by Linda Kaye | Mar 15, 2022 | 2022, Current Astro News
27°40′ Virgo
Friday, March 18, 2022
12:18 a.m. pacific time
I’ve been sitting here for quite some time trying to think about
how to approach the subject of this war and how to talk about it.
There’s no way to make good news out of war — there just isn’t.
It is the age of the unthinkable. — Carolyn Myss
With each Full Moon we receive new opportunities for manifestation, reflection, and realization. Every Full Moon brings a special gift of energetic wisdom based on the zodiac sign that it occurs. Alignment with one’s body, mind, and spirit is Virgo’s most important offering.
The above quote by Carolyn Myss depicts our struggle with the ongoing global incoherence of our day-to-day realities. How do we discuss the unthinkable, that which only creates abhorrence and confusion within our bodies, minds, and spirits? As so many spiritual teachers remind us, and what resonates most to me, is that it’s up to each of us to overcome our inner and external fears and conflicts before our outer world can become peaceful. In other words, and in Virgo speak, we must heal our individual body, mind, and spirit so we can realize our true nature — love.
Peace doesn’t require two people; it requires only one. It has to be you.
The problem begins and ends there. — Byron Katie
Let’s explore other Virgoan archetypes for additional insight, such as, purity and devotion — two key significations that describe the seeker who strives for perfection. Additionally, Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is, as a result, related to the mind and analytical critical thinking (to get to the pure essence of the issue).
Many of today’s scientists and teachers are informing us that the function of our mind is to create coherence between our thoughts and the reality that we wish to experience, whether it be perfect health or some other longing. This requires conscious, creative, and focused thinking. Hence, controlling our mentality seems worth the effort since physics has long-ago proven that concentrated energy gives life to matter.
Once our mentality is aligned with love, peace, and gratitude we connect to our true essence and our bodies naturally respond. Sometimes, however, higher vibrations can result in a healing crisis (whether the focus is on a spiritual practice, the food we feed our bodies, or our thought processes) as the body and our soul attempts to liberate us from years and sometimes even lifetimes of negative thinking and behaviors.
Neglecting the purification and healing of the above three Virgo elements in our life can also precipitate an inner and/or external crises. If a crisis is interpreted as something happening to us, it can lead to confusion and feelings of victimization, another key Virgo theme. With all Virgo’s striving for purity and perfectionism it is easy to forget, that at our core we are divine beings, and therefore, already pure and perfect.
This Full Moon makes a benefic aspect to the planet Pluto. As you may recall, Pluto is associated with power dynamics and deep-transformative change. Simultaneously, this lunation is making a challenging aspect with the planet Neptune, which speaks to possible emotional dynamics around family, our vocation, and work-life-balance. Do you need to empower yourself and pursue a healthier career? Are you in need of transforming and deepening your devotional practice? Is there a healing opportunity that has recently come to your attention?
Take time during this Full Moon (March 16 –18) to feel into where you would like to transform your life. Reevaluate the areas needing your attention. Pay special attention to your nutritional requirements, thought processes, and spiritual needs. Try not to belabor details, overanalyze, or become too critical — be gentle, kind, and loving to yourself and others.
Virgo Key Words: Analyze, Discriminate, Perfect, Vocation, Guilt, Atonement, Purification, Alignment of body–mind–spirit, Innocence, Giving and Assisting, Humility, Mental Constructs, Spirituality. Body: intestines, nervous system, hands and feet
© 2022 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Mar 15, 2022 | 2022, Current Astro News, Uncategorized
Equinox: equal balance between night and day — dark and light
Sunday, March 20 — 8:34 a.m. PDT
No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for ‘we’ are the
only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and
balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. — Louise L. Hay
The movement of the Sun into Aries marks the beginning of the seasonal and Astrological New Year. Celebrated throughout the world, the changing of the seasons are magical astronomical events. The picture above captures an Equinox solar alignment in South Africa. The photographer, Dean Liprini, was led to this sacred site by his spirit guides, whereby he most appropriately gave it the name “Sacred Grailstone.”1
Amazing solar alignments like the one above are recorded at many ancient sacred sites throughout the world — sites such as Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Chaco Canyon in the United States, Stonehenge in England, Machu Picchu in Peru, and Chichen Itza in Mexico, to name just a few. Each are precisely aligned to celestial events.
How did our ancestors obtain the tools and skills for such precise astronomical accuracy? What were they honoring? Could they have been marking the return of light and the giver of life — the Sun? Rebirth and renewal? Balance and stability? Or was it something more?!
Astronomically, in the Northern Hemisphere both the Spring and the Fall Equinox mark the only two days that the Earth’s axis is not titled toward or away from the Sun, resulting in equal day and night all over the world.
Symbolically, equal dark of night and the light of day mark a period of balance. With the surreal events that continue to occur on our planet this Equinox is an opportune time to strive for greater inner stability and equilibrium.
Astrologically, Aries is the sign representing initiations into new frontiers. Therefore, this is also a wonderful time of year to set aside time and create intentions for the manifestation of brand-new beginnings.
Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac it carries a powerful force. As the Sun makes its grand entrance into Aries it crosses over the “Aries Zero Point” (0° Aries) where it becomes extremely potent. Aries is the courageous warrior archetype and conqueror. If out of balance, Aries can become ruthless, concerned only with its personal wants and desires, incapable of considering others’ needs. When balanced, Aries trusts and follows its instincts, garnering unlimited potential to become a strong leader and visionary.
Aries enjoys blazing new trails and is forever forging and initiating new beginnings. Therefore, setting intentions, which are followed up with sincere effort and action during Aries season can create real change in your life. Be careful what you wish for though, you just might get it!
Take steps that nurture your desired goals, expect them to sprout and grow during the next three months and blossom during the Summer Solstice so when the Fall Equinox occurs you will have a bountiful harvest! Then, during the winter months you can assess your results.
Happy Spring intention setting!
Astrology Trivia: Did you know that Easter occurs the first Sunday following the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox? The next Full Moon happens to occur on Friday, April 16, and therefore, Easter occurs on April 17.
1. Dean Liprini leads sacred-site tours in Africa and was gracious enough to allow me to present his photo in this article. I hope you like it as much as I do! You can learn more about Dean Liprini on Instagram and at: Sacred Tours South Africa | Dean Liprini
Copyright 2022 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Mar 1, 2022 | 2022, Current Astro News
Wednesday, March 2
9:34 a.m. pacific time
12°06′ Pisces
In the most basic of ways, the world [life] is formed from the inside out.
— Jane Roberts channeling Seth
This month’s New Moon is super-charged by the two planets Jupiter and Neptune. As you likely know, New Moons represent a time of new beginnings and rebirth. And as I’ll explain in more detail below, this New Moon in Pisces is also an auspicious time to connect to the unified field of pure consciousness — source energy.
It’s up to each of us to consciously align with
what we want to amplify in our lives.
Because this New Moon is in a rare alignment with the two gas giants that rule Pisces — Neptune (its modern ruler) and Jupiter (its ancient ruler) — it will amplify all things associated with this mystical sign. This is important because Jupiter and Neptune will not conjoin in the sign of Pisces again until the year 2189 — 164 years from now!1
Our ultimate longing as expressed through Pisces is to return to our divine nature that, for most of us, has been forgotten in our current third-dimensional reality. Additional Pisces significations are trust and faith, inspiration, hope, compassion and caring, love, sensitivity and intuition, the dreamtime, escapism (through any mode necessary), beauty, suffering and sacrifice, forgiveness, healing or healing crises, adaptability, karmic completions.
Most importantly, however, Pisces encourages us to reunite with source energy, which is analogous to the wave returning to the ocean — the quantum field. As the last water–sign of the zodiac, Pisces seeks to dissolve all the separating egoic desires that keep us from returning to source energy. Once earthly desires no longer satisfy us, we often experience disillusionment. When a loss of meaning does occur, its purpose is to help us awaken to the fact that the only desire that will bring true and long-lasting meaning (and liberation) is our connection to the divine (Pisces).
Putin’s power-mongering insanity has exasperated the seemingly endless chaos on our planet. This is where our supercharged lunation can provide support if we embrace the heightened Pisces influence through prayer, meditation, and healing by connecting with the unified field of divine consciousness.
A highly respected science, quantum physics tells us that individual and collective consciousness creates our life experiences. Most of us would agree that our individual state of consciousness definitely influences our day-to-day reality. The familiar quote by Mahatma Gandhi, you must be the change you wish to see in the world, states this pervasive truth as well.
If only it were that simple.
The inside job of being the change we wish to see in the world is our true spiritual practice. And that’s where Pisces comes in. Pisces represents the inner conscious realization that we are always and forever divine souls having a human experience — we are that which we seek outside ourselves — we are all that we need! Once we individually and collectively integrate this inner awareness and gain an all-permeating (Pisces) knowing that we are divine consciousness expressing itself through our humanness, our lives peacefully change.
This supercharged New Moon is an auspicious time to contemplate the following:
- What is separating me from the true nature of my divine self?
- What needs my awareness and commitment to healing?
- What desires does my soul wish to experience?
- What experiences are no longer providing meaning in my life and need to be culminated so I can align to my higher nature?
- How can I more fully integrate with the divine?
Once you’ve answered these questions, set intentions that will lead you into a closer relationship with your highest goals.
1. Jupiter and Neptune form an exact conjunction on April 12, 2022, at 23°59′ Pisces. Jupiter joins Neptune every 12–13 years and the next conjunction occurs on March 24, 2035, in Aries. However, the next conjunction in Pisces isn’t going to happen for another 164 years.
© 2022 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Feb 14, 2022 | 2022, Current Astro News
Three exact conjunctions: February 16 and March 5–6*
7° Capricorn – 0° Aquarius
The last conjunction between Venus and Mars occurred on July 13, 2021, in the sign of Leo, the next won’t occur until February 2024 in Aquarius.
Venus–Mars conjunctions are powerful events and this one is no exception as they meet up in the dynamic sign of mastership, Capricorn, while ushering in a Leo Full Moon!
These cosmic partnership planets are making a grand entrance over the Eastern Horizon as they dramatically rise just hours before the Sun. If the skies are clear where you live it will be a spectacular affair and one worth rising early for.
Let’s explore some of the Venus–Mars astrological and mythological qualities before delving into the meaning of this current conjunction cycle:
Astronomically, one cannot speak of Venus without paying homage to her luminosity as she would definitely win the planetary lightshow for her brilliance. When in her evening phase, she is the most visible planetary-star in our solar system and 25x brighter than the brightest fixed-star, Sirius.
Astrologically, Aphrodite’s planet of love (Venus) represents the need for balance between our love of self and our love of others. Additionally, Venus bestows harmony, physical beauty, the fine arts, social dynamics, and wealth. Essentially, her ultimate desire is to just be adored.
Venus’s role in our life is to inform us of what and who we like and dislike (what we are attracted to or repulsed by), how hard we are willing to work for what we want, our esthetic inclinations, etc. From Aphrodite’s perspective, life is all about attracting to herself (in abundance) all the loveliness that the world has to offer. She’s not so materialistic as she is desiring of being surrounded by beautiful things.
The red planet represents the warrior archetype who strives to protect with courage, bravery, and fearlessness. When at its best, Mars operates from a raw impulsive instinct that is loyal and protective. Because Mars thrives on adventure and action it also highlights ardent romance. Mars enjoys all conquests, especially those that include adventure in love, and consequently can be restless and often non-committal in matters of the heart.
Mars thrives while initiating brand new cycles of adventure and self-discovery but can become easily enraged when its freedom-loving nature and unfulfilled desires or passions are thwarted. Mars is fiery! Ever youthful and often immature, Mars can be irresponsible.
Venus & Mars Conjunct in Capricorn & Aquarius
As a cardinal sign, the Sea-Goat is motivated by achievement and will work hard for what it wants. Therefore, you will find an extra impetus during this period to master (Capricorn) and strive (Mars) for a worthy (Venus) partnership.
Once Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 5, we’ll embark on a new-founded focus for freedom and liberation within our relationships with a desire to express our uniqueness while allowing others the same.
Because both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by the planet Saturn, which is associated with time and contemplation, the potent relationship dynamics of this conjunction can unveil valuable insight into our ability to attract and maintain a desired partnership. Once revealed, we can release any internalized emotional and/or mental patterns that are no longer in alignment with our destiny.
The Planetary Lovers’ Mythological Relationship
As you may recall from my last post on their conjunction, Venus and Mars’s mythological relationship depicts a sacred and forbidden love. Venus was married, but also secretly in love with Mars, of who she has a romantic affair.
Venus’s feminine love has the ability to absorb Mars’s more assertive and vital masculinity. Hence, the mythological union between the feminine (Venus) and the masculine (Mars) is one of inner balance — one cannot exist without the other. Is there a safe place for your inner Mars to unite with your inner Venus?
Now that we’ve covered some basic qualities of Venus, Mars, and Capricorn, as well as the mythology involving the “cosmic lovers” we can better deduce the meaning of this current Venus–Mars conjunction:
- Venus is teaching us about our ideals concerning money, finances, personal values, peace, equality, fairness, social grace, balance in love and relationship (giving & receiving).
- Mars is asking us to understand our desires, sexual expression, aggressiveness, competitiveness, ego-driven status, self-interest, ability to assert ourselves and initiate new cycles of growth.
- How balanced are these planetary qualities within you?
Since all conjunctions are about initiating brand new cycles of development, we can ask ourselves if there is something in our life that needs to end so we can begin anew. If not, great! Focus on creatively actualizing more love of self and others. Set new goals of adventure, discovery, and most of all, fun! If you would like to begin a new partnership or wish to transform a current one, use this period to instill new motivation and heightened inspiration for your desired outcomes.
Venus–Mars Key Words: passion, desire, love, adventure, self-discovery, creative actualization, inspiration, motivation, playfulness–inner child, heart consciousness, self-love, feminine-masculine balance, romance
The Early Morning Sky: Astronomically, Venus and Mars will appear closely together from February 13 to March 9 on the Eastern Horizon. Mark your calendar for February 16 & March 5 as they make an exact conjunction on the Eastern Horizon during the early hours just before dawn. On February 26 & 27 the Crescent Moon will be joining them.
* Venus and Mars are conjunct by 5° orb in Capricorn and Aquarius beginning February 1 through March 29 until Venus picks up speed and begins to quickly separate from Mars.
Related Article: The Leo Full Moon & the Cosmic Lovers
© 2022 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Feb 14, 2022 | 2022, Current Astro News
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
8:56 a.m. pacific time
27°59′ Leo
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
― Lao Tzu
This Full Moon is sure to affect each of us since it occurs close to Valentine’s Day and within hours of the Venus–Mars conjunction. Astrologically, Venus and Mars are considered the consummate cosmic lovers and, it is these two planets that are closely analyzed by Astrologers for intimacy and love within partnerships. When these planets line up harmoniously, we find ourselves greatly attracted to another, with the likelihood of falling deeply in love.
This month’s Full Moon falls in the fiery sign of Leo and is ruled by the Sun — both are associated with matters of the heart. Leo is the sign of the proud and powerful lion — generous, gregarious, creative, and fun-loving. Most importantly, however, Leos thrive on romance and need to be appreciated and loved by others. Considered a loyal sign, Leos can stray if the flame of romance and love dim.
Occurring with the Venus–Mars conjunction, this Full Moon is sure to ignite a few relationship dynamics in each of our lives. Leo is asking us to explore the idea of romance and how we can create more of it, even if we are single. Because Mars and Venus are in the sign signifying security, maturity, and time — Capricorn — we may find ourselves longing for it all! We want Leo’s ceaseless desire for romance and the support of a responsible mate who is willing to commit to what it takes to be in a long-term mature relationship. Whether you wish to begin a new partnership or transform a current one, you’ll want to engage with the energies of this potent Full Moon.
Physically, Leo is the sign that rules the heart, and most lions are sensitive, with tender hearts that need personal nurturing. If ignored, their heart may seek their attention by developing a physical condition. When balanced and healthy, the lion is a strong confident leader, courageous, and regal.
During this month’s Full Moon, you can intend your goals by contemplating and integrating these powerful feminine and leonine qualities within your life. For example, you may wish to creatively actualize or cultivate stronger leadership skills, romance and partnerships, or the healing of heart wounds.
Related Article: The Cosmic Lovers Reunite
Copyright 2022 by Linda Kaye