Sunday, Aug. 22, 2021
5:01 a.m. pacific time
29°36′ Aquarius
Please God, please — don’t let me be normal. — Sigourney Weaver
This month’s Full-Moon lunation is a rare “once in a Blue-Moon” event. It’s deemed a “Blue Moon” because last month’s Full Moon also occurred in the sign of Aquarius. In addition, this Full Moon is taking place at the energetically potent 29° — a degree that is super-charged with possibility. What’s more, the Moon is closely aligned with the planet Jupiter, also in Aquarius. Astrologically, Jupiter is associated with our belief systems and philosophies and it tends to increase and expand whatever it comes in contact with — think quantum leap! We’ll come back to this later.
During a Full Moon, the energized light of the Sun is reflected by the Moon back to Earth. You may recall from the July Full Moon article that a Full Moon in Aquarius is reflecting the rays of the Sun in Leo. However, this lunation (unlike the last), is also strongly influenced by the fixed-star Regulus (0° Virgo), of which the Sun (29° Leo) is making an almost exact conjunction. Therefore, this Full Blue Moon conjunct Jupiter will be reflecting the essence of both the Sun and Regulus.
Considered one of the great “royal” stars, Regulus is mythologically associated with a prosperous Persian king who lost everything because he partook in vengeance. Hence, Regulus signifies great potential for success, as long as compassion and forgiveness (the heart) are embraced over the need for revenge (the ego).
This is important because the Sun in Leo represents matters of the heart and Regulus in Virgo signifies healing and integration of our body, mind, and spirit. It’s emphasizing the continual theme of “more love, compassion, and forgiveness” in order to holistically heal, retrieve, and assimilate any fragmented parts of ourselves.
Individually and collectively, humanity has (for some time now) been called to take a quantum leap. We may be physical beings but we are most importantly spiritual beings and therefore, powerful at our core. Ancient cultures understood our spiritual power — a power that scientists have only recently discovered. This power resides at the center of the heart–brain connection, which is exemplified by the Leo–Aquarius axis. Simply put, the heart is capable of informing the brain to create our reality. However, we also need to use our ability to consciously create our thoughts so we will align with our heart’s infinite wisdom. This will allow us to tap into our higher-self and the cosmic-mind (matrix) to create renewed experiences of revitalization and regeneration in our lives and others’.
Following is a quote by Henry David Thoreau who aptly wrote of his personal experience with this concept:
I have learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of their dream, endeavoring to live the life they are imagining, one passes an invisible boundary. All sorts of things begin to occur that never otherwise would have occurred. One begins to meet with success, unexpected in common hour thinking. New more Universal, more liberal Laws begin to establish themselves around this person, or the old Laws are rearranged in one’s favor; nevertheless, one begins to live with a license of a higher order of being.
Are you tapping into your hearts desire and informing your brain by using the power of your thoughts to create? If yes, great! If not, take a quantum leap under the Aquarian Full Blue Moon to begin doing so. Contemplate your belief systems (Jupiter), question whether or not your beliefs are sabotaging you. Commit to honoring your heart with love-of-self (Leo) and love-of-others (Aquarius).
Remember, this lunation is occurring at 29° and is, therefore, compelling you to break free from the old ways of being and to embrace the new. Aquarians abhor being “normal” — so take a risk under this Aquarian Full Moon and do something out-of-character and unexpected that will support your quantum leap and have a lot of fun (Leo) doing so!
If no one ever took risks, Michelangelo would have
painted on the Sistine floor. — Neil Simon
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Radical Thinking & the Aquarius Full Moon
Saturn in Aquarius: December 17, 2020 — March 8, 2023
© 2021 by Linda Kaye
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