~ Sai Baba

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

Vocation and the Virgo New Moon

Sunday, August 28, 2011
8:04 p.m. PDT
5°27′ Virgo

The New Moon lunar phase is a wonderful time to implement fresh new beginnings in any area of your life needing attention. Every New Moon brings a special gift of energetic wisdom based on the zodiac sign in which it occurs.

In the sign of Virgo, this New Moon will encourage you to become more organized and meticulous with the details of your life. Use Virgo’s talent for analytical thinking and discrimination to generate new ventures that align with your desires. Because this New Moon is creating a grand trine with the planets Jupiter and Pluto, you are encouraged to set intentions to enhance or change your daily work routine, and/or career. Jupiter, the planet of abundance is currently in the earthy sign concerned with resources and what we most value—Taurus. Pluto, the planet of deep transformation and self-empowerment is also in an earthy sign—Capricorn, the sign associated with social-political responsibilities. This amazing Astrological dynamic is creating a fantastic opportunity to construct new business plans that align to your personal calling.

The purification and integration of body, mind and spirit is the important domain of Virgo. Chiron—the wounded healer—is opposing this Virgo New Moon and therefore is encouraging you to pay special attention to your nutritional requirements, thought processes and spiritual needs. If any one of these essential areas is out of balance in your life, now is the time to set goals for improvement.

Virgo Key Words: Analyze, Discriminate, Daily Work, Health, Diet, Mental Constructs, Spirituality

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

Leo New Moon and Heart Consciousness

Saturday, July 30, 11:39a.m. PT
Seven degrees and Fifteen Minutes of Leo

This month’s New Moon falls in the royal sign of Leo. Leo is the fiery sign that is associated with the proud, majestic lion and the heat of the summer Sun.

A New Moon occurs at the beginning of every 28-day lunar cycle when the Moon joins the Sun in one of the twelve zodiacal signs. As the start of a new cycle, the New Moon is always a symbolic time to evaluate your life goals and set new intentions in the areas of your life associated with the zodiacal sign in which the New Moon is occurring.

The zodiacal sign of Leo is the sign that encourages creative self-expression and heart consciousness. The fire of the leonine Sun ignites passion, inspiration and the ability to single-mindedly focus on one’s goals. Leo also represents children and romance, marking a time to evaluate whether or not we are nurturing our inner child, and creating romantic moments of honoring and loving the self.

As the heart is ruled by Leo it is important during this New Moon to set intentions that honor your heart’s desires. This is important for all of us, but especially important for Leos, who can actually develop physical heart ailments when they do not follow their hearts. Spiritual masters who have obtained enlightenment, such as Sri Yogananda, tell us, “God is center everywhere, circumference nowhere.” The essence of your creative light and the ability to love yourself and others exists within the center of your heart. Find the center of your heart during this New Moon and honor your unique and special gifts. This Leo New Moon is reminding us of the many spiritual teachings emphasizing the need to move away from fear and into loving relationship with self, others and our planet.

In many ancient cultures the Sun is worshipped as the giver of life and the source of light – spiritual wisdom. In fact, the Mayans tell us that the Sun’s movement into the center of our Milky Way during 2012 will ignite a mass spiritual awakening for humankind and a spiritual rebirth for our planet. Invoke the solar energies of this leonine New Moon to guide you into your center—your heart—, to further your own process of awakening.

Leo New Moon Key Words: Solar Light, Creative Actualization, Playfullness and the Inner Child, Heart Consciousness and Self Love

“When we say, you are creators, you think we are talking about creating furniture, or creating houses, or creating empires, or creating relationships.
That isn’t what we talk about when we talk about creating.
We are talking about the creating of your state of being.
And when you have understood that, and are giving that your dominant attention, then all of the physical trappings of this Universe will fall into alignment in such glorious fashion that you will amaze even yourself.


~ Abraham, The Law of Attraction

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

Emotional Freedom and Life Passion

Capricorn Full Moon
July 14 at 11:38 pm PT
22 degrees and 27 minutes of Capricorn

The last three eclipse lunations sure were a powerful trio, especially with the July 1 solar eclipse highlighting the Cardinal Cross. Full Moons occur when the Sun is in the opposite sign as the Moon. Therefore, this month’s Capricorn Full Moon will be reflected back to us through the symbolic essence of Cancer. Astrologically, the Moon represents our internal emotional nature and the Sun our external passion and direction. Because the Sun is traveling through the Moon’s sign—Cancer, we can expect this Full Moon to expose any repressed or hidden emotions that are hindering our freedom and enthusiasm to pursue life.

Cancer is the sign representing emotional maturation and Capricorn the sign associated with time. As the Capricorn goat strives to reach the top of the mountain one step at a time, it often finds its success during critical juncture points of physical and emotional maturation. Under this Full Moon take “time” to evaluate the areas of your life that may need more emotional and physical maturation before they can culminate. Be patient with yourself and enjoy your personal journey knowing that you do not have to reach the top of the mountain in one leap.

Capricorn is also the sign of responsibility, authority, control, fear and emotional repression. Take time to evaluate your own personal understanding of responsibility in your life. Do you take on too much, or avoid responsibility all together? Are you able to be your own authority or do you give your personal authority over to others?  Do you trust in a divine plan or do you try to control your surroundings or the behavior and lives of others? And, lastly, do you have faith in the flow of grace in your life or are you fearful and pessimistic? Unconstructive patterns are often masking deeply buried emotions. Ask that any hidden actions be illuminated so they can be acknowledged and a plan put in place to make any necessary changes to be all that you desire.

This Full Moon is a beautiful time to partake in ceremony and create intentions for work-life balance, emotional and physical security dynamics, and healthy internal feminine-masculine balance. If you are unable to participate in a group ceremony, create one for yourself. Go outside and infuse your being with the Moon’s reflective light. Set your intentions, chant, drum, dance, howl—whatever calls you! Create your intentions for emotional freedom and passion of life.  And, most importantly, base them on universal law—eternal well being for all life, including Mother Earth.

Capricorn Full Moon Themes: Taking life one day at a time, emotional and physical maturation, responsibility, personal authority, control, fear, pessimism and emotional repression.

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

Destiny, the Cardinal Cross and the July 1 Solar Eclipse

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse
Friday, July 1, 1:53 am PT
Nine degrees twelve minutes of Cancer

WOW! With three eclipses in 30 days the past month has been nothing but extraordinary. This final eclipse of the trio will promote momentous change as it ignites the Astrological Cardinal Cross. You can learn more about the Astrological Cardinal Cross on my website.

If you read my last two Astro-Grams you know that 2011 marks the rare occurrence of six eclipses in one year: four solar and two lunar. The first eclipse—a partial solar eclipse—occurred in January. On June 1, another partial solar eclipse occurred in Gemini, kicking off a trio of eclipses within a month. The second eclipse occurred on Wednesday, June 15 in the sign of Sagittarius and was the first total lunar eclipse of 2011. The final of this noteworthy trio—a partial solar eclipse—occurs in Cancer on July 1. Lastly, the final two eclipses of 2011 will occur in November and December.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon travels between the Sun and the Earth and therefore casts its shadow and blocks the view of the Sun from Earth. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow misses the Earth but passes very close to it. This partial solar eclipse will only be visible off Lutzow-Holm Bay which is on the coast of Antarctica.

As mentioned, this eclipse is especially important because it is kicking off the Cardinal Cross (the last Cardinal Cross occurred during the Great Depression) and ushering in the 2012 Shift of the Ages. Cardinal signs are synonymous with the changing of the seasons and are characterized by the initiation of brand new beginnings, forging new paths and embarking on innovative enterprises. Therefore, our Cardinal brothers and sisters—Aries, Cancers, Libras and Capricorns—are especially affected by this present eclipse and the current revolutionary times we are undergoing. This is also true if your horoscope has planets in any of the cardinal signs. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the energies produced by the shift will affect you even if you don’t have planets in cardinal signs.

Destiny is represented by the “Dragons Tail” –the Nodal Axis of the Moon, and this eclipse reflects our destiny as it is creates stressful relationships with the outer planets that form the Cardinal Cross—Saturn, Uranus and Pluto—which serves an important purpose: to initiate the transformation and renewal of our inner and outer relationships. The Natural Law of Balance and Equality is paramount in reflecting back to each of us—moment by moment—the great disconnect between our species and other life forms. It may be helpful to contemplate the question, “What is wrong with the world and what is right with the world?”  In both cases we find the answer to be “I AM.”*

Under this eclipse you should be cognizant of family, work or other dynamics that can suddenly erupt into power struggles. Evaluate if you are in right relationship with yourself and others. You may feel the powerful buildup of paradoxical energies—similar to a volcano—that can allow you to release your emotional and financial insecurities, while motivating you to root out self-defeating anxieties and irrational fears. In short, this eclipse is asking each of us to search deeply into our own “I AM” and awaken to our planet’s shifting paradigms.

Summary of the current eclipse trio:

  • The 1st eclipse on June 1 dealt with our thought processes and the Sun’s spiritual and enlightening wisdom.
  • The 2nd eclipse on June 15 illuminated awareness of our belief systems which can bring conscious understanding of our personal truths and dogmas.
  • The 3rd eclipse on July 1 culminates with the Cardinal Cross energy inspiring us to be flexible in awakening, healing, transforming and renewing ourselves during this great time of change.

The ancient sages felt that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to universal wisdom.

Special Note: This eclipse is highlighting the U.S. Independence Day chart. Because Cancer rules the housing industry and eclipses often reflect economic dynamics, it is possible that the U.S. housing market will take yet another downturn.

* Tom Shadyac: Documentary, I AM

Click here to schedule an Astrological Consultaion.

Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye

Saturn’s Ingress into Libra

 (Saturn will once again enter Libra on July 21, 2010 through October 5, 2012)

Astrologically, Saturn is often referred to as “The Lord of Karma” or “The Great Malefic” and sometimes “The Task Master,” all of which can provoke feelings of pessimism and negativity.  Rarely are Saturn’s countless hidden gifts emphasized upon first contemplating this great planet’s Astrological significations.

Saturn is the planet that represents structure, social-political systems and authority, as well as the awareness of time and karma.  He is the harbinger of the blatant recognition of a long standing way of life that is no longer serving us.  With Saturn’s ingress into Libra we will find ourselves investing time to restructure the area of our lives reflected by the zodiacal sign of Libra.  Astrologically, Libra represents partnership, equality, beauty, the arts, harmony and balance. Saturn will bring awareness and a need for dynamic change – individually as well as collectively – to any of these Libran qualities that are in discord.

Saturn represents societal structures and governments, and while in Libra he will encourage each of us to demand fairness and justice within our political systems.  On a more personal level, each one of us will be questioning our partnerships and close relationships.  This is especially true for Libras because Saturn will transit directly over your Sun.  If you are between the ages of 28-30 or 58-60 you are experiencing or about to experience your Saturn return, a major maturation and turning point in life.

As Saturn makes its passage through Libra, it will activate the Cardinal Cross and simultaneously highlight the U.S. Astrological chart which will undergo its own Saturn return in Libra. These two important Astrological significations will point to collective and personal lessons of responsibility and right relationship with one another and our planet.  These dynamics are heralding a wake-up call of change; a change in our attitudes, our attachments and our lifestyles. Universally we are quickly approaching the “2012” climax and the end of the Mayan Calendar, referred to by Mayan Elders as the “Shift of the Ages.”

Mindful awareness is required at the onset of a significant Saturn transit and we are encouraged to use integrity in all our dealings throughout its duration. The Saturnian journey often leads us into solemn periods of reflection where we may find ourselves feeling dejected, disillusioned and thwarted to move into the future we desire. Simultaneously, Saturn can promote new career heights, responsibilites and leadership recognition. If we consciously embrace Saturn’s wise teachings we can emerge with unexpected treasures and pearls of wisdom.

Saturnian transits and aspects bring us to a crossroads and provide opportunities to hasten our evolution. They usher in a profound time period, which if embraced, can ultimately bring great wisdom, a deeper meaning to life and awareness of self, maturation, humility and freedom by releasing that which no longer serves us.

Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye

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