by Linda Kaye | Nov 1, 2019 | Archived Classes and Workshops
6 – Class Series
Saturdays: November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
and December 14, 2019
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Learn the Fundamentals of Astrology with
Master Astrologer Linda Kaye
Hurry, only 2 spaces remain!
(registration details below)
Comprehensive Astrological Introduction to:
- What is Astrology?
- Archetypes and myths of the twelve zodiacal signs, their ruling planets and house associations.
- Elements, modalities, and planetary retrograde interpretations in the horoscope.
- Eclipses: the points of Destiny.
- Planetary aspects utilizing the 360 degree archetypal zodiac.
- We will use your personal chart, as well as those of famous people, during each of the six classes.
All classes are recorded!
Handouts and a MP3 file recording will be provided for each class.
Location: Holistic Light House
401-B Vernon St., Roseville, CA
Complete 6 – Class Series: $425.00
Purchase Now
Contact Linda
by Linda Kaye | Oct 22, 2016 | Archived Classes and Workshops
Embrace the many faces of
Venus & the Sacred Feminine
through the Asteroid Goddesses

Saturday, November 5, 2016
10am – 5PM
Healthy Snacks and Lunch Included
($99.00 if registered by Nov 1)
Discover the emerging feminine and the many faces of the Goddess through the exploration of:
– Juno: The Goddess of Right Relationship
– Vesta: The Goddess of Light & Spirituality
– Pallas Athena: The Goddess of Right Action
– Ceres: The Goddess of Nurturance
No prior knowledge of Astrology is required to participate.
- Use your personal horoscope to reveal the meaning of the Asteroid Goddesses in your life.
- Awaken your Inner Goddess and begin to live your life through the grace and authentic power of the feminine.
- Men are embraced and truly welcomed in this workshop as the feminine is awakening and seeking balance within each of us.
What does the political circus and the Asteroid Goddesses have in common? A renewed focus is being placed on women in our society and how they are treated within the patriarchy. The ancient Goddesses Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno, and Vesta show us how to reclaim power, recognition, justice, and equality in our individual and collective lives.
NOTE: In order to delve deeply into the Asteroid Goddesses for each
individual I will only be accepting 12 participants for this workshop.
Past Participants Comments:
“I learned so much in this workshop! Linda Kaye has done a fantastic job at compiling years of study and knowledge into a six hour gathering. I feel I have a better understanding of the divine feminine and how I portray her essence in my life.” ~Dori
“Linda Kaye brings magical astrological information down to earth in a way that makes sense for the evolution of my life path! I am thankful to have the opportunity to learn from her.” ~Jen
“This was a really thorough class and I really enjoyed it! The detail provided for me personally was amazing! The crystals, pomegranate seeds and other details were fun and ceremonial – I loved that!” ~Amber
“I really enjoyed this workshop! I appreciated you being so open and I just loved how attentive you were.” ~Miko
“I enjoyed this class a great deal! It really helped me to understand the role of the goddess in my personal life.” ~Lillian
“This workshop was really wonderful! So fascinating to me! Very understandable material that was explained well. Nothing went over my head!” ~Cynthia
“This class was really informative and fun! Thank you so much!” ~Erin
“Linda Kaye is fantastic! I loved her presentations; such a beautiful soul! Highly recommend an Astrology reading and/or class! My personal readings and learning experiences with Linda have been amazing!” ~Amy
by Linda Kaye | Apr 21, 2016 | Archived Classes and Workshops
6-Class Series
Wednesdays: May 4, (Friday 20th), 25, June 1, 8 and 15
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Comprehensive Astrological Introduction to:
- What is Astrology?
- Archetypes and myths of the twelve zodiacal signs, their ruling planets and house associations.
- Elements, modalities, and planetary retrograde interpretations in the horoscope.
- Eclipses: the points of Destiny.
- Planetary aspects utilizing the 360 degree archetypal zodiac.
All classes are recorded! Slides and MP3 file recording will be sent to students following each class.
Location: Holistic Light House
401-B Vernon St., Roseville, CA
Cost: $350.00
full payment is required by first class.
Purchase Now Contact Linda
by Linda Kaye | Feb 20, 2016 | Archived Classes and Workshops
DATE: Sunday, March 06, 2016
TIME: 2 to 5 pm
PLACE: Holistic Light House: 401-B Vernon St.
Roseville, CA
The above beautiful and inspiring Vision Board picture is
courtesy of Amy from our January Workshop!
A vision board is a powerful way to activate the energy of manifestation through the power of intention and visualization. By affixing your chosen images to a display that you look at frequently, you focus your attention on what matters to you most & make that your destination. In this motivating workshop you will:
- Set Clear intentions of what you want to manifest according to your highest good.
- Choose meaningful images that represent what you want to experience, achieve or become.
- Focus on “What” you want rather than worrying about the “How” to get there!
- Break through unconscious limiting beliefs and expand your horizons by giving life to your dreams!
COST: $25.00
Pay at the door or register in advance here:
Purchase Now
We will supply your board, glue, and many magazines for you to create with.
Please bring a pair of scissors and any other materials you
wish to create your Vision Board with.
by Linda Kaye | Feb 1, 2016 | Archived Classes and Workshops
Just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Friday, February 12 from 7-8 pm
Light Weavers Academy, 8421 Auburn Blvd. Suite 150, Citrus Heights, CA
Did you know that your partnership compatibility is not just about Sun-signs? Venus, Mars, Mercury – as well as the Moon and Jupiter are just as important as your Sun-sign in relationship compatibility.
Join Master Astrologer Linda Kaye as she explains why.
This will be a fun and engaging talk where Linda will speak about Relationship Astrology and how it can illuminate your partnership dynamics and enable you to love consciously.
by Linda Kaye | Dec 19, 2015 | Archived Classes and Workshops
An Astrological Look at 2016
and what it will mean
for you!
Date: January 7, 2016
Time: 7-8:30pm
Place: Holistic Light House
I will be explaining the meaning behind the following 2016 Astrological cycles:
Saturn in Sagittarius: How is this planetary cycle bringing awareness to your outmoded beliefs and individual structures?
Saturn-Neptune Square: Discover how this aspect is uncovering what needs to be acknowledged?
Jupiter in Virgo & Libra: Explore how this expansive planet is helping you to gain greater insight into your philosophical beliefs regarding overall healthy function and balanced partnerships.
Mercury Retrograde Periods: Find out how and when to be prepared for the Cosmic Trickster.
Uranus-Eris Conjuntion in Aires: Learn what this newly discovered “dwarf planet” named after the Greek Goddess of Discord is up to as she makes a powerful aspect with the planet of Awakening — Uranus!
Mars jouneys through the sign of Sagittarius where it retrogrades and joins Saturn: Mars wants to take action and Saturn likes the status-quo! How can you find balance between these two seemingly opposites?
The 2016 Eclipses & Your Destiny: What do they mean for you?
Cost: $20.00
Register in advance or pay at the door.