Illumination & the Scorpio Full Moon

Sunday, May 3, 2015 – 8:41 p.m. Pacific Time
13 degrees 22 minutes

The Moon moves into Scorpio on Saturday evening at 6:47 p.m. Pacific Time and becomes full on Sunday evening. Because this month’s Full Moon falls in the domain of the Scorpion it will highlight personal power dynamics, possessions, other people’s money, sexuality and deep internal transformations. As a water sign, Scorpio represents our emotional realm and most specifically, our deep subconscious—also known as the underworld by the native shamans.

This lunation cycle has the potential to suddenly illuminate hidden agendas and encourage long overdue transformation. If you desire change you will want to embrace this powerful Full Moon to transmute and transform your life.

Scorpio is feminine in nature and symbolizes the element of water. Its spiritual essence is symbolized by the divine shakti—energy and power—which is recognized as the many faces of the divine feminine. In the Hindu tradition the divine shakti is known as the divine mother, the universal creator, destroyer of evil and sustainer of all life. Her many faces are acknowledged as Kali, Durga, and the only female companion of Lord Shiva—Parvati. The divine union of Shiva and Parvati is symbolic of the powerful merger of equality between the sacred feminine and masculine.

Scorpio encourages us to embrace the mysteries of death and rebirth. Cycles of darkness that encourage us to go deep within will eventually awaken us to the wisdom and light of our true nature. If you find you are stuck in a defeating karmic cycle it may be that you have allowed yourself to become disempowered in that area of your life. Therefore, embrace this potent Full Moon as a powerful catalyst to transform self-defeating patterns and give birth to new and self-empowered aspects of YOU!

The Full Moon in Scorpio only occurs once a year during the Lunar cycle when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun and reflecting the solar energies of the zodiac sign Taurus. This is important because Saturn will be retrograding out of the sign of Sagittarius and will move back into Scorpio for a period of three months from June 15-September 18. Therefore, this Full Moon may offer a sneak preview of what is to unfold for your summer.

Scorpio Full Moon Key Words: Transformation, Secrets, Illumination, Power Dynamics, Sexuality, Possessions, Death & Rebirth

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Total Solar Eclipse & Spring Equinox

A Transition from the Old to the New
Friday, March 20, 2015 – 2:36 a.m. PDT
29 degrees and 27 minutes of Pisces

Visible in Norway and the Faroe Islands

This lunation is a rare Super Moon Total Solar Eclipse and occurs at 29 degrees of Pisces—the end of the zodiac—just hours before the Spring Equinox marks the Sun’s entry into the Aries zero point. Wow!

Eclipses are historically known as transformational and intense periods, both individually and collectively. This one is destined to be that and more, because the critical last degree of the zodiac is super-charged with potential. It is compelling each of us to break free from the old ways of being and to embrace the new.

As if the final degree of the zodiac wasn’t enough intensity, this Eclipse also occurs during the final Uranus-Pluto square which has been in affect since June 6, 2012. The Occupy Movement took off during this period and classified political documents were leaked to the media through whistle blowers like Wikileaks and Edward Snowden. Uranus rules revolutions as well as the Internet and during this time the secret group, Anonymous, became a revolutionary hacktivist force to be reckoned with. These are just a couple of examples. Watch for ever more revealing scandals in the midst of this final Uranus-Pluto square as more and more people are seeking social political change.

On the personal level, an Eclipse acts in a particularly potent manner that brings about change. Where there is inner uncertainty, an Eclipse will inspire you to seek clarity. Powerful psychic energies give birth to new information as the light of the luminaries darken during an Eclipse. Therefore, pay close attention to the revelations occurring in your personal life as they are sure to reveal important insights.

Within hours of this Eclipse the Sun makes its journey into Aries, marking the beginning of the seasonal and Astrological New Year where you are encouraged to embrace the magic and beauty of spring. Aries is the sign that represents initiations into brand new frontiers. This is an auspicious time to consider the action you need to take so you can manifest and create new endeavors. Intentions set during this period can create real changes in your life. Aries carries a powerful force so be careful what you wish for as you just might get it!

The ancient sages felt that Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods and do not consume alcohol. The veil between Earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence. The energies of an Eclipse can be felt a few days before and after its occurrence. Disruptions in the Earth’s magnetic field occur during Eclipses and can be felt globally regardless of its visibility.

Eclipses occur in pairs every six months with this being the first Eclipse of 2015, the second of this pair occurs on April 4—Easter weekend.

Join our Solar Eclipse Spring Equinox Ceremony

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Micro Full Moon in Virgo

Thursday, March 5, 2015 – 10:05 a.m
14 degrees and 15 minutes of Virgo

I chuckled when I realized that this month’s Full Moon in the sign of
Virgo is called a micro-moon as Virgo is known as the fastidious earthy
sign that can intently focus on and analyze the many small (micro) details of life.

Micro or apogee lunation means the moon is at its farthest point from
Earth in its orbit. It is important to note that history and the study of Astrology
have long-established that the distance of a planet from earth does not lesson its energetic qualities.

Full Moons occur when the Moon moves into an opposition to and reflects the light of the Sun—in this case, Pisces. When Virgo, and or Pisces, is emphasized in our horoscopes or in the heavens as they are under this Full Moon, we will want to pay special attention to our bodies, thoughts and spiritual life. As you embrace your personal integration of body, mind and spirit, you are contributing to the magnificent blossoming of the human species as it collectively awakens to its intricate connection to all life forms and the universal mind and spirit. Virgo is one of the Earth signs that holds a special affinity for all things related to our planet and her depiction honors the sacredness of Earth’s bounty as she lifts the wheat shaft in her hand. In the sign of Virgo, this micro-Full Moon will encourage you to become more organized and meticulous with the details of your life. Use Virgo’s talent for analytical thinking and discrimination to generate new ventures that align with your desires. These qualities are especially helpful if you want to enhance or change your daily work routine.

The purification and integration of body, mind and spirit is Virgo’s most important domain. Pay special attention to your nutritional requirements, thought processes and spiritual needs.If any one of these essential areas is out of balance in your life, now is the time to set goals for improvement.

Virgo Key Words: Analyze, Discriminate, Daily Work, Diet, Health (intestines, nervous system, hands and feet), Mental Constructs, Spirituality

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

New Year, New Moon, New Beginnings:

Aquarius New Moon
Tuesday, January 20th – 5:31 a.m. PT
0 degrees & 08 minutes
The sign of The Water Bearer and Freedom Seeker

Aquarius is the celestial sign that bestows the universal cosmic waters
onto humankind and our planet. Although Aquarius is an air sign, it is known
as “The Water Bearer” and this connection through the healing element of water symbolizes an ability to spread its cosmic gifts of giving and restoring life to humanity. Aquarius is also associated with futuristic thinking. Aquarians are humanitarian and philanthropic by nature with an intention to make the world a better place.

Aquarius is ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus and both are making harmonious aspects to this New Moon. Saturn is interested in maintaining the status quo, whereas Uranus wants unprecedented and sometimes radical change. Although these two are seemingly at odds with one another, they are the cosmic energies that ensure change, and therefore evolution. Their message reveals the need for embracing change, because if we resist, we may very likely find ourselves in the midst of a crisis.

“If you’re gonna make a change, you’re gonna have to
operate from a new belief that says life happens
not to me but for me.”   ~Tony Robbins

Mercury also turns retrograde in Aquarius on the 22nd of January – February 10th. This new Moon combined with Mercury Retrograde is providing an amazing opportunity to continue the evaluation of your own desires and need for change.

Lastly, when a New Moon occurs at 0 degrees of a zodiac sign it emphasizes a brand new beginning. In the sign of Aquarius this new beginning is associated with our hopes, wishes and dreams. Therefore, set goals under these auspicious influences that will support your individual and collective future.

Join Us:
New Moon Ceremony – January 20, 2015 – 7:00pm

Learn More About:
Uranus’ movement through Aries
Saturn’s movement through Sagittarius
Mercury Retrograde

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Full Wolf Moon

Sunday, Jan. 4th – 8:52 p.m. PST
14 degrees and 30 minutes of Cancer

The first Full Moon of the 2015 is known as the Wolf Moon by the Native people because the wolf packs howled hungrily outside their snow laden villages. Our brothers and sisters of the stars are known by the Native peoples as the Great Star Nation, and wolves are represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which many Astrologers and ancient cultures believe is the original home of our teachers from ancient times.Sirius was also known to be the home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa.

The Moon is a power ally for the Wolf as its senses are very keen. If you’ve been following my Astro-Grams you already know that the Moon is a symbol for psychic energy, and the unconscious that holds the secrets of all knowledge and wisdom.The Full Moon in January is an auspicious time to access this inner wisdom because it falls in the watery sign of the crab – Cancer. Cancer is the Astrological sign associated with our inner versus outer world. Therefore, this is a great time to set intentions for creating more balance between your inner and outer life.

When the Moon is in Cancer the Sun is in Capricorn. These two opposite signs are seeking balance between outer world responsibilities of social, political and career interest and inner world security of family, home and self. This Full Moon is highlighting the Uranus-Pluto square that has been in effect since 2012. With these amazing planetary energies we are encouraged to individually and collectively revolutionize outmoded ways of living that are no longer in harmony with natural law.

The Wolf Moon is an inspiring reminder for each of us to empower the sacred being within and to come forth and aid humanity in its spiritual awakening of union with the Great Mystery that is unfolding at this time in our history.

“Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.” ~ Carl Jung

Please click here to schedule your 2015 Astrological Session

Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye

Gemini Full Moon

Gemini Full Moon – 14 degrees and 17 minutes
Saturday, December 6 4:26 a.m. PT
Uranus Squares Pluto – November 26-December 27

Revolutionary Transformation and Liberation

Changing is not just changing the things outside of us. First of all we need the right view that transcends all notions including of being and non-being, creator and creature, mind and spirit. That kind of insight is crucial for transformation and healing. ~Thich Nhat Hanh.

December’s Full Moon occurs in the communicative and versatile sign of duality—Gemini. Gemini is the sign driven to discovery through curiosity. It enjoys gathering and dispersing information and is associated with our thought processes. If it takes in too much information, too quickly, it can experience mental fluctuations and unrest. It is flexible and ever youthful.

The study of Astrology and the planetary cycles offers an amazing opportunity to understand the evolutionary and spiritual purpose of each zodiac sign. This understanding provides a capacity to see beyond the veil and to release judgments, opinions and criticisms of others. When we truly understand that everyone around us is on a unique individual evolutionary journey and we focus on our own individual spiritual journey we become liberated.

A Full Moon always occurs when it opposes the path of the Sun on the zodiac ecliptic and this month’s Full Moon will also opposes Venus and Mercury—the ruling planet of Gemini—all in the fire sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the Astrological zodiac sign associated with the quest that takes us in search of our individual cosmic truth. Before we can see the truth of who we truly are we must eliminate any limiting Gemini thought patterns and outmoded Sagittarian belief systems.

This Full Moon is also occurring during the sixth of seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares that are destined to assist in the continuation of much needed change—individually, as well as collectively. During this time in our history, we are each being asked to awaken, rebel against, and transform anything that does not bring liberation to ourselves and all sentient beings. We are being asked to tear down outmoded structures and allow for a revolutionary transformation.This transformative process requires a hyper-vigilant awareness of our current unchallenged beliefs and thought patterns.

Therefore, this thought provoking Full Moon in Gemini with its emphasis on Sagittarius—truth versus belief—is an excellent time for each of us to contemplate the following:

– What are my individual beliefs at this moment in time?
– What stories and thoughts am I currently creating about my reality?
– Are these beliefs and thoughts reflecting my individual desires and
destiny—my truth?
– If not, what is needed for me to allow a revolutionary transformation in my own life?

Personal transformation can and does have a global effect. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one. ~Marianne Williamson

Related Astrological Articles
Uranus Squares Pluto
Saturn in Sagittarius

Click Here to Schedule your 2015 Astrological Consultation.

Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye

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