The Buddha and the Scorpio Full Moon

The Buddha and the Scorpio Full Moon

Monday, April 26, 2021
8:32 p.m. pacific time
7°06′ Scorpio

The three realms of existence are as transient as autumn clouds.
The birth and death of beings go on like a dance show.
The lives of beings pass by like a flash of lightning in the sky,
Rushing down, like a cascading waterfall down a steep mountain. 
~ The Buddha

This month’s Full Moon is considered spiritually auspicious as people all over the world celebrate Buddha’s enlightenment. It was while the Moon was in her Full phase in Scorpio that Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree over 2,500 years ago and obtained Nirvana(1). The sign of the Scorpion encourages each of us to embrace the mysteries of death and rebirth and the overall impermanence of human life. Per Buddha’s journey, and his below quote — cycles of darkness will eventually awaken us to the wisdom of enlightenment:

Everything is changeable, everything appears and
 disappears; there is no blissful peace until one
  passes beyond the agony of impermanence.

The Moon moves into Scorpio on Monday (April 26) at 9:19 a.m. (PDT) and enters into its exact Full Moon phase that evening. Besides the earthly cycles of life and death, the Scorpio Full Moon highlights personal power dynamics, abandonment and betrayal, possessions, other people’s money, sexuality, secrets, taboos, passion, and the desire for deep internal transformation of one’s current state of reality.

As a water sign, Scorpio represents our emotional realm, and most specifically, our deep subconscious —  often referred to as the “underworld” by native shamans. This Full Moon lunation has the potential to suddenly illuminate hidden agendas and encourage long overdue transformation. If you desire change, you will want to embrace this powerful Full Moon to transmute your life.

Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Change is the natural byproduct of impermanence and can be invigorating and restorative. Change is always both positive and negative: even when restorative, it involves loss. Grief arises when we’ve loved and placed great valued in something or someone. Therefore, impermanence and loss provide an opportunity to recognize and appreciate how deeply we were able to love and to also honor our personal values.

In general, impermanence, loss, and change is one of the most difficult hardships we’ll endure. If we’ve lost someone close to us, for instance, we need time to grieve our loss and come to terms with the profound change in our lives. Impermanence can also occur with the loss of a job or the end of an important relationship. Grief is a natural process that can be overwhelming and complicated and we can find ourselves moving in and out of it for an undetermined period.  

Additionally, the Full Moon in Scorpio only occurs once a year when the Sun in Taurus reflects its solar energies back to us here on Earth. Taurus is the sign associated with inner security, values, and self-love — all important themes to consider during this lunation.

Lastly, if you’ve been stuck in a defeating karmic cycle, you will want to embrace the transformational energy of Scorpio. Spend time in meditation, ceremony, or ritual and intend to awaken a metamorphosis deep inside yourself. Contemplate the Buddha’s Nirvana, as well as your own predestined divine awakening.

Scorpio Full Moon Key Words: transformation, secrets, illumination, power dynamics, sexuality, possessions, compulsion, defensive, resistance to change, impermanence (death & rebirth)

  1. In Buddhism, Nivana is the transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the individual is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth.

© 2021 by Linda Kaye



Love & Power Under the Aires New Moon

Love & Power Under the Aires New Moon


Botticelli: Venus and Mars

Sunday, April 11, 2021
7:30 p.m. 
22°24′ Aries

“We love our lovin’… but not like we love our freedom.” ― Joni Mitchell

The Sun’s movement into Aries on March 20 (the Spring Equinox) marked the seasonal and Astrological New Year – and the official end of winter. Now that the Sun has crossed over the celestial equator and is headed towards the Northern Hemisphere our days will continue to be longer and warmer.

A New Moon is the beginning of a brand new lunar cycle, representing an optimal time of new beginnings and rebirth. Because this month’s New Moon occurs in Aries, it coincides with the Astrological New Year and therefore, two “new initiatory cycles” occurring simultaneously. This extra emphasis creates a cosmic opening for purposeful change.

Aries — the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars. Both are known for their independent, impulsive, and strategizing warrior nature. Both thrive when initiating brand new cycles of adventure and self-discovery and can become easily enraged when their freedom-loving nature and unfulfilled desires or passions are thwarted. Aries and Mars are associated with ardent romance and both very much enjoy the conquest but can become restless in love due to its ever need for adventure. Note the above beautiful artistic rendition by Botticelli of Mars with his lover Venus. 

Love & Power are the vital themes of this lunation due to its close square aspect with Venus and Pluto. Venus–Pluto squares always make me think of the movie Dangerous Beauty. If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s a definite must in order to help understand the intense relationship dynamics that these two planets can create. Along with the Aries New Moon, this planetary aspect has the potential to reveal any deep-seated need for transformation, especially in regards to partnerships of all kinds.

Aphrodite’s planet of love — Venus, represents the need for balance between our love of self and our love of others. Are we able to love ourselves enough to recognize that our needs and desires are just as important as others needs? Pluto — the God of the Underworld — represents themes of death and rebirth and can often signify deeply buried emotions. Are we able to let go of that which is know longer serving our highest wellbeing so we can be reborn? Another role of Pluto is to entice us towards experiences that involve intense power dynamics. These types of Plutonian lessons are meant to awaken us to the right use of power; how to best obtain and utilize our personal power so that we can ultimately interact with ourselves and others from a strong and empowered place of self-love.

Astrologically, the Moon signifies our feeling and emotional nature, which might be intensely awakened (Pluto) during this potent Aries New Moon. Therefore, pay close attention and seek to understand your feelings and emotions and any corresponding reactions that occur over the next few days. Once recognized, old and destructive patterns can be consciously transmuted into inspiration and the freedom to love with balance, harmony, and self-empowerment.

Aries New Moon key words: self & identity, achievement, leadership, courage, warrior, protective, instinctive, impulsive, headstrong, anger & rage, desire, independent, freedom oriented, brand-new cycle of development

© 2021 by Linda Kaye

Partnership & The Full Moon in Libra

Partnership & The Full Moon in Libra

Sunday, March 28, 11:48 p.m. PDT
8°18′ Libra

Let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds
of the heavens dance between you. 
— Kahil Gibran

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the partnership sign that represents love, peace, harmony, and the equalizing “scales of balance” — Libra. In Astrology, the Moon is considered a luminary, which means that it has the potential to light up the unconscious realms, both personally and collectively. As you may be aware, a Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun (in this case, Aries) on the zodiac ecliptic. This month’s Full Moon in Libra opposes the Sun,  the Centaur planet, Chiron — often referred to as the Wounded Healer — and Venus (Libra’s ruling planet). Due to these aspects, this is definitely a potent Full Moon and therefore, an opportune time to contemplate any relationship imbalances in our lives.

Because Libra is the zodiac sign striving for equality within all our relationships, the current Astrological significations are encouraging us to regain a state of peace and harmony in our personal and collective lives. Hence, you can use the light of this powerful Full Moon to focus upon and determine where you need more balance. For example, if you feel you are out of balance with either your intimate or professional partnerships, and possibly giving more than you are receiving, then you will want to spend time contemplating how you might resolve this imbalance.

The Libra archetype often realizes that it gives far more than it receives so it may be helpful to identify areas of your life where this dynamic of being unable to receive may be occurring. When Libra is involved, sometimes the greatest gift we can give another person is to know when not to give, thereby allowing that individual to independently determine their own needs — Aries. Once you can personally maintain this equilibrium of giving and receiving in your life, you will find that the imbalances automatically resolve themselves. Following, is a quote by singer and song-writer John Lennon that illustrates this beautifully:

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love.
When we are afraid, we pull back from life.
When we are in love, we open to all that life has to
offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.
We need to learn to love ourselves first,
in all our glory and our imperfections.
If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to
our ability to love others or our potential to create.
Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the
fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.

Lastly, Libra is the sign associated with the kidneys and blood sugar balances. Hence, this will be a great Full Moon to commit to consuming less sugar, foods high in carbohydrates, and alcohol. Look for healthy alternatives that support your overall well-being.

For night sky watchers: While the moon is bright, look high in the western sky after dusk for the twin stars of Gemini — Castor and Pollux.

RELATED ARTICLE: Chiron in Aries

© 2021 by Linda Kaye




Desires & the Mystical New Moon in Pisces

Desires & the Mystical New Moon in Pisces

March 13, 2021
2:21 a.m. pacific time

23°03′ Pisces

It is through the artistic and soulful expression of Piscean
energies that we can each experience the true essence of the
all-pervading consciousness that exists within everything.

New Moons represent a time of new beginnings and rebirth. They are excellent opportunities to set intentions for new life directions, or simply to start new projects. This is the best time of the month to plant positive thoughts in the subconscious mind with affirmations, auspicious chants, and visualizations. Inspiration, hope, and support flourish during the next couple of days for those seeking spiritual, emotional, or mental liberation of any kind.

Under this New Moon you can anticipate spiritual insight that is intended to feed your soul and not your ego. Pisces is the mystical sign that is associated with the eternal divine union that is each individual’s ultimate destiny. Generally speaking, Pisces is more comfortable in “cosmic” versus “linear” time. It prefers to exist (and often gets lost) in the here and now. This can be frustrating if we fail to understand the deep soul desires of this final sign of the zodiac.

As the last water sign, Pisces seeks to dissolve all separating desires in order to unite with divinity and experience unity consciousness — liberation! All desires emanating from the soul must be fulfilled in order for it to return to source energy. Once earthly desires no longer satisfy our soul it can be quite common to experience periods of disillusionment. When a loss of meaning does occur, its purpose is to help us awaken to the fact that the only desire that will bring true and long-lasting meaning is our connection to God/Goddess, the divine, source, etc.

Because the Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Venus are all traversing the sign of Pisces in the 3rd house of this New Moon horoscope you can expect communication and travel to become more active during these next few days and, possibly weeks. Pisces’s ruling planet (Neptune) is closely aligned with Venus, creating a special emphasis on relationships. Do you value your relationships? Are you taking good care of you, within the context of your relationships? Or, are you sacrificing your needs for the sake of others?

Pisces is one of the two zodiac signs associated with healing (Virgo is the other). Therefore, this New Moon may feel like a restorative balm. It can also help to illuminate any healing that may need to occur in the future so you can connect to your heart’s truest desires. Because Pisces (and Neptune) also represent the dreamtime, you’ll want to pay close attention to your dreams as any messages they provide over the upcoming days can provide important guidance.

Under this Pisces New Moon it will prove beneficial to take time out of your busy schedule to contemplate a few essential questions:

  • What is separating me from the truest expression of my divine self?
  • What desires does my soul wish to experience?
  • What needs my attention and commitment to healing?
  • What experiences (or relationships) are no longer providing meaning in my life and need to be culminated so I can align to my higher nature?

Remember, New Moon lunations are an optimal time to create intentions
that can lead to a closer alignment with your highest goals.

Pisces key words: dreams, mysticism, healing, fame, faith/ trust, guilt, universal “cosmic” time, desires, addictions, deception, ideals/idealism, disillusionment/loss of meaning

© 2021 by Linda Kaye



Rebirth and Resurrection: The Aries Spring Equinox

Rebirth and Resurrection: The Aries Spring Equinox

Equinox: equal balance between night and day — dark and light
Saturday, March 20  –  2:38 a.m. PDT

To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle. — Walt Whitman

The movement of the Sun into Aries marks the beginning of the seasonal and Astrological New Year. Celebrated throughout the world, the changing of the seasons are a magical astronomical event. The picture above depicts the annual Spring Equinox’s spectacular alignment at Angkor Wat, Cambodia. This amazing event is recorded at many ancient sacred sites throughout the world, sites such as Chaco Canyon in the United States, Stonehenge in England, Machu Picchu in Peru, and Chichen Itza in Mexico, and many more. Each are precisely aligned to celestial events. How did our ancestors obtain the tools and skills for such precise astronomical accuracy? What were they honoring? Could they have been marking the return of light and the giver of life — the Sun? Rebirth and resurrection? Or was it something more?!

Astronomically, in the Northern Hemisphere both the Spring (end of Winter) and the Fall Equinox (end of Summer) mark the only two days that the Earth’s axis is not titled toward or away from the Sun, resulting in equal day and night all over the world. Astrologically, Aries is the sign that represents initiations into new frontiers. This is a great time of year to set aside time to create intentions for the manifestation of brand new beginnings in your life. 

Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac it carries a powerful force. As the Sun makes its grand entrance into Aries it crosses over the “Aries Zero Point” (0° Aries) where it becomes extremely potent. Aries is the courageous warrior archetype and conqueror. If Aries trusts and follows its instincts, it can garner unlimited potential to become a strong leader. Aries enjoys blazing new trails and forever forging and initiating new beginnings. Therefore, setting intentions, which are followed up with sincere effort and action during this period can create real change in your life. Be careful what you wish for though, you just might get it!

Take steps that nurture your desired goals, expect them to sprout and grow during the next three months and blossom during the Summer Solstice. When the Fall Equinox occurs you will have a bountiful harvest and during the winter months you can assess your results.

Happy Spring intention setting!

Astrology Trivia: Did you know that Easter occurs the first Sunday following the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox? The next Full Moon happens to occur on Sunday, March 28, and therefore, Easter occurs on April 4.

Copyright 2021 by Linda Kaye


Saturn in Aquarius: A Time of Change

Saturn in Aquarius: A Time of Change

December 17, 2020 — March 8, 2023

Note: During 2020 Saturn moved into Aquarius for three+ months
(March 21 – July 1) before retrograding back into Capricorn until Dec. 16.

Saturn is often referred to as “The Lord of Karma” or “The Great Malefic” and even “The Task Master,” all of which can provoke feelings of pessimism and negativity. Rarely are Saturn’s countless hidden gifts emphasized upon first contemplating this great planet’s Astrological significations.

It is is the planet that represents structure, social-political systems and authority, as well as the awareness of time and karma. He is the harbinger of the blatant recognition that our long-standing way of life may no longer be serving us. With Saturn’s ingress into Aquarius, we will each find ourselves investing energy to restructure the area of our lives reflected by the zodiacal sign of Aquarius.

Comfortable in the sign of Aquarius — both the planet and sign essentially represent similar ideals and goals. As you read through the below examples of Saturn’s influence through Aquarius, think about how both — the balanced and / imbalanced expressions — may relate to you personally:

  • The hard-cold reality of the here and now; facing what needs to be done and taking action (or) / defiance, denial, and lack of action
  • Unexpected surprising events and insights that are meant to inform and inspire / feeling overwhelmed, fragmented, and unable to integrate — trauma and post traumatic stress (PTS)
  • Studying and acknowledging our past so we can make wise decisions that evolve us into a better future / ignorance (don’t know what we don’t know) — refusing or unable to learn from our history
  • Futuristic innovation that leads to revitalization / maintaining the status quo at our own peril
  • Responsibility and right action; justice and equality for all / recklessness and self-serving interest; intolerance and division
  • Methodical and virtuous diligence that seeks to uplift / ill-informed impulsive action that creates mayhem and confusion
  • Moral and ethical use of intelligence / seeking to manipulate knowledge (what’s the truth!?!) for self-seeking goals and power
  • Leadership that strives to elevate and unite the whole / guiding with extremist ideals that weaken and alienate
  • Receiving rewards equivalent to our effort, and so forth

These Saturn in Aquarius themes speak to our current times. It may all sound like Saturnian drudgery, but when we focus and commit to the positive qualities mentioned, the rewards can be astounding. Individually, an arduous Saturn period can be analogous to the development of the “diamond soul,” which was so aptly referred to in ancient Buddhist teachings and is the result of a life lived authentically and honorably!

Within the United States, Saturn’s movement into Aquarius (Dec. 17, 2020) coincided with social-political unrest, discontent, and polarization. Our spiritual teachers remind us that the ancient Yin-Yang symbol or hermetic axiom “as above, so below” are to help guide us on our evolutionary path — to remain alert to any polarity that pulls us out of balance. With the intent of returning to balance as quickly as possible. We are asked to remember that everything happening outside of us is but a reflection of that which resides within — both individually and collectively. How often are we consciously walking in balance, peace, and love?

During this Saturn in Aquarius period, we will find that our personal and collective ideals can unexpectedly change and evolve. Many of our external transformations will manifest through reform or scandals in our governing systems. We can expect the general populace to hold our leaders accountable for corrupt and intolerable behaviors of negligence, irresponsibility, sheer recklessness, and the like, as Saturn demands that each of us take responsibility and demonstrate integrity.

Also important, is that both Saturn and Jupiter move into the air sign of Aquarius within days of one another conjoining at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 — the Winter Solstice — marking what is being referred to as the 2020 “Christmas Star” and/or “A New Aira.”1 This spectacular planetary duo may also be emphasizing the actual dawning of the “Age of Aquarius.” The implications of this “New Aira” aspect have many significations, the least of which is a brand new 20-, 200-, and 800-year planetary cycle. Of which all point to new societal movements and changes.

A powerful planetary combination, these potent new cycles are emphasizing new beginnings in areas of life as mentioned in the above bulleted Saturnian themes, while simultaneously galvanizing these themes due to Jupiter’s expansive influence. Jupiter in Aquarius increases the individual and collective quests for social justice and law reform; futuristic revelations and inventions — including beneficial environmental constructs; interplanetary discoveries; freedom and liberation from oppression; transformed systems of knowledge and/or accessible education for all through web-based platforms; radical new communal living arrangements.

On a more personal level you will feel inspired to expand your understanding of governance, develop your vocational skills, and possibly seek a new career path. Responsible actions and hard work will be rewarded. Make the most of this period by setting your sights on a path with intentional and attainable goals. This is especially true for Aquarians because Saturn will transit directly over your Sun. If you are between the ages of 28–30 or 56–59 you are experiencing or about to experience your Saturn Return, a major maturation and turning point in your life.

Mindful awareness is required at the onset of a significant Saturn transit and we are encouraged to use integrity in all our dealings throughout its duration. The Saturnian journey often leads us into solemn periods of reflection where we may find ourselves feeling dejected or disillusioned. We may also feel thwarted in our efforts to move into the future we desire because Saturn rejects any attempt that is not in alignment with our highest purpose. Thus, we may also find relationships ending or being reorganized. Although we may experience resistance to such events, it behooves us to remember that Saturn is always acting in our best interest and only those people and things that are no longer beneficial to our lives will be eliminated. For this reason, Saturn can simultaneously promote new career heights, responsibilities, and leadership recognition. If we consciously embrace Saturn’s wise teachings we can emerge with unexpected treasures and celebrate a more dynamic and productive life.

Saturnian transits and aspects bring us to a crossroads and provide opportunities to hasten our evolution. They usher in a profound time period, which if embraced, can ultimately bring great wisdom and a deeper meaning of life. Awareness of self, including maturation, humility, and freedom— by releasing that which no longer serves you—are also characteristic of Saturn’s influence.

1. The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR):

Related Article:
The Saturn Return in Aquarius

Copyright 2021 by Linda Kaye

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