Friday, July 23, 2021
7:36 pm pacific time
1°26′ Aquarius

You may believe that you are responsible for what you do,
but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what
you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice.
What you do comes from what you think.  — Marianne Williamson


Aquarius is the celestial sign that bestows the universal cosmic waters onto humankind. Although Aquarius is an air sign, it was referred to by the early Greeks as The Water Bearer. This connection through the healing element of water symbolizes Aquarius’s cosmic ambrosia (amrita in Sanskrit), the drink of immortality and the divine substance that gives, nourishes, and restores life. Aquarians, in general, are altruistic, individualists, eccentric, and freedom oriented. As an air sign, they are interested in ideas and thoughts (think cosmic–mind) and are the brilliant innovators of the zodiac.

The reflection of the Aquarian Full Moon occurs through the Sun in Leo. The illuminating Leo–Aquarian beams-of-light will inspire you to distinguish between the desires of your ego versus the desires of your heart (Leo). Among many qualities, Aquarius represents our hopes and wishes, and yearns for the manifestation of a better world. The sign of the courageous-regal lion embodies leadership and passion. Leo encourages creative actualization in all its divine expression. Both are ultimately seeking higher forms of love.

This year and next, the Aquarian Full Moon will conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn is currently in aspect to Uranus — the ruling planet of Aquarius. Saturn’s highest expression symbolizes morals, responsibility, accountability, integrity, justice, and the ongoing need to restructure that which is obsolete. Uranus symbolizes liberation and the dismantling of obstacles that stand in the way of radical change. Combined, these two planets (Saturn and Uranus) are a powerful catalyst for transformative growth: Use Saturn’s determination to focus your mind and create Uranian change in your life.

Go outside under the Full Moon’s illuminating rays and celebrate your individuality! Set new intentions to aspire to recognize your unique gifts, new radical ways of thinking with your cosmic-mind, and to having new experiences that bring awakening and revitalization to your life.

Aquarius Full Moon Key Words: hopes, wishes, dreams, brilliant ideas, surprising and inspiring events, futuristic revitalization, responsibility, right action, diligence, justice, leadership, co-creation, courage

Related Article: Saturn in Aquarius (December 17, 2020 — March 8, 2021)

© 2021 by Linda Kaye


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