What Sun Sign am I Anyway?

What Sun Sign am I Anyway?

Ophiuchus, the sign of the Serpent Bearer, has recently been called the 13th sign of the zodiac. Although Ophiuchus lies on the Ecliptic he is not one of the zodiac signs of either the Tropical Zodiac of Western Astrology or the Sidereal Zodiac of Vedic Astrology. Because Ophiuchus is a constellation and not a zodiac sign, neither Western or Eastern Astrological systems recognize it within the Astrological horoscope.

Due to our instant social media world and divisive astronomical articles, there has been a flurry of excitement regarding the question “What sign am I, anyway?” This is not a new discussion, but certainly one that Astronomers like to periodically instigate.

The entire matter is easily resolved with the knowledge and understanding that Western Astrology is based on the Tropical seasonal zodiac. Not only does the Tropical Astrological zodiac not include all the constellations — it never did! The zodiac has had 12 signs (not constellations) since Astrology’s origin and Babylonian roots some 2500 years ago and it still does!

Additionally, the Eastern Vedic system of Astrology uses the Sidereal zodiac, which is based on the Earth’s alignment to the fixed stars and again, it also does not encompass all the constellations. This is basically all you really need to know about the 13–sign mystery. However, if you stick with me here, I’ll further explain in simple terms, the difference between the Tropical and Sidereal zodiac systems.

The most important thing to know is that both zodiacs (Tropical & Sidereal) incorporate the same 12-zodiac signs (Aries– Pisces) with 30° to each sign.  Both systems include the four elements: fire, earth, water, and air; the modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable; the planetary rulership; and the inherent qualities of each sign.

The discrepancy that occurs between the Sidereal and Tropical zodiacs is not with the content. Rather it is with the calculation of the starting point of the first degree of Aries. The two zodiacs were in alignment sometime during 285 CE, and thereafter the schism between the two systems has continued to grow. Vedic Astrologers began calculating  the precession of the equinoxes, which is based on the Earth’s wobble and its alignment to the fixed stars, and have continued to make the appropriate procession calculation adjustments, whereby the Greek Astrologers have not.

As many of you may or may not know, our Western Tropical Astrological model begins with the Sun’s movement into Aries at the spring equinox on or about March 21. Furthermore, each subsequent season is marked by the Sun’s ingress into the remaining Cardinal signs: Cancer (summer), Libra (fall), and Capricorn (winter). Tropical Astrology is therefore symbolic in nature as it relates to the Sun’s relationship with Earth. It is endowed with Greek mythology, often very psychological in nature, and works beautifully, as many of you have so passionately argue.

Vedic Sidereal Astrology, however, has nothing to do with the seasons, and instead is marked by the Sun’s alignment with the visible fixed stars that make up a constellation. As time passes, the Earth’s alignment to the fixed stars denotes the Earth’s wobble and creates what we know as the precession of the equinoxes and is the visible change of 1°, which occurs approximately every 70 years.

One final and rather technical point I’d like to make is that a zodiacal sign consist of 30° in both (Tropical and Sidereal) systems. The two systems are currently 23–24° apart (depending on the year you were born) and will continue to move an additional degree approximately every 70 years — based on the precession of the equinoxes.  Therefore, there is a chance that depending on the day and year you were born, you could be the same Sun sign in both systems.

And lastly, as far as the two systems in question are concerned, I would like to point out that I studied both while attending Kepler Astrological College. Although the two can change the signs that the planets will occupy; the results obtained using either system are remarkably the same. The reason for this is that the Astrological chart has many patterns and configurations that lead to the same outcome. When one takes the whole chart into consideration, the two systems do not contradict one another. Astrology is as multifaceted as our Universe and will reflect the mystery of the heavens regardless of the Astrological system being used, i.e., Tropical, Sidereal, Classical, Horary, Electional, Uranian, etc.

There are benefits to both the Western Tropical and Eastern Sidereal systems as those of you who have spent time with Astrologers practicing either of these two systems can attest to. All this Sun-sign excitement proves how much we desire to connect to the timeless wisdom of our Universe as reflected through the ancient science of Astrology.

Reminder: Even though Ophiuchus lies on the Ecliptic he is not one of the zodiac signs of either the Tropical Zodiac of Western Astrology or the Sidereal Zodiac of Vedic Astrology. Click here to learn more about Ophiuchus.

© 2011–2022 by Linda Kaye

Mercury Retrograde: 2021

Mercury Retrograde: 2021

September 26 – October 18
(25°28′ to 10°07′ Libra)                          

Pre-shadow period occurs September 6 – 26
Stations Retrograde on September 26 at 10:10 p.m.* (25°28′ Libra)
Stations Direct on October 18 at 8:17 a.m. (10°07′ Libra)
Post-shadow occurs from October 19 – November 2

In general, Mercury is the planet that astrologically represents travel, communication, and our thought processes. Known as the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury’s role is to speedily deliver clear and precise information. Retrograding 3–4 times a year, when the planetary trickster strikes, many of our daily activities go haywire.

Mercury rules electronics and is often blamed for all types of technical mishaps with cell phones, electric devices, and computers — warranting an important time to backup your computer files. In general terms, machines of all kinds tend to act strangely and take on a Murphy’s Law theme.

Remain flexible and prepare for delays and miscommunications of all kinds. It is best to avoid signing any contractual agreements as matters begun during Mercury retrograde periods tend to take unexpected twists and turns in the future. During Mercury retrograde periods we often find ourselves revisiting past projects or situations that, once again, need our attention. It is also a time period, however, when we often hear from, or feel compelled to reach out to old friends or lovers whom we haven’t spoken to in some time.

Although Mercury retrograde periods can seem frustrating, they often provide opportunities to review or finish up old projects, contact old friends, or clean out the closet and garage. Mercury retrograde periods are an opportune time for introspection and deep thought, especially a couple of days directly before and after the exact retrograde day occurs.

Note: Planets do not actually move backwards (retrograde). A retrograding planet is the result of an optical illusion per its orbital relative speed from our point of view on Earth.


Previous  2021 Mercury Retrograde Period

January 30 – February 20
(26°29′ to 11°01 Aquarius)   

Pre-shadow period occurs January 15 – 29
Mercury turns Retrograde on January 30 at 7:52 a.m.* (26°29′ Aquarius)
Mercury Stations Direct on February 20 at 4:52 p.m. (11°01′ Aquarius)

Post-shadow occurs from February 21 – March 12

May 29 – June 22
     (24°43′ to 16°07 Gemini)

Pre-shadow period occurs May 14 – 28
Mercury turns Retrograde on May 29 at 3:34 p.m.  (24°43′ Gemini)
Mercury Stations Direct  June 22 at 3:00 p.m. (16°07′ Gemini)

Post-shadow occurs from June 23 – July 7

* pacific time used throughout

Copyright 2021 by Linda Kaye

Chaos & Divine Order with the Harvest Full Moon in Pisces

Chaos & Divine Order with the Harvest Full Moon in Pisces

28°17′ Pisces
Monday, September 20, 2021
4:53 p.m. pacific time

The physical world is a reflection of our love and fears.
If we conquer our fears only then will we be free.
Catastrophes cannot occur if we are vibrating love.
— Greg Braden

A Harvest Full Moon is the annual Full Moon that occurs closest to the Fall Equinox. This year it happens to fall within two days of the Equinox on September 22, kicking off a potent astro-week!

Astrologically, the light of a Full Moon illuminates the area of life symbolized by the zodiac sign in which it falls and this one occurs in the mystical and otherworldly domain of Pisces. Associated with the cosmic, many of this sign (or those with Pisces planets in their charts), can frequently find themselves psychically transported to faraway realms. Just ask any Pisces or anyone who knows such a person.

Because this Full Moon is closely aligned with its ruling-planet Neptune (also in Pisces) it will imbue us with a greater dose of Piscean energy. Some additional significations of Pisces are: compassion and caring, love, intuition, escapism (through any mode necessary), beauty, suffering and sacrifice, healing or healing crises, adaptability, karmic completions, unity, oneness, and wholeness.

Pisces, as the final sign of the zodiac, represents the need to culminate any outmoded karmic patterns or addictive comforts that cease to serve our highest good. Endings can often feel difficult, but ultimately, even the most challenging will benefit us if they prevent subsequent crises and suffering. Therefore, this is an optimal lunation for letting go of the past and embracing the future.

All that said, many of us are disheartened by the seemingly unending chaos on our planet. The effects of which have lead to varying degrees of post-traumatic stress — feeling emotionally irritable, vulnerable, and even numb — not to mention a myriad of other maladies that can be associated with long-term exposure to the ambiguity of our future. This is where the current lunation can provide support if we embrace the heightened Pisces influence and begin a new, or deepen an existing, spiritual practice. As Deepak Chopra reminds us in the below quote, it is through a sustained spiritual discipline that we can bring divine order to chaos and positively influence the world:

If the collective mind is turbulent than nature is turbulent.
We are not separate from nature and the current earth crises.
When we settle down, nature will settle down.
Through our unified hearts we may lessen the crises.
Meditate every day.

On Monday and Tuesday nights, go outdoors under the light of this powerful Harvest Full Moon and celebrate! Envision a future full of more love and more harmony for yourself, Mother Earth, and all sentient beings. Honor your bounty and enjoy the final gifts of summer as we enter into the season of gratitude — fall.

© 2021 by Linda Kaye


Gratitude and The Fall Equinox

Gratitude and The Fall Equinox

Equinox: equal balance between night and day — dark and light

Wednesday, September 22, 2021
12:21 p.m. pacific time

To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle. — Walt Whitman

The movement of the Sun into Libra marks the Autumnal Equinox, the first day of Fall and the season of balance and gratitude. Celebrated throughout the world, the changing of the seasons are a magical celestial event. Astronomically, in the Northern Hemisphere, both the Fall Equinox (end of Summer) and the Spring Equinox (end of Winter) mark the only two days of the year that the Earth’s axis is not titled toward or away from the Sun.

Chichen Itza in Mexico became one of the Seven Wonders of the World in 2006. This pyramid was built in the 8th–12th century C.E. to signify the sacred Mayan calendar. On the Spring and Fall Equinoxes, thousands of people from all over the world travel to watch the phenomena of the Sun illuminating a 120 foot-long snake creeping down the northern staircase for 45 minutes. The Mayans created this sacred dance between shadow and light as a symbolic representation of the serpent joining the Earth with the heavens and the underworld.

Astrologically, Libra marks the halfway point of the Sun’s journey through the Zodiac, which began at the Astrological New Year with the Sun’s movement into Aries (March 20). Just as the Fall Equinox is associated with balance (between day and night), so too is Libra — however, this sign of the scales denotes balance within partnership — the art of giving and receiving. Receiving is closely associated with gratitude and when we are in a whole-hearted state of gratitude we open ourselves up to receiving far greater abundance.

The Equinox chart for 2021 embodies the astrological influences for the entire Fall season. This year, Mars is closely aligned with the Sun and both are in aspect with Saturn. On an individual level these signatures can support our projects, both business and social. Mars and the Sun provide passion and ambition, while Saturn gives the necessary discipline to stay the course. Because the Sun is in Libra, we are each being called to cultivate our endeavors through supportive sustainable partnerships with an emphasis on balance: giving and receiving.

Copyright 2021 by Linda Kaye


Coherence with the New Moon in Virgo

Coherence with the New Moon in Virgo

14°36′ Virgo
Monday, September 6, 2021
5:52 p.m. pacific time

Your mind, emotions and body are instruments and the way you align
and tune them determines how well you play life.
 — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Every New Moon brings a special gift of energetic wisdom based on the zodiac sign in which it occurs. The coherence between one’s body, mind, and spirit is Virgo’s most important offering. 

Purity is also a Virgo theme. Virgo is one of the devotional signs that is associated with the spiritual seeker who pursues the perfect pure divine image. Additionally, the sign Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is, as a result, related to the mind and analytical critical thinking (to get to the pure essence of the matter). Moreover, this sign appreciates and will typically strive for a healthy, fit, and pure physical body.  

Neglecting any one of the above three elements in our life can lead to inner and/or external crises. If a crisis is interpreted as something happening to us, it can lead to confusion and feelings of victimization, another key Virgo theme. With all Virgo’s striving for purity and perfectionism it is easy to overlook that at our core we are divine beings, and therefore, already pure and perfect.

Many of today’s scientists and teachers are informing us that the function of our mind is to create coherence between our thoughts and the reality that we wish to experience, whether it be perfect health or some other longing. This requires conscious, creative, and focused thinking. Hence, controlling our mentality definitely seems worth the effort since physics has long-ago proven that concentrated energy gives life to matter.

New Moons occur in the first phase of the 28-day lunation cycle, representing a symbolic time to plant seeds of intentions for new beginnings in our lives. This New Moon happens to be making an exact and benefic aspect to the planet Uranus. As you may recall, Uranus is associated with futuristic innovative change. Therefore, take time during the peak days/hours of this New Moon (Sept. 6 & 7) to feel into where you would like a groundbreaking shift in your life. Set intentions for future growth that can sprout when the Sun’s light is once again reflected at the Full Moon.

Pay special attention to your nutritional requirements, thought processes, and spiritual needs.  Be gentle, kind, and loving to yourself. Try not to belabor details, overanalyze, or become too critical, especially of yourself.  

Virgo Key Words: Analyze, Discriminate, Perfection, Daily Work, Guilt, Atonement, Purification (body—mind—spirit), Innocence, Giving and Assisting, Humility, Mental Constructs, Spirituality. Body: intestines, nervous system, hands and feet


© 2021 by Linda Kaye


Quantum Leaps with the Full Blue Moon in Aquarius

Quantum Leaps with the Full Blue Moon in Aquarius

Sunday, Aug. 22, 2021
5:01 a.m. pacific time
29°36′ Aquarius

Please God, please — don’t let me be normal. —  Sigourney Weaver

This month’s Full-Moon lunation is a rare “once in a Blue-Moon” event. It’s deemed a “Blue Moon” because last month’s Full Moon also occurred in the sign of Aquarius. In addition, this Full Moon is taking place at the energetically potent 29° — a degree that is super-charged with possibility. What’s more, the Moon is closely aligned with the planet Jupiter, also in Aquarius. Astrologically, Jupiter is associated with our belief systems and philosophies and it tends to increase and expand whatever it comes in contact with — think quantum leap! We’ll come back to this later.

During a Full Moon, the energized light of the Sun is reflected by the Moon back to Earth. You may recall from the July Full Moon article that a Full Moon in Aquarius is reflecting the rays of the Sun in Leo. However, this lunation (unlike the last), is also strongly influenced by the fixed-star Regulus (0° Virgo), of which the Sun (29° Leo) is making an almost exact conjunction. Therefore, this Full Blue Moon conjunct Jupiter will be reflecting the essence of both the Sun and Regulus.

Considered one of the great “royal” stars, Regulus is mythologically associated with a prosperous Persian king who lost everything because he partook in vengeance. Hence, Regulus signifies great potential for success, as long as compassion and forgiveness (the heart) are embraced over the need for revenge (the ego).

This is important because the Sun in Leo represents matters of the heart and Regulus in Virgo signifies healing and integration of our body, mind, and spirit. It’s emphasizing the continual theme of “more love, compassion, and forgiveness” in order to holistically heal, retrieve, and assimilate any fragmented parts of ourselves.

Individually and collectively, humanity has (for some time now) been called to take a quantum leap. We may be physical beings but we are most importantly spiritual beings and therefore, powerful at our core. Ancient cultures understood our spiritual power — a power that scientists have only recently discovered. This power resides at the center of the heart–brain connection, which is exemplified by the Leo–Aquarius axis.  Simply put, the heart is capable of informing the brain to create our reality. However, we also need to use our ability to consciously create our thoughts so we will align with our heart’s infinite wisdom. This will allow us to tap into our higher-self and the cosmic-mind (matrix) to create renewed experiences of revitalization and regeneration in our lives and others’.

Following is a quote by Henry David Thoreau who aptly wrote of his personal experience with this concept: 

I have learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of their dream, endeavoring to live the life they are imagining, one passes an invisible boundary. All sorts of things begin to occur that never otherwise would have occurred. One begins to meet with success, unexpected in common hour thinking. New more Universal, more liberal Laws begin to establish themselves around this person, or the old Laws are rearranged in one’s favor; nevertheless, one begins to live with a license of a higher order of being.

Are you tapping into your hearts desire and informing your brain by using the power of your thoughts to create? If yes, great! If not, take a quantum leap under the Aquarian Full Blue Moon to begin doing so. Contemplate your belief systems (Jupiter), question whether or not your beliefs are sabotaging you. Commit to honoring your heart with love-of-self (Leo) and love-of-others (Aquarius).

Remember, this lunation is occurring at 29° and is, therefore, compelling you to break free from the old ways of being and to embrace the new. Aquarians abhor being “normal” — so take a risk under this Aquarian Full Moon and do something out-of-character and unexpected that will support your quantum leap and have a lot of fun (Leo) doing so!

If no one ever took risks, Michelangelo would have
painted on the Sistine floor.
  — Neil Simon

Related Articles:
Radical Thinking & the Aquarius Full Moon
Saturn in Aquarius: December 17, 2020 — March 8, 2023


© 2021 by Linda Kaye


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