by Linda Kaye | Jan 17, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
Wed., Jan. 19th – 1:20 p.m. PT
29 degrees and 26 minutes of Cancer
The first Full Moon of the year is known as the Wolf Moon by the Native people because the wolf packs howled hungrily outside their snow laden villages. Our brothers and sisters of the stars are known by the Native peoples as the Great Star Nation, and Wolfs are represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which many Astrologers and ancient cultures believe is the original home of our teachers from ancient times. Sirius was also known to be the home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa.
The Moon is a power ally for the Wolf as its senses are very keen. If you’ve been following my Astro-Grams you already know that the Moon is a symbol for psychic energy, and the unconscious that holds the secrets of all knowledge and wisdom. The Full Moon in January is an auspicious time to access this inner wisdom because it falls in the watery sign of the crab – Cancer. Cancer is the Astrological sign associated with our inner – versus – outer world. Therefore, this is a great time to set intentions for creating more balance between your inner and outer life.
When the Moon is in Cancer the Sun is in Capricorn. These two opposite signs are seeking balance between outer-world responsibilities of social, political and career interest and inner-world security of family, home and self. The Moon will also be in an opposition aspect to Mars all this week which can manifest itself in a couple of ways: we can choose to initiate action to make the changes we desire, or we can become angry, and lash out at whomever gets in our way as we project our sense of disempowerment onto others. The 2012 shift is asking that we each become aware that our actions deeply affect each other, and the collective as a whole.
The Astrological pattern of the past few months has been the twenty-nine degree planetary aspects. This Full Moon is once again emphasizing the 29-degree theme of endings so a rebirth can occur. Simultaneously, the planet Jupiter is also sitting at 29-degrees for three more days when on the 22nd of January it will once again enter into the sign of Aries (the Spring Equinox point) and kick off the Cardinal Cross which many of you may remember is initiating great change on a collective level. At the same time, Jupiter will also be in a challenging square aspect to the nodal axis of the Moon and Pluto. Jupiter is the planet that represents our individual and collective belief structures and can manifests as the teacher sharing truth consciousness, or the preacher of dogma. While Jupiter aspects the nodal axis and Pluto, it is extremely important that we take responsibility and align ourselves with our personal truth from within.
The Wolf Moon is a reminder to all of us to empower the sacred being within and to come forth to aid humanity in its spiritual awakening of understanding the Great Mystery of connection to all of life that is unfolding on Earth at this time.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jan 4, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
January 4th, 2011 – 1: 02 a.m. PT
13 degrees and 38 minutes of Capricorn
The Eclipses and Our Destiny
This Solar eclipse follows the significant Winter Solstice Christmas eclipse that marked the closing of 2010. You may recall that the Winter Solstice eclipse highlighted the Astrological themes that emphasize ending of cycles. Energetically, eclipses bring about the transformation of death and rebirth, as well as regeneration. The December eclipse may have evoked an ending to a particular circumstance in your life so you can initiate a new beginning under this New Moon eclipse.
Powerful psychic energies give birth to new information as the light of the luminaries darken during an eclipse. Once an eclipse is complete you are presented with an opportunity for rebirth. An eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in alignment with the nodal axis of the Moon. Astrologically, the nodal axis points represent destiny, and in the horoscope they are the points that define your own personal destiny. With this New Moon Solar eclipse occurring in the sign of Capricorn we are being called to use the gifts of our destiny with integrity, wisdom and self-responsibility.
The Sun symbolizes creativity, strength and outward expression. It is the energy that gives us the confidence to plan for our future. During a Solar eclipse we can find ourselves searching for our own light if the shadows of the mind and ego have created darkness. Fortunately, if this occurs, it is only temporary, as we are spiritual beings destined to find our inner light.
“You are the one you’ve been waiting for.” – LIttle Grandmother
The energies of an eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an eclipse. The ancient sages believed that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Dec 5, 2010 | 2010
December 10th – 28th
On December 10th at 4:05 a.m PT, Mercury – the cosmic trickster enters into its fourth and final retrograde cycle of 2010. Mercury begins this retrograde cycle with a powerful intensity in the sign of Capricorn conjunct the lord of the underworld – Pluto. Capricorn is the sign related to our social political world and Pluto is the planet responsible for uncovering hidden secrets and agendas.
Pluto began traversing the sign of Capricorn over two years ago, during which time we’ve observed many devastating global governmental hidden agendas. With Mercury so closely aligned to Pluto during this retrograde period there is sure to be additional public exposure to power hungry corruption. Therefore, it is especially important during this time of continual transformation to embrace and celebrate the most significant mass awakening of our time – heart consciousness.
Although the cosmic messenger turns retrograde at 6 degrees of Capricorn he will spend half of his retrograding journey in the sign of Sagittarius highlighting the center of our Galaxy. The center of our Galaxy is associated with the ending of the Mayan calendar, as well as spiritual wisdom and truth consciousness. While Mercury is traveling through this sacred and noteworthy part of the celestial heavens we can expect to have interesting philosophical discussions and perhaps even a few mystical experiences.
If you’ve had the opportunity to follow my previous Astro-grams you may remember that planetary retrograde periods are normal. Mercury, the speedy and lucid messenger of the gods, is most commonly recognized because those areas associated with his domain seem to go haywire while he’s retrograde. If you don’t regularly backup your computer now is the time to do so. Stay alert to confusion with travel and scheduled appointments, as Mercury is sure to contribute to a frenzied holiday season. You will also want to postpone serious communication and signing of contracts until the first of the year, and ideally after January18th.
Contact with people we haven’t seen or spoken to for a long time is typical during Mercury retrograde periods. It is important to remain flexible as schedules and communications may take more effort during this period. We may also find that we just can’t fit all our desires and demands onto our holiday social calendar. Once Mercury returns to the point where he first turned retrograde on January 18th all things associated with Mercury’s domain – mainly communications and travel – will finally settle down.
Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Nov 20, 2010 | 2010, Current Astro News
Sunday, November 21st, 2010, 9:21 a.m. PT
This month’s Full Moon occurs at 29° of Taurus. This is important because a zodiac sign is only thirty-degrees in its entirety and when the Moon’s lunation cycle peaks and culminates at the end of a zodiac sign it projects its energies more intensely.
Full Moons illuminate the subconscious realms of the human psyche and highlight the areas symbolized by the constellations and planetary aspects. The strength of this month’s Full Moon is sure to be noticed as it falls in the sign of the bull.
Astrologically, Taurus represents the material and spiritual realms. From a material perspective it is the sign that correlates security with survival – what brings us security, or allows us to feel secure, will promote our survival. When the Moon is in Taurus, we can find ourselves wanting to enjoy and relax within the sensual and material realms that we have created. Spiritually, Taurus represents the divine and sacred mysteries. Taurus is ruled by the inner side of Venus marking this an auspicious time to turn inward and focus on one’s connection with self and the divine spark within.
The Venus rulership of Taurus is especially important for this month’s Full Moon because Venus finally turned direct on November 17th after having been retrograde for over two months. Although Venus is now direct, it will remain in its shadow period through December 20th. Many of us have had opportunities to question our intimate relationship dynamics during this period. What do we truly value and how do we love others based on those values? Watch for this Full Moon to bring about new inner revelations about how you love yourself and love others.
Neptune and Chiron, the two planetary bodies associated with healing, are making a challenging aspect with this Full Moon. This aspect may unveil previously buried emotional dynamics that need our attention and likely our commitment to healing. Venus is synonymous with LOVE and when associated with Taurus she is asking us to cultivate a loving relationship with our inner self. Venusian love comes from the heart, while Neptune and Chiron are in the sign of Aquarius which rules the brain.
Neptune and Chiron will be traversing the sky together during the remaining two years of the Mayan calendar – 2012. The Mayan elders tell us that during this final period of time we must “Shift” our way of being from our minds to our hearts and to cultivate loving relationships with the feminine, our inner self, one another and to our mother – GAIA. It is through love that the healing of ourselves, one another and our planet can occur.
If you haven’t already made The Shift a priority in your life, this month’s Full Moon is a great time to begin.
Self-love is the instrument of our preservation. — Voltaire
Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Nov 5, 2010 | 2010
What’s Love Got to do With It?
Friday, Nov. 5th, 9:52 p.m. PT
Scorpio is the zodiac sign that symbolizes death and rebirth, so it is no coincidence that the Sun is transiting the sign of the Scorpion during Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, the holidays that recognize and honor dead souls. This month’s New Moon also falls in the domain of the Scorpion and will highlight personal power dynamics, possessions, other people’s money, sexuality and deep internal transformations. As a water sign, Scorpio represents our emotional realm, and most specifically our subconscious – the underworld.
If you are finding yourself immersed in an underworld of
internal struggles, or just needing to transform an important
area of your life, this New Moon is the time to ask for
assistance in making the changes you desire.
Scorpio is one of the signs most reflecting karma. I recently heard karma described as our voice, and that the words we choose to speak create karma. Words are based on our thought processes; therefore, if you don’t like the words you speak and wish to change your karma, you must begin by changing your thoughts. Karma is also simply known as the law of cause and effect. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When Scorpio is active we can find ourselves involved in issues of power struggles. Therefore, it is especially important to remain conscious of karmic laws while under the influence of Scorpio, particularly this upcoming lunar aspect.
This New Moon is significant because it happens to occur at thirteen degrees of Scorpio, the exact degree Venus turned retrograde on October 8th. As many of you know, Venus is Aphrodite’s planet, the planet representing what we value, and thus, how we love. As the New Moon highlights this significant point in the heavens, we are each being called to journey deep within our own psyche to reexamine our individual way of loving based on our personal values. If you find your values are not in alignment with your deepest truths and are sabotaging how you receive and give love, then this New Moon is an opportune time to set intentions to transform that area of your life.
The cultural transformation from the love of power to the power of love is the drama of our time. – Anodea Judith, Waking the Global Heart.
Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Sep 20, 2010 | 2010, Current Astro News
September 22nd & 23rd, 2010
New and Full Moons, equinoxes and solstices – as well as other significant celestial events – provide us an opportunity to consciously embrace powerful universal energies. Astrologically, 2010 has thus far proven a year of potent planetary aspects. These events are reflected in what indigenous cultures are calling the “Shift of the Ages“. This “shift” is a transition of human consciousness; a transition from the individual “I” to a collective awareness that we are each energetically connected to the universal whole.
This month’s Harvest Moon combined with the fall equinox is a continuance of this profound shift in consciousness. The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon that occurs closest to the equinox and coincidentally, this year it happens to fall within hours of the equinox.
The equinoxes are a time of transition and celebration as day and night once again become equal in duration. The fall equinox occurs due to the Sun’s ingress into Libra, the constellation representing the scales of balance. Combined with the equinox, this year’s Harvest Moon is extremely powerful in Aries as it highlights the Libra-Aries axis of the cardinal cross.
You may remember that the cardinal cross is forecasting great change and the current Equinox and Harvest Moon are emphasizing what the native elders are implying is essential during this great transition – partnership! We are being asked to embrace and support one another and to restore balance within, so we can sustain our relationships, especially the relationship with our planet.
Libra is the Astrological sign concerned with harmony, love and balance within partnership; and Aries is most identified with aspects concerning freedom, independence and self. How do we integrate these two seemingly opposites and find balance?
Integration of the Aries-Libra archetypes requires that we learn when it is appropriate to give and when it is not. Some of us were taught to believe that giving would secure love – Libra. When we give more than we receive, we sabotage the love we are seeking due to a false belief that receiving is somehow selfish – Aries. The balancing of the Aries and Libra archetypes is a harmonious conscious dance with self and other.
We are each being called to cultivate supportive sustainable partnership in new and creative ways. The Harvest Moon reminds us to honor our most primal basic relationship – our relationship with Gaia. The harvesting of our bounty cannot occur unless we are in right relationship with the Mother that sustains us.
Go outdoors under the light of this powerful Harvest Moon and celebrate! Honor your bounty and enjoy the final gifts of summer as we enter into the season of gratitude – fall.
Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye