Shakti & the Leo New Moon

Shakti & the Leo New Moon

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
1:44 p.m. pacific time
10 degrees and 57 minutes

“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars … the stars form a circle, and in the center we dance.” ~ Rumi, 13th century

This month’s New Moon is in the fiery sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun and represented by the proud and powerful lion. The Sun’s illuminating rays bestow life; sacred wisdom through spiritual practice; and the ability to creatively actualize ourselves. A symbol of divine knowledge in many cultures, the lion is recognized from Europe to Africa as the power of the Shakti– divine energy. Hindus, for example, believe that the Man-Lion, Vishnu has both the sovereignty and power of dharma (law) to destroy evil and ignorance.

The zodiacal sign of Leo is the sign that encourages creative self-expression. The fire of the leonine Sun ignites passion, inspiration and the ability to single-mindedly focus on one’s goals. Leo also represents children and romance, marking a time to evaluate whether or not we are nurturing our inner child; creating intimate, romantic moments; and honoring and loving our own special uniqueness.

“When we say, you are creators, you think we are talking about creating furniture, or creating houses, or erecting empires, or creating relationships. That isn’t what we talk about when we talk about creating. We are talking about the creating of your state of being. And when you have understood that, and are giving that your dominant attention, then all of the physical trappings of this Universe will fall into alignment in such glorious fashion that you will amaze even yourself. You cannot do it with action. It is through focusing upon how you want to feel.
Abraham, The Law of Attraction

As the heart is ruled by Leo it is important during this New Moon to set intentions that deeply connect with your heart’s desires. This is important for all of us, but especially important for Leos, who can actually develop physical heart ailments when they ignore the sacred promptings of their inner heart. Spiritual masters who have obtained enlightenment, such as Sri Yogananda, tell us, “God is center everywhere, circumference nowhere.” The essence of your creative light and the ability to love yourself and others exists within the center of your heart. Tap into your heart-center during this New Moon and honor your unique and special gifts.

Leo New Moon Key Words: Solar Light, Divine Shakti, Creative Actualization, Playfulness and the Inner Child, Heart Consciousness and Self Love


Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye




Capricorn Full Moon and Time-Space Reality

Capricorn Full Moon and Time-Space Reality

Tuesday, July 19 at 3:45 pm PT
27 degrees and 40 minutes of Capricorn

“Newtonian dualism pits us against time … we are deluded into thinking that time is out there, an actual physical entity that can put pressure on us in here.~Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap

Full Moons occur when the Sun is in the opposite sign as the Moon and typically experienced as the most powerful phase of the lunation cycle. Astrologically, the Moon represents our internal emotional nature and the Sun our external passion and direction. Because the Sun is traveling through the Moon’s sign – Cancer –  we can anticipate this Full Moon to illuminate any emotions that might be hindering our freedom and enthusiasm to pursue life. We can certainly expect that to be the case because Pluto, the planet representing intensity, power, and transformation, is also currently residing in the sign of Capricorn.

Among other things, Capricorn is the sign associated with our perception of time-space reality. Impatience with the timing of – or the maturation of our goals – can keep us from enjoying the moment within time that we are currently experiencing. Gay Hendricks, in his amazing book, The Big Leap, reminds us that we are currently operating from a Newtonian mindset, “In this paradigm, we think of time as the master and us as its slave. At the extreme, time becomes our persecutor, and we think of ourselves as its victim.” As we awaken to our creative capacity within the quantum realm we realize that we are time itself – or the lack thereof. This is indeed very powerful knowledge. Hendricks further encourages us to, “Take ownership of time – acknowledge that you are where it comes from – and it will stop owning you. Claim time as yours, and it will release its claim on you.”

Capricorn is also the sign associated with responsibility, authority, work-life balance, control, reflection, fear, and emotional repression. Take time to reflect on your own personal understanding of responsibility in your life. Do you take on too much or avoid responsibility all together? Do you have hobbies that you enjoy outside of work? Are you able to be your own authority or do you give your personal authority over to others?  Do you trust in a divine plan or do you try to control your surroundings or the behavior and lives of others? Do you take time to reflect on your life or do you ignore and repress your emotions and the inner promptings of your psyche? And, lastly, do you have faith in the flow of grace in your life or are you fearful and pessimistic? Non-constructive personal patterns are often masking deeply buried emotions. Ask that any hidden actions be illuminated. Once acknowledged, a plan may be put in place to make the necessary changes to create and be all that you desire.

This Full Moon is a beautiful time to own your creation of “time” and rejoice in your ability to step into “the field” and create all the “time” you need.

Capricorn Full Moon Themes to Focus On:
creation of time, work-life balance, emotional and physical security, maturation, self-responsibility, personal authority, letting go of control, trusting in the grace of divine timing.

Go outside under the Full Moon and infuse your being with its reflective light. Set your intentions, chant, drum, dance, howl – whatever calls you! Create your intentions for emotional freedom and passion of life.  And, most importantly, base them on universal law and the eternal well-being for all life, including Mother Earth.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye


Mars is Retrograde … Huh, what does that mean?

Mars is Retrograde … Huh, what does that mean?

Current Retrograding Planets

Passionate, Action-oriented Mars retrogrades through the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio: April 18 – June 28
The Task Master – Saturn –
retrogrades in Sagittarius: March 26 – August 12

Transformational Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn: April 19 – September 25

While on his trek through Sagittarius, the planet Saturn kicked off an impressive cosmic retrograde party shortly after the Equinox on March 26. Following closely behind Saturn and also in the sign of Sagittarius is Mars – the action-oriented planet that turned retrograde on April 18. The cosmic participants of this party list isn’t complete however, because Pluto also turned retrograde on April 19.

You may be wondering, “What exactly does it mean when a planet is retrograde?” From an astronomical perspective, retrograding planets appear to move backwards from our point on Earth, as they orbit around the Sun. However, they don’t really move backward, but rather move at an apparent backward speed from our Earth-centered perspective at certain times of the year.

Astrologically, retrograding planets are powerful and mysterious periods that encourage reflection on our past in order to gain a better understanding of our present life circumstances. As a planet retrogrades or travels backward by degree, it encourages us to contemplate where we’ve been and to notice where we are going.

Since Mars only turns retrograde once every two years, it will be the focal point of this retrograde party, as well as this article. Mars is a planet of passionate, outward action and manifestation. It thrives on adventure and can exude a strong “warrior” quality. Its natural propensities are passion, independence, impulsiveness, and leadership – while its evolutionary purpose is to initiate brand new cycles of adventure and self-discovery. However, during a Mars retrograde cycle, initiating new cycles of becoming may be temporarily put on-hold as this time period (April 18 – June 28) is better spent preparing for new action once Mars turns direct.

Because Mars is currently traveling alongside Saturn – also retrograde in Sagittarius – this will be an important time to evaluate where and how we find meaning in our lives. This can manifest in a couple of different ways: if there is lack of meaning in your life you may feel disheartened, restless, bored, and even blocked from pursuing a course of action. If, however, you are currently inspired by what is transpiring in your life, you can use this period to strategize and plan how you will start new projects once Mars turns direct on June 28.

Mars will retrograde into the sign of Scorpio on May 27. This transition back into Scorpio has the possibility of bringing about very intense experiences and emotions. It can incite a need to uncover the deep hidden mystery of your life. If something has been deeply buried within your psyche it may wish to reveal itself during this retrograde period. It will be important to monitor your feelings and to recognize that any powerful reactions emerging at this time can be indicators of repressed or unresolved past experiences that are now seeking your attention. This will be a powerful time of transformation if you choose to actively participate in healing and or removing anything blocking you from your desired future.

Lastly, while Mars is retrograde it is best to practice considered response versus impulsive reaction to situations and people in our lives. This period will also provide an opportune time to examine our egotistic actions and make appropriate adjustments where necessary.

Key Phrases for Mars Retrograde
Seek to develop deeper levels of meaning.
Question any beliefs that may be limiting my fullest potential.
Monitor intense emotions to identify their origin and need for transformation or healing.
Return to my center or “core” self.
Identify and examine motivations of egoic actions.
Learn to listen more closely to my inner versus external desires.
Create considered response versus acting impulsively.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

Love and the Gemini New Moon

Love and the Gemini New Moon

Love is in the Air

The Gemini New Moon Joins the Planet of Love — Venus
14 degrees and 53 minutes
Saturday, June 4th at 8:00 p.m. PT

“I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me, ‘I love you.’ … There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.” ― Maya Angelou

This month’s New Moon unites with Venus in the versatile sign of duality — Gemini. As an air sign, Gemini is known for its ability to dart about and amaze us with its lively curiosity. Venus’s alignment with this New Moon will encourage an intellectual exploration of your personal values to determine if they are in alignment with your close relationships.

This lunation is especially potent because it aligns with the current celestial T-square aspect  between the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Keywords and phrases for this powerful planetary alignment are: exploration of love and my personal values; expansion of “my” truth; culmination and restructuring of that which no longer serves my best interest; following my inner knowing. All of these phrases are important themes for this entire year but they are especially emphasized during this month’s lunation.

Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini is located in Taurus during this lunation. Taurus is associated with self-sufficiency and self-love. Therefore, this lunation is providing a wonderful opportunity to enter into contemplation and create dialogues with others where you can express your ideas and beliefs about love. Determine what is working and maybe not working in your life. Can you let go of that which is not in alignment with your authentic self? Mercury is respected for swift and sometimes instantaneous expression. Therefore, take some time to explore and intend with youthful Gemini determination and be prepared for quick results.

A New Moon occurs in the first phase of the 28-day lunation cycle. During this phase, New Moons are often called Dark Moons because they are not visible to the naked eye. The darkness of a New Moon represents a symbolic time to plant seeds of intention for new beginnings in your life. As the Moon also represents cycles, this New Moon will be a great time to initiate endings and explore new prospects. Take time today and ceremonially set intentions for future growth that can sprout when the Sun’s light is once again reflected in the lunation cycle.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

Powerful Full Moon in Scorpio

Powerful Full Moon in Scorpio

Thursday, April 21, 2016 – 10:23 p.m. pacific time
02 degrees and 30 minutes of Scorpio


“Behind the shadow there is light. Darkness does not have an existence of its own – it is but the absence of light. A ray of light is enough to dissipate the darkness of ignorance. A single wave of love is enough to calm all storms  …” ~Sri Prem Baba

This month’s Full Moon is considered spiritually auspicious as people all over the world celebrate Buddha’s enlightenment. It was while the Moon was in her full phase in Scorpio that Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and obtained Nirvana. The sign of the Scorpion encourages each of us to embrace the mysteries of death and rebirth. Cycles of darkness eventually awaken us to the wisdom of enlightenment that result from going deep within.

The Moon moves into Scorpio at 5:18 p.m. PT on Thursday afternoon and later in the evening enters into its Full Moon phase where it will remain until early Sunday morning. Because the Moon is traveling through the domain of the Scorpion it will highlight personal power dynamics, possessions, other people’s money, sexuality, and a need for deep internal transformations.

As a water sign, Scorpio represents our emotional realm and most specifically, our deep subconscious—also known as the underworld by the native shamans. This lunation cycle has the potential to suddenly illuminate hidden agendas and encourage long overdue transformation. If you desire change you will want to embrace this powerful Full Moon to transmute and transform your life.

Scorpio is feminine in nature and symbolizes the spiritual essence of the divine shakti — energy and power — which is recognized as the many faces of the divine feminine. In the Hindu tradition the divine shakti is known as the divine mother, the universal creator, destroyer of evil, and sustainer of all life. Her many faces are acknowledged as Kali, Durga, and the only female companion of Lord Shiva — Parvati. The divine union of Shiva and Parvati is symbolic of the powerful merger of equality between the sacred feminine and masculine.

The Full Moon in Scorpio only occurs once a year when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun and reflecting the solar energies of the zodiac sign Taurus. This is an especially powerful Full Moon because Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, is currently retrograde and about to move back into the sign of Scorpio from May 27 – August 2. Therefore, remain vigilant as this Full Moon may offer a sneak preview of what is to unfold during that time period.

This lunation along with Mars retrograde offers the potential to illuminate hidden agendas and encourage long overdue transformation. If this is the case for you, draw upon the powerful energy of Scorpio to transmute and transform your life.

Scorpio Full Moon Key Words: Transformation, Secrets, Illumination, Power Dynamics, Sexuality, Possessions, Death & Rebirth.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye


Cosmic Electricity: Spring & The New Moon in Aries

Cosmic Electricity: Spring & The New Moon in Aries

Thursday, April 7, 2016 – 4:24 a.m. pacific time
18 degrees and 4 minutes of Aries

“The dharma of the sun is to illuminate and bring warmth. It illuminates and brings warmth to everyone equally without discriminating.” ~Sri Prem Baba

The Sun’s movement into 0° Aries (the Spring Equinox) marked the seasonal and Astrological New Year – and the official end of winter. Now that the Sun has crossed over the celestial equator and headed towards the Northern Hemisphere our days will continue to be longer and warmer.

Because this month’s New Moon coincides with the Astrological New Year there are two “new cycles” occurring simultaneously. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is known for its independent, impulsive, and strategizing warrior nature. It thrives when it is initiating brand new cycles of adventure and self-discovery and can become easily enraged when its freedom nature and unfulfilled desires are thwarted.

Freedom is given even more emphasis under this lunation due to its alignment with the electrical, rebellious, and revolutionary planet of change, Uranus – frequently referred to as “the Great Awakener.” With the Sun, Moon, and Uranus all in Aries, you are encouraged to seek the freedom to explore unexpressed aspects of yourself. A futuristic electric charge of change is in the air.

Intend new and exciting visions for your future. Rebel against self-doubt, denial, or other feelings and behavior that keep you from your true nature. Relinquish that which does not bring liberation to yourself and all sentient beings. Embark on and discover your very own brand-new frontiers!

Aries New Moon Key Words: Initiation, Self-Discovery, Independence, Freedom, Exploration and Adventure, Instinctual Desires, Brand New Cycle.

Copyright 2016 by Linda Kaye

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