December 29 – January 18, 2023 (24°21′ Capricorn to 8°08′ Capricorn)
Pre-shadow period occurs December 12 – December 28, 2022 Mercury turns Retrograde on December 29 at 1:32 a.m.* (24°21′ Capricorn) Mercury Stations Direct on January 18, 2023, at 5:12 a.m. (8°08′ Capricorn) Post-shadow occurs from January 18 – February 6
In general, Mercury is the planet that astrologically represents travel, communication, and our thought processes. Known as the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury’s role is to speedily deliver clear and precise information. Retrograding 3–4 times a year, when the planetary trickster strikes, many of our daily activities go haywire.
Mercury rules electronics and is often blamed for all types of technical mishaps with cell phones, electric devices, and computers — warranting an important time to backup your computer files. In general terms, machines of all kinds tend to act strangely and take on a Murphy’s Law theme.
Remain flexible and prepare for delays and miscommunications of all kinds. It is best to avoid signing any contractual agreements as matters begun during Mercury retrograde periods tend to take unexpected twists and turns in the future. During Mercury retrograde periods we often find ourselves revisiting past projects or situations that, once again, need our attention. It is also a time period, however, when we often hear from, or feel compelled to reach out to old friends or lovers whom we haven’t spoken to in some time.
Although Mercury retrograde periods can seem frustrating, they often provide opportunities to review or finish up old projects, contact old friends, or clean out the closet and garage. Mercury retrograde periods are an opportune time for introspection and deep thought, especially a couple of days directly before and after the exact retrograde day occurs.
Note: Planets do not actually move backwards (retrograde). A retrograding planet is the result of an optical illusion per its orbital relative speed from our point of view on Earth. *Pacific time used throughout
Previous 2022 Retrograde Periods
January 15 – February 3 (10°14′ Aquarius to 24°23′ Capricorn)
Pre-shadow period occurs Dec. 29, 2021 – Jan. 14, 202 Stations Retrograde on January 15 at 3:42 a.m.* (10°14′ Aquarius) Stations Direct on February 3 at 8:13 p.m. Post-shadow occurs from February 3 – 23
May 9 – June 3 (4°48′ Gemini to 26°05′ Taurus)
Pre-shadow period occurs April 25 – May 9 Mercury turns Retrograde onMay 9 at 4:48 a.m.* (4°48′ Gemini) Mercury Stations Direct on June 3 at 1:01 a.m. (26°05′ Taurus) Post-shadow occurs from June 3 – June 18
September 9 – October 2 (8°52′ Libra to 24°11′ Virgo)
Pre-shadow period occurs August 20 – September 9 Mercury turns Retrograde onSeptember 9 at 8:37 p.m.* (8°55′ Libra) Mercury Stations Direct on October 2 at 2:08 a.m. (24°11′ Virgo) Post-shadow occurs from October 2 – October 16
PARTIAL SOLAR — April 30, 2022 (Sat) 10°28′ Taurus – 1:28 a.m.
TOTAL LUNAR — May 15, 2022 (Sun) 25°17′ Scorpio – 9:14 p.m.
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PARTIAL SOLAR — Oct 25, 2022 (Tues) 2°00′ Scorpio – 3:49 a.m.
TOTAL LUNAR — Nov 8, 2022 (Tues) 16°00′ Taurus – 3:02 p.m.
Note: Above times are based on pacific time.
2022 has two Solar and two LunarEclipses. These four Eclipses, along with several other important astrological events throughout the year, are portending more of the same: change! 2022 is destined to be a time of great import, with major shifts occurring on both the individual as well as the collective level. Watch for upcoming 2022 Eclipse details in my newsletter.
A Solar Eclipse occurswhen the Moon travels between the Sun and the Earth and Lunar Eclipses occur when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon. Lunar Eclipses occur during a Full Moon about two weeks before or after a Solar Eclipse (New Moon).
Eclipses are potent celestial events because they imbue our psyches with the essence and spirit of “a great mystery.” Humankind has long been captivated by Eclipses and their cosmic potential of revelatory happenings. Eclipses provide us with an opportunity to uncover areas of our life that were previously hidden and need our attention.
During an Eclipse the Sun and the Moon align with the nodes of the Moon, which astrologers often characterize as “Points of Destiny,” and therefore correlating the nodes with both our individual and collective growth. Solar Eclipses, in particular, provide opportunities for transformation — the ending of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. At an Eclipse, you can initiate a profound period of regeneration by aligning with your destiny and embracing any necessary changes that arise.
The darkening that occurs during an Eclipse has symbolically and historically been linked to the unveiling of something deeply hidden, an ominous secret, or the potential revelation of a great mystery.
Because Eclipses can be harbingers of great transformation and change they often coincide with unexpected earth events, stock market fluctuations, and political upheavals. On a personal note, emotions can become intense if they’ve been denied or repressed. New and important experiences or people can suddenly come into your life, and simultaneously, others may be removed. In general, changes are prevalent during Eclipses, so try to remain flexible and try not to judge anything that occurs as good or bad.
The ancient sages felt that the days just before and after Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between Earth and the heavens is thinner during an Eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
Saturday, September 10, 2022 2:59 a.m. pacific time 17°41‘ Pisces
Some think it’s in the wine, and others think it’s in the divine, but pleasantness is what everyone is seeking. — Sadguru
A Harvest Full Moon is the annual Full Moon that occurs closest to the Fall Equinox and this year the Harvest Moon will brilliantly rise at its fullest on Friday & Saturday nights (September 9–10).
Astrologically, the light of a Full Moon illuminates the area of life symbolized by the zodiac sign in which it falls. This year’s Harvest Full Moon occurs in the mystical and otherworldly domain of Pisces. Associated with the cosmic, many of this sign (or those with Pisces planets in their charts) will often find themselves psychically transported to faraway realms.
Because this Harvest Full Moon is closely aligned with its ruling-planet Neptune (also in Pisces) it will imbue us with a greater dose of Piscean energy and a deeper awareness of the Pisces realms of compassion and caring, love, intuition, guilt, escapism (through any mode necessary), beauty, desires, suffering and sacrifice, healing or healing crises, adaptability, karmic completions, unity, oneness, and wholeness.
Importantly, and as mentioned above, this final sign of the zodiac represents the need to culminate any outmoded karmic patterns or addictive comforts that cease to serve our highest good. Endings can often feel difficult, but ultimately, even the most challenging will benefit us if they prevent crises and suffering. Therefore, this is an optimal lunation for intentions around letting go of the past and embracing the future.
Lastly, Mercury, the ruling-planet of the Virgo Sun (the light reflecting the Harvest Full Moon) turns retrograde during this Full Moon. Mercury is retrograding in the sign of Libra, denoting the exploration and re-visitation of relationship dynamics. To learn more about Mercury Retrograde in Libra please read my Fall Equinox and Mercury Retrograde articles.
On Friday and Saturday nights, go outdoors under the light of this powerful Harvest Full Moon and celebrate! Envision a future full of more love and more harmony for yourself, Mother Earth, and all sentient beings. Honor your bounty and enjoy the final gifts of summer as we enter the season of gratitude — fall.
Note: The above picture is from the sacred site of Chichen Itzá, Mexico.
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony. — Thomas Merton
The movement of the Sun into Libra occurs this year on Thursday, September 22, at 6:04 p.m. pacific time. Celebrated the world over, the Sun’s ingress into Libra marks the first day of Fall — the season of balance and gratitude. Astronomically, in the Northern Hemisphere, both the Fall Equinox (end of Summer) and the Spring Equinox (end of Winter) mark the only two days of the year that the Earth’s axis is not titled toward or away from the Sun.
Chichen Itzain Mexico became one of the Seven Wonders of the World in 2006. The below pyramid from this site was built in the 8th–12th century C.E. and signifies the sacred Mayan calendar. On the Spring and Fall Equinoxes, thousands of people from all over the world travel to watch the phenomena of the Sun illuminating a 120-foot snake creeping down the northern staircase for 45 minutes. The Mayans created this sacred dance between shadow and light as a symbolic representation of the serpent joining Earth with the Heavens and the Underworld.
Equinox: equal balance between night and day — dark and light
Astrologically, Libra marks the halfway point of the Sun’s journey through the Zodiac, which began at the Astrological New Year — the Sun’s movement into Aries (March 20). Just as the Fall Equinox is associated with balance (between day and night), so too is Libra. However, the sign of the scales denotes the importance of balance within our partnerships, most importantly, the art of remaining in balance with how much we give versus receive.
The Sun’s movement into Libra initiates a period of time to contemplate our ability to receive. Receiving is closely associated with gratitude and when we are in a whole-hearted state of gratitude, we are open to receiving all things associated with greater abundance — love, prosperity, joy, health, etc.
The 2022 Equinox chart embodies the astrological influences for the entire Fall season. This year, a retrograding Mercury (also in Libra) is joining the Sun, and both are in aspect with Jupiter. On an individual level, these signatures support honest and fair communications.
Retrograde Mercury’s close proximity to the Sun in Libra this season requires vigilant mindfulness in order to create balance, peace, and harmony in our relationships. Because Mercury is retrograde, we’re also likely to revisit past relationship dynamics. Jupiter’s presence adds an optimistic dose of gratitude as it highlights our desires to make choices that honor our individual autonomy, as well as the sovereignty of others.
4°03′ Virgo Saturday, August 27, 2022 1:16 a.m. pacific time
To a pure heart all hearts are pure. — Mahatma Gandhi
Every New Moon brings a special gift of energetic wisdom based on the zodiac sign in which it occurs. The holistic unification and purification of one’s body, mind, and spirit are Virgo’s most important offering.
Purity is a strong motivator for this devotional sign. Whether it be a fit physical body, a healthy clear mind, or the ideal image of divinity, Virgo naturally strives for the “purest” form of whatever it seeks. In the end, and true to the above quote by Gandhi, Virgo’s quest ultimately leads to the realization that we are all divine beings, and therefore, already pure and perfect.
Because Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury it appreciates analytical–critical thinking with the goal of arriving at the pure essence of the matter. Many of today’s scientistsand teachers are informing us that the function of our mind is to create unity between our thoughts and the reality that we wish to experience, whether it be perfect health or some other longing. This requires conscious, creative, and focused thinking. Hence, controlling our mentality seems worth the effort since physics has long-ago proven that concentrated energy gives life to matter.
Neglecting any one of Virgo’s holy trinity (body, mind, spirit) can lead to inner and/or external crises. If a crisis does occur and is interpreted as something happening to us, it can lead to confusion along with feelings of victimization, yet another key Virgo theme.
New Moons occur in the first phase of the 28-day lunation cycle, representing a symbolic time to plant seeds of intentions for new beginnings in our lives. This New Moon happens to be making an exact and challenging aspect to the planet Mars. As you may recall, Mars is associated with action and freedom. When either or both become thwarted, the result can be frustration, anger, and even rage. Therefore, take time during the peak days/hours of this New Moon (Sept. 27 & 28) to feel into where you need or would like more movement and freedom in your life. Set intentions for future growth that can sprout when the Sun’s light is once again reflected at the Full Moon.
Pay special attention to your nutritional requirements, thought processes, and spiritual needs. Be gentle, kind, and loving to yourself. Try not to belabor details, overanalyze, or become too critical, especially of yourself.
Thursday, August 11, 2022 6:36 pm pacific time 19°21′ Aquarius
The cure for all ills and wrongs, the sorrows and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word ‘love.’ It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. ― Lydia Maria Child
In the sign of Aquarius, this final Super Full Moon of 2022 (1) is emphasizing a conjunction with Saturn (also in Aquarius) and a stimulating aspect to the triple conjunction (2) that ushered in August. This celestial trio between the North Node (our destiny), Uranus (change), and Mars (initiation) is intended to shake things up personally and collectively! In doing so, it provides us the opportunity to reevaluate our priorities and ensure that we are staying the course of our soul’s intended destiny.
Aquarians are individualists — altruistic, eccentric, and freedom oriented. As an air sign, they are interested in ideas and thoughts (think “cosmic mind”) and are considered the brilliant innovators of the zodiac. Although Aquarius is an air sign, it was referred to by the early Greeks as The Water Bearer. This connection through the healing element of water symbolizes Aquarius’s cosmic ambrosia (amrita in Sanskrit), the drink of immortality and the divine substance that gives, nourishes, and restores life.
The Sun in Leo is also in aspect to the above mentioned “triple conjunction.” The Sun’s rays illuminate and inspire us to distinguish between the desires of our ego versus the desires of our heart (Leo). Among many qualities, Aquarius represents our hopes and wishes, and yearns for the manifestation of a better world. The sign of the courageous-regal lion, Leo, embodies leadership and passion — encouraging creative actualization in all its divine expressions. Both these signs are seeking higher forms of love.
Because this Super Full Moon is aligned with Saturn in Aquarius we are encouraged to seek Saturn’s highest expressions of ethics, integrity, morals, accountability, responsibility, justice, and the ongoing need to restructure and revitalize that which is obsolete.
This lunation is a powerful catalyst for transformative growth: Employ Saturn’s determination to focus your mind; Uranus’s unexpected twist and turns to transform your life; the North Node and Mars to keep you on task so you can experience the adventure of your soul’s journey.
Go outside under the Full Moon’s illuminating rays and celebrate your individuality! Honor your unique gifts and set intentions for new experiences that bring awakening to more love and revitalization in your life.
Aquarius Full Moon Key Words: hopes, wishes, dreams, brilliant ideas, surprising and inspiring new opportunities, futuristic revitalization, responsibility, right action, diligence, justice, leadership, co-creation, courage
Important Dates On August 17–18, the Moon will be moving through the sign of Taurus and joining the “triple conjunction.” Pay special attention to what is happening in your personal sphere and the world at large during these two days.
Notes 1. A Super Full Moon is described by Astronomers as a Perigee Moon — the point where its elliptical orbit is closest to the Earth’s surface, which causes the Moon to appear approximately 14% larger and 30% brighter than normal. 2. A triple conjunction between the North Node, Uranus, and Mars occurred at 18° Taurus on July 31 – August 2, 2022. They will remain within a 10° orb until Mars moves into Gemini on August 20.
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