Intimacy & Venus Retrograde in Leo

Intimacy & Venus Retrograde in Leo

July 22 – September 3, 2023

Venus Retrograde Details
Pre-shadow period begins (12°12′ Leo) on June 19 – July 22 PST
Stations Retrograde on July 22, at 6:33 p.m.* (28°36′ Leo)
Turns direct on Sept 3, at 6:20 p.m. (12°12′ Leo)
Post-shadow period from Sept 3 – Oct 7, 2022

Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.
— Aberjhani

The orbit of the planet, Venus, mimics a revered and divine feminine symbol. As the above illustration depicts, Venus’s heavenly dance represents the ancient symbol for the goddess — the pentagram.(1) A sacred-geometry symbol, the pentagram is a five-pointed star, which has a rich history as a celestial symbol for those seeking spiritual clarity and mystical knowledge.

Venus is the only planet (besides the Sun and Moon) that does not turn retrograde several times a year. Instead, Venus turns retrograde only once every 548 (or so) days. This marks a significant period because Venus retrograde periods are an opportune time to reflect on our values, the way we love, the beauty in our life, and the overall nature of our reality.

Self-love, relationships, commitments, and finances will likely be on our radar as we reassess matters of the heart and the meaning of true security in our lives. The intention of this cycle is for each of us to reckon with our values. Anything that is counterproductive to our personal wellbeing, valued purpose, or heartfelt destiny should become clear.

In general, Venus retrograde periods are not ideal for initiating activities associated with one’s appearance: surgery to improve our looks, change in hairstyle, etc. It’s also not generally advised to make major purchases, renovations, and the like or to beautify our home or office until the retrograde period ends. An exception to this rule would be the need to reassess, make changes, or put the finishing touches on a previous renovation or project.

I really like the above quote for this Venus Retrograde in Leo
because love is attributed astrologically to Venus and
gold is associated with the royal sign of Leo.

Intimate relationships may find one or both partners questioning how they feel about the relationship and if their love or commitment is authentic. Because this Venus Retrograde cycle is occurring in the sign of Leo you will feel called to evaluate if your needs for love, adoration, and romance are currently being met (or can be met). Sometimes, when the love we desire seems to be eluding us, there are unconscious blocks either in ourselves and/or our partner that is preventing us from experiencing true intimacy.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is closely aligned with Venus as she begins her retrograde cycle. (2) Additionally, from August 23 to Sept 15, Mercury will be retrograde — providing an opportunity to reexamine how we communicate (Mercury) our values (Venus) and give/receive appreciation (Leo). With Venus in Leo, we can assess if we need more heartfelt passion, romance, play, and joy in our life and relationships.

Additionally, both Venus and Mercury
retrograde periods can bring past lovers into our life and/or a new love that we are karmically destined to experience. This is an important time to be clear in all your communications regarding commitments and financial decisions. Those of you with Leo planets in your horoscope are sure to feel the effects of Aphrodite’s planet the most during this Venus Retrograde. However, this period will be important for each of us to reflect on the following:

  • What’s working and not working?
  • What is needed or not needed?
  • What are my deepest authentic values?
  • Is there enough play, passion, and romance in my life?
  • Where should I commit, recommit, or make necessary changes in personal, social, and business relationships?
  • Am I communicating my needs and values within my important relationships?
  • Do I love myself without external validation?

* Pacific time used throughout

Note and Reference
1. Illustration credit: Tomruen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
2. Venus will make an exact conjunction to Mercury on July 27 at 8:08 a.m. (28°11′) Leo.

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© 2023 by Linda Kaye

The New Moon in Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer

Monday, July 17, 2023
11:32 a.m. pacific time
24°56′ Cancer

Let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our
 lives and we obey them without realizing it.
— Vincent van Gogh

The watery sign of the Cancerian crab is ruled by the Moon herself! Cancer’s association with the crab symbolizes its hard outer shell and its desire to protect both self and others. Its sensitive interior is representative of Cancer’s ability to nurture, love, and be emotionally vulnerable. Some additional highlights of this sensitive sign are the cultivation of maternal and nurturing instincts, with an emphasis on emotional intelligence, inner security, domestic priorities, heritage, and country.

This month’s New Moon lunation is aspecting power-oriented Pluto and the seeker of ideals, Neptune. These aspects highlight dynamics that speak to our inner and outer worlds, our public versus private life, work-life balance, etc. Hence, the following are some contemplative questions that this New Moon may inspire you to seek answers to:

  • Should I pursue more empowering and/or meaningful work?
  • Can I emotionally deepen my self-awareness and empower myself by living more authentically?
  • Are my outer-world responsibilities keeping me from connecting with the people I love and the things that feed my soul?

Cancerian waters cleanse. This New Moon is an excellent time to initiate the purification of our emotional, mental, and physical bodies. Immerse yourself in water and wash away any stagnant or pent-up energy caused by working too much or by prolonged periods indoors.

Key Cancer New Moon Themes:  the feminine, motherhood and the womb, emotional intelligence, innner security, early conditioning, family and domestic priorities, intuitive, nurturing, protective of others, emotions, moody (crabby), tenacious, enjoys the water

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© 2023 by Linda Kaye

Supermoon in Capricorn

Supermoon in Capricorn

Monday, July 3, 2023
4:38 a.m. pacific time
11°18 Capricorn

I wish it need not have happened in my time, said Frodo.
So do I, said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times.
But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do
 with the time that is given us.
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Full Moons are typically experienced as the most potently charged phase of the lunation cycle. Since a Supermoon is closer to the Earth, you can expect its reflected Astrological energies to be more heightened than a regular Full Moon. Powerful lunations offer each of us an opportunity to consciously embrace the archetypal energies represented, in this case, Capricorn and Cancer.

A Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic. Because the Sun is traveling through the Moon’s sign of Cancer and conjoining the planet associated with our thought processes (Mercury), you will want to pay close attention to any thoughts related to your feeling nature. Hence, during this Full Moon, observe if your thoughts create feelings of inner security or insecurity. 

Capricorn is associated with the physical elements of time and matter — both from a Newtonian as well as a quantum perspective.(1) Associated with our perception of time, Capricorn encourages an awareness of cause and effect. Impatience with timing, the maturation of our goals, and/or frustration with aging can keep us from enjoying the creative power within the present moment. Capricorn encourages us to embrace reality, to welcome each new moment, and trust in the sacredness and timing of our earthly journey.

Some additional significations for Capricorn are themes of authority, the father archetype, outer-world responsibilities (career/society), control, fear, and emotional repression. Following are a few contemplative questions you can ask yourself during this Super Full Moon:

  • Do I take on too much responsibility or do I avoid it all together?
  • Am I able to maintain my own authority or do I give it away to others and feel disempowered?
  • Do I trust in a divine plan, or do I try to control my surroundings and/or the behavior and lives of others?
  • Am I a mature self-sufficient adult or do I remain dependent on others for my wellbeing?
  • Do I have faith in the flow of grace in my life or am I fearful and pessimistic?

Destructive patterns often mask deeply buried emotions. During this Super Full Moon, you can ask that any unconscious and/or self-sabotaging behaviors be illumined.

This Supermoon is auspicious for taking the “time” to evaluate the areas of your life that may need more emotional and physical maturation before they can culminate. As the Capricorn goat strives to reach the top of the mountain, one-step-at-a-time, it often finds its success during critical juncture points of both physical and emotional maturation. Be patient with yourself and the knowing that you do not have to reach the top of the mountain in one leap.

Capricorn Themes:
time, work-life balance, emotional and physical security, reflection, maturation and aging, responsibility, integrity, personal authority, fear and pessimism, letting go of control, structure and restructure, organization, social-political interests, trusting in the grace of divine timing.

1. Quantum physicists propose that the past–present Newtonian model of “time” that we live by in our third-dimensional reality is a man-made construct that doesn’t really exist. Instead, they propose that energetic waves within the quantum field allow for infinite simultaneous realities.

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© 2023 by Linda Kaye

Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon

Saturday, June 17, 2023
9:37 p.m. pacific time
26°43′ Gemini

Information, misinformation, disinformation, and data:
We might not know what to call it,
but we certainly are drowning in it. ― Roger Spitz

This month’s New Moon falls in the communicative and versatile sign of the twins — Gemini. This ever-youthful sign is driven to discovery through curiosity, diversity, and duality. Its nature is one of restlessness, as it abhors monotony. Gemini is associated with our thought processes, the joy of learning, and gathering and dispersing information. A note of caution about this sign, however — taking in too much information, too quickly, can result in mental unrest.

Because this New Moon is in a challenging relationship with Neptune, the planet of ambiguity and uncertainty, it is inviting each of us to express our values and needs clearly. With Gemini’s quest for knowledge, this New Moon is a cosmic–call to be discerning of the information (or disinformation) that you absorb, while simultaneously being mindful of what you share with others.

A New Moon occurs in the first phase of the 28-day lunation cycle and is not visible to the naked eye. The darkness of a New Moon represents a symbolic time to plant seeds of intention for new beginnings in your life. Take time during this New Moon to set intentions for future growth that can sprout when the Sun’s light is once again reflected in the lunation cycle.

Below are some Gemini key words that can assist you in your intention setting. Lastly, during this era of abundant information, do your best to practice one of Gemini’s many important gifts — the art of flexibility.

Gemini Key Words: thoughts, ideas, gossip, education, learning disorders, analytical, relative truth vs. belief, restlessness, siblings, enjoys embracing diversity

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© 2023 by Linda Kaye

Chaco Canyon’s Celebration of Light at the Summer Solstice

Chaco Canyon’s Celebration of Light at the Summer Solstice

Wednesday, June 21 at 7:58 a.m. PDT
(0° Cancer)

is derived from two Latin words:
Sol meaning Sun and sistere to cause to stand still.

Summer officially kicks off on June 21.(1) The Summer Solstice marks the Sun’s movement into the sign of Cancer as well as the longest day of the year.(2) Annually, on the Summer Solstice, the Sun appears to stand still as it reaches its furthest point in the Northern Hemisphere. Marking the beginning of its southward journey, our days grow shorter. As the Sun enters 0° Capricorn on the Winter Solstice (December 21), it joins the Southern Cross for three days, where it is reborn, before once again beginning its journey back to the Northern Hemisphere.

Celebrated throughout the world, the changing of the seasons is a mystical astronomical occurrence. These solar celestial events have been recorded for millennium at countless ancient sacred sites. One such example is depicted in the above photo taken at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. In 1977 during the Summer Solstice, it was discovered that the Sun created a dagger-like illumination directly through the center of this spiral petroglyph, lasting 20 minutes in duration. It’s noted as a sacred pilgrimage site by the ancient Anastasi or “ancient ones” some thousand years ago to mark the Sun’s light at the height of summer.(3) 

Cancer, the watery sign of the crab, is ruled by the Moon and associated with the womb, security, family, and balancing our inner versus outer world. With the Sun’s entrance into Cancer, we naturally gravitate to playful activities outdoors with family and friends, often near or in water. Since the fiery Sun purifies and water cleanses, we can embrace these warm summer months as a time to purify and cleanse our spirit. Immersing ourselves in large bodies of water and letting the liquid light of the Sun wash away stagnant pent-up energy, caused by spending too much time indoors.

By honoring this season of light, we can embrace a renewed awakening of consciousness. Go outdoors and share, rejoice, and celebrate the Sun’s gifts of warmth, inspiration, and life. The changing of the seasons is also a wonderful time to honor our ancestors who left us sacred reminders of the greatness of our solar system and universe.

Key Cancer New Moon Themes: the womb, motherhood, women, feminine, emotional security, early conditioning, family and domestic priorities, inner vs. outer world, intuitive, nurturing, protection of others, feelings, moody (crabby), tenacious, enjoys the water

Important Skywatch News:
Look up and to the west 1-hour after sunset! On the morning of the Solstice, the Moon and the cosmic lovers — Venus and Mars — are joining in a triple conjunction in the sign of Leo and will each rise, respectively, three hours after the Sun. Unfortunately, they’ll not be visible due to the Sun’s brightness. However, later in the evening, without interference from the Sun’s rays, the trio will put on a spectacular show until approximately 10:30 p.m. The Moon will separate from Venus and Mars the next night, but these two cosmic lovers will continue their nightly dance until mid-July.

1. The Summer Solstice typically occurs on the 20th or 21st and occasionally (albeit rarely) on the 22nd.
2. In the Southern Hemisphere June 21 is the shortest day of the year and December 21 is the longest.
3. Aptly referred to as the Fajada Butte Sun Dagger, this beautiful spiral petroglyph is located near the entrance of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, behind three stone slabs. Photo Source: YouTube / Mystery History.

© 2023 by Linda Kaye

Venus Rising New Moon in Taurus

Venus Rising New Moon in Taurus

Friday, May 19, 2023
8:53 a.m. pacific time
28°25′ Taurus

You are the soul of the soul of the Universe,
and your name is Love. ― Rumi

Venus, the planet that governs over the sign of Taurus, is rising in the Western United States during this month’s New Moon (see note below). Venus is synonymous with LOVE and when associated with Taurus, she encourages us to foster a loving relationship with self.

The Moon is exalted in the stable peaceful sign of Taurus. When it moves through this sign, we feel the need to relax and enjoy the sensual realms — romance, massages, gourmet food, fine wine, and of course, chocolate. Spiritually, Taurus can instill a deep calling to study the sacred mysteries.

Jupiter joined Mercury, Uranus, the Moon, and the Sun on May 16. That’s five planets currently in Taurus. Both the Sun and Moon will move on to the sign of Gemini in just a couple of days and Mercury will follow in a few weeks. With Jupiter remaining in this sign alongside Uranus through May of 2024, we will be witness to more and more dialogues regarding “value,” especially around earthly goods, such as food, as well as global financial markets, etc.  

Because Taurus and Venus are also associated with our personal financial security, it is common to associate our self- worth and value with our growing or diminishing financial status. Therefore, this Taurus New Moon is an excellent time for each of us to ponder and set intentions around the following questions:

  • What do I value most and how do I love myself and others based on those values?
  • Do I believe my security comes from external resources?
  • Is my inner worth based on my possessions and/or financial status?
  • Can I appreciate things (and even people) without a need to possess or own them?
  • Am I consistently generating self- love and worth?

The significations associated with Venus rising at the time of the New Moon will be felt more intensely for those living or visiting the Western United States during this New Moon.

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© 2023 by Linda Kaye

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